Yeah Im only mad because Im a homer.
I'm just entertained by your completely unexpected reaction.
Fuck the French
Go fuck yourself Batum, you piece of shit
Like most of the big names on Twitter are saying, if Batum did what he did in he NBA --> automatic ejection and 5 game suspension.
No idea where the fuck the refs' heads were.
Batum is a piece of shit.
@WojYahooNBA: I asked Batum why he hit Juan-Carlos Navarro in the groin. "I wanted to give him a good reason to flop," Batum said.
Fuck the Spanish, disgusting piece of shit team, full of cheaters abusing the pool system, a bunch of floppers, with Rudy the king of cheap shots. Want me to go dig up the way he killed Parker? Or the numerous times your shitty ass racist team acted in a disgraceful way?
Fuck the Spanish, disgusting piece of shit team, full of cheaters abusing the pool system, a bunch of floppers, with Rudy the king of cheap shots. Want me to go dig up the way he killed Parker? Or the numerous times your shitty ass racist team acted in a disgraceful way?
So we threw away a game that we were winning most of the time while playing our starters heavy minutes? Give Brazil credit.
Also, I guess you looked the other way when Pietrus spent the whole game flopping? It goes both ways.
Like most of the big names on Twitter are saying, if Batum did what he did in he NBA --> automatic ejection and 5 game suspension.
No idea where the fuck the refs' heads were.
Batum is a piece of shit.
lolTold Batum some won't think groin shot is in Olympic spirit. Batum: "Do you think if you lost a game on purpose, that's the Olympic spirit?"
Yeah, Batum went for the dick and he could not find anything.
Seriously fuck the Spanish, they've been king of flopping for more than a decade in Europe now, with Navarro and Fernandez. You call Florent Pietrus a flopper when he's a warrior, standing at 6'6 against 7'1 floppers. You didn't even watch the preparation games, you would have seen the most shameful display of antisportsmanship ever with Fernandez, who has a legacy of being the biggest asshole of Europe.
So what you are trying to tell me is that you are mad.
What I'm trying to tell you is that you're the racist kettle calling the pot black. Fucking hell, a Spanish complaining about sportsmanship? The irony. Floppers galore!
@WojYahooNBA said:Told Batum some won't think groin shot is in Olympic spirit. Batum: "Do you think if you lost a game on purpose, that's the Olympic spirit?"
@WojYahooNBA said:Batum said he believes that Spain tanked final preliminary game against Brazil to face France in quarterfinals.
.@WojYahooNBA said:Finally, I asked Batum if he felt like his punch ultimately gave Navarro a 'good reason' to flop. "I hope so," Batum said.
I asked Batum if he felt like his punch ultimately gave Navarro a 'good reason' to flop. "I hope so," Batum said.
"I wanted to give him a good reason to flop,"
It was a punk move. So what if Spain lost for favorable match ups, whats that got to do with you punching someone in the nuts? Are you really that mad that they potentially took your bronze medal away? ead.
It was a punk move. So what if Spain lost for favorable match ups, whats that got to do with you punching someone in the nuts? Are you really that mad that they potentially took your bronze medal away? ead.
Read the quotes back-to-back. It was in response to the "Olympic spirit" shit.
Read the quotes back-to-back. It was in response to the "Olympic spirit" shit.
Need a .gif of the nut punch!
Tanking in the olympics is a chump move, but he has no reason to put hands on someone. Olympics, NBA, local park or otherwise.
He was just going for the ball........................s.http://twitpic.com/ah00y2
What is even funnier is that France did the same thing to avoid Spain a year ago.
Need a .gif of the nut punch!
Punching a guy in the nuts being defended :lol
The appropriate reaction to annoying tendencies is violent cheapshots obviously.
In other news:
kill yo self
Kevin Love agrees.
So whats worst stepping on the face or punching the balls?