Kidd, Carter and Jefferson! They had some good years in the early 00s. Reminds me though how much shit Keith Van Horn used to take even though he wasn't nearly that horrible.
I loved watching Jayson Williams and Keith Van Horn, they complemented each other so well. Plus the stories JWill would tell were so hilarious, like the time Nets were beating Chicago.
"Final seconds of the game, we're winning by 1 over the Bulls but we didn't know we were 1 man short on the court. I'm on the sidelines pumped up and then David Benoit says something. Now he's from the South and you know all those brothers talk real slow, so he's like 'Jayy, thereeeee'sss onnlyyyyyy foooooooouuurrr peeeeeeeopllllleeeeeeeeee oouttttt thhhhheeerree'
I'm like ''What the Hell you talking about man? So he goes again 'Thhereeeeeeee onnnlyyyyyyyyyyy foooourrrr outtttt therrrrrreee broooooooooooothhhhhhhhaaa'. I'm trying to figure out what he said and suddenly Ronnie Brown inbounds the ball and Bulls dunk and get fouled to take the lead! I'm trying to figure out what the Hell is going on and then David Benoit is like 'Thhhattt's whhattt I was tryyin' to telllllll youuuuu brothhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa FOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUURR PEEOPLLLLLLEEEEEEE'"
I remember watching that game and I couldn't believe they lost in that manner. They played their asses off vs. the Jordan/Pippen Bulls and to lose in that manner.
Knicks-age overconfidence was beaten to a pulp last year and then diced up and snorted this year. They're just trying to learn to love again.
Poor sweet deluded fool. Talking in non-statements and dancing in metaphors will get you nowhere.
The Nets have always been ass. Like, what part of that you don't get? The Brooklyn Nets will never be as popular as The Knicks.
Why do you always show up to torpedo Knicks-GAF arguments? Seriously dude, we're not arguing popularity.