Sorry bro but I would rather be out there helping my teammates in the battlefield
basketball raven is just selfish and goes after his own stats. He also hogs vehicles and proceeds to kill everybody in them 10 seconds later
What site did you get those stats on? I'll show you mine and how a real recon does it |:
sorry bro real recon uses a mouse
and real people dont shop at costco for pants
real white people do
i have nothing to say
"really white people" would have been better grammar
I'm just so confused.
thank you. a man that understands the value of a good recon.A good recon guy is necessary for a squad in BF. Unfortunately most scrubs aren't placing respawn points or planting motion sensors but just missing shots without spotting and then getting rushed.
Can't say I'm a big fan of BF anyway. Attack/Defend has always been broken to me. Not a fan of running into well defended areas where the enemies ONLY expected to defend. Throw in bs where defenders can have teammates spawn on them, medic revives, motion, meh.
"Really" means very. The suffix was omitted originally because it's dialectical and he's just that white.. Thus, only very white people are obligated to purchase pants at costco. Those of moderate whiteness are free to shop elsewhere and costco makes a killing in the state of utah. Everybody wins except the people buying costco-pants.
borderlands 2
I support this, seeing as how me and DY are the only repping ME3 MP, which better than a bunch of others.
You know, in general, it'd be helpful to know who has what (or is planning to buy).
PS3/PC here, may buy a 360 for Halo 4.
There's a Steam group for those of us on PC.
I support this, seeing as how me and DY are the only repping ME3 MP, which better than a bunch of others.
i fee like there is a misconception about what Costco pants are, and it saddens me.
it's like Costco wine.. just cause it's at Costco doesn't mean its not high quality yo
thank you. a man that understands the value of a good recon.
if you can place your beacon at a hidden or a place thats hard to get to, then you're doing your job for your team.
When I think of costco pants i picture pleated jeans.
I picture fat really white middle aged moms.
My bad, my bad.
We actually beat the challenge over the weekend.
i thought you were just talking about squad goal
holy shit at us getting the allied goal. sunday morning everything was less than 36% going by their tweet.
dying @ jenkins
Youve seen a glimpse of NBA 2K13, but you havent seen anything yet! Prepare yourselves for a HUGE announcement tomorrow, 8/15 at 11AM ET (8AM PT). Like and comment: What do YOU think we are announcing tomorrow?
Removing Lakers and Heat from online play hopefully.
Removing Lakers and Heat from online play hopefully.
I'm sure it can only be something that nobody even asked for or cares about.
It will only take 1 patch to get the game to function this time.
Return of Cribs mode
i just wish they would make it so that created players don't all look the same
Coach mode similar to what Madden tried a few years back would be cool
You could live out your fantasies.
"Hey rook, if you so much as look at the bench I'll hit you with this!"