Whats the next game NBAGAF is gonna flock to?
Everyone get Sleeping Dogs.
I won a free copy.
Whats the next game NBAGAF is gonna flock to?
Dwight resigns with LA after the season and I pick an avatar for you to wear for the following season .
Dwight doesn't resign with LA, you pick an avatar for me to wear for the entire following season.
lol that means nothing. In EVERY single game I've played with you, I've scored higher and had a better K/D ratio
You play this game 100X more than me. if I did my stats would be inflated like yours too
I haven't spent a single second in the recon class
I don't play the game like most other people. I'm usually a medic or an engineer and I generally give less fucks about dying
Worth it for the TF2 weaponsEveryone get Sleeping Dogs.
I won a free copy.
i have a better k/d ratio
higher skills score
better weapons accuracy
longer headshot
bigger killstreak
and the biggest score of all.
i've gone farther than you in any of the nba 2k leagues.
and you play 2k more than i, and im pretty sure i'd still kick your sorry assyou also play this game every fucking day
Worth it for the TF2 weapons
For many years you were a thorn in LA's side, but you're already a legend here after accepting a Keystone from the "LA Beer Guys" on a freeway. What was going through your head as that was happening?
NASH: It was great - just a carload of appreciative fans who managed to safely execute a timely table service. It should be noted that I was not driving, the can was handed to me by a passenger in the other car and we had all safely slowed down. And no animals were injured in the making of this movie. It was cool that it was so spontaneous.
Did you drink the beer?
NASH: No comment.
and you play 2k more than i, and im pretty sure i'd still kick your sorry ass
i have a better k/d ratio
higher skills score
better weapons accuracy
longer headshot
bigger killstreak
and the biggest score of all.
i've gone farther than you in any of the nba 2k leagues.
except that "pretty sure" is about as legit as your brain after you've taken vicodin and ambien
you shutup ho.
and you play 2k more than i, and im pretty sure i'd still kick your sorry ass
You also only play one map and your team loses every game you play because you just camp the whole time
You're the Kevin Martin of Battlefield 3
pc brah. pretty sure we're friends on battlelogWhat system do you play it on nowadays? I played it to death a while back, but maybe I should get back into it. Loved the game, just stopped when TOR came out.
kevin martin was the best player on the rockettes at one point.
come at me
pc brah. pretty sure we're friends on battlelog
Did you see the latest Armored Kill screens, more places for your unhelpful ass to camp
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Whats the next game NBAGAF is gonna flock to?
pc brah. pretty sure we're friends on battlelog
so wait, all viakado does is camp and he can't get a KD ratio over 1?
whoa whoa.
Were you the one who liked to stand toe-to-toe with armored vehicles and try to shoot them with your rifle?
Were you the one who liked to stand toe-to-toe with armored vehicles and try to shoot them with your rifle?
I'm gonna miss my boring op soldier.borderlands 2
borderlands 2
Kevin Love:
"It's like the club all over again."
Look at all that space for you to get killed in as your team loses
borderlands 2
Guys what is going on in here?
Not sure if want.
I was about 75% through the first one then it bombarded my quest log with every mission including ones I finished, totally fucked me.
Borderlands 1 was great, and 2 should be a lot better if they fix the dumb crap that was wrong with the first, esp the PC version.
My man.
Get it on 360 brah.
SUMPREME's gif is pretty much a visual representation.
Knux from the 5 minutes you watched Moe Harkless whom would you say he most resembles
cloving = kevin love
cloving = kevin love
holy shit lol
cloving = kevin love
Knux from the 5 minutes you watched Moe Harkless whom would you say he most resembles
Clovis is KLove with less rhythm and more couch riding experience than Jeremy Lin.
I feel like an abused housewife whose husband and children don't appreciate the work that she does.
They did and the PC version is actually a PC version. They even wrote us a love letter.
Kevin Love:
"It's like the club all over again."
You're not being nice either.
I feel like an abused housewife whose husband and children don't appreciate the work that she does.
I haven't spent a single second in the recon class