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2012 NBA Offseason |OT2| Lakers Fans Despise Freedom.

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The Knicks are clearly gonna be better this season I don't see how you can deny that. Bibby and Davis were their pg's for most of the season, the Knicks offense was a complete cluster fuck for the first part of the season because of that. Stat also started the season hurt and Melo was either hurt or trying to get his coach fired for most of the season. If we get what we got from the Knicks in april/may and add Felton, Kidd, Camby and Brewer to that they'll have a pretty good shot at home court in the first round. They still have no shot of getting past the 2nd round for the next 5 years though...

Nori Chan



He's probably selling cheeseburgers
The Knicks are clearly gonna be better this season I don't see how you can deny that. Bibby and Davis were their pg's for most of the season, the Knicks offense was a complete cluster fuck for the first part of the season because of that. Stat also started the season hurt and Melo was either hurt or trying to get his coach fired for most of the season. If we get what we got from the Knicks in april/may and add Felton, Kidd, Camby and Brewer to that they'll have a pretty good shot at home court in the first round. They still have no shot of getting past the 2nd round for the next 5 years though...

You avatar bet anyone yet? How about that Knicks record v. Nets record?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air

Thats a nice way to gloss over a lot of harder truths about the knicks.

Why repeat what had been said already? I didn't deny those truths I'm just adding the fact that everyone here wants to ignore. D'antoni sucked overall when it came to defense and his greatest strength was utilizing PG's which the knicks didn't have for the majority of the season.


The Knicks are clearly gonna be better this season I don't see how you can deny that. Bibby and Davis were their pg's for most of the season, the Knicks offense was a complete cluster fuck for the first part of the season because of that. Stat also started the season hurt and Melo was either hurt or trying to get his coach fired for most of the season. If we get what we got from the Knicks in april/may and add Felton, Kidd, Camby and Brewer to that they'll have a pretty good shot at home court in the first round. They still have no shot of getting past the 2nd round for the next 5 years though...

There's also the part where melo and stat weren't getting along at all.

Woodson still hadn't figured out how to use both melo AND stat while they're on the floor at the same time.

And ignores the earlier posts about kidd, camby and felton. None of which is addressed there.

The knicks COULD be better, but really, they have to prove it for anyone to believe it. I'm not convinced in the slightest they'll be a top 4 seed.

The could though.


Why repeat what had been said already? I didn't deny those truths I'm just adding the fact that everyone here wants to ignore. D'antoni sucked overall when it came to defense and his greatest strength was utilizing PG's which the knicks didn't have for the majority of the season.

Because thats not D'antoni's only strength, which is why its called glossing over. And they had Lin the whole time.

Naw, they got a lot of work to do.

And i want them to be good. I'm a melo fan, and an Amare fan.


Lol I don't think knicks age has ever lost an avatar bet. You really putting your faith in Joe Johnson? Your funeral... What are the terms of this bet?

you mean the guy that has had a better record than the Knicks in like every year he has been in the league?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Kidd looked Done last year. Camby looked done last year. Brewer is still a really limited 1 dimension player. Good as a bench player though.

Knicks got better when Melo went on a hot streak.

There were so many issues with that team on the court and off the court, that you really won't know what to make of them until they've played 20 games.

Nets also lost Lopez all of last year, they'll have him back. They will even have another NBA Starter (JJ). So that means they've massively upgraded both the 5 and the 2.

I'm no JJ fan, and Lopez has a lot to prove too.

Were they the ones that picked up AK47?

So again, you won't really know what to make of that team until they've played 20 games. Maybe even the ASG.

I've gone over this before too earlier in this thread (or the last one maybe)

if you add in the salaries of these players compared to:

1) the players the knicks traded away,

2) players who average the same stats

Camby, Kidd, Felton, and Brewer were all good moves. The older two players camby and kidd are backups. Camby still had juice in the tank and the rumor is the knicks are already looking at another PG just in case.

Also Felton had a bad year no denying that but he did play well in NY so there is a logic to getting him and his contract is small too.

The only thing massive about JJ and Lopez are their bloated contracts.

Because thats not D'antoni's only strength, which is why its called glossing over. And they had Lin the whole time.

Naw, they got a lot of work to do.

And i want them to be good. I'm a melo fan, and an Amare fan.

no they didn't. Lin's tenure as a starter wasn't even half of a shortened season.
Lol I don't think knicks age has ever lost an avatar bet. You really putting your faith in Joe Johnson? Your funeral... What are the terms of this bet?


Knicks overall 82 game record Vs. Nets overall 82 game record.

If Knicks have a better record by the end of the season I will sport an avatar of your choosing with "XX > XX" imposed over it displaying their records. I'll let you choose whatever if that isn't to your liking.

If Nets have a better overall record, you will be sporting a Nets avatar with "XX >XX" imposed over it.

Loser wears it for the entire playoffs. I already have Zues Molecules on the hook for the offseason. If the playoffs aren't lengthy enough for you, then we can do the first 3 months of the following regular season.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air

Knicks overall 82 game record Vs. Nets overall 82 game record.

If Knicks have a better record by the end of the season I will sport an avatar of your choosing with "XX > XX" imposed over it displaying their records. I'll let you choose whatever if that isn't to your liking.

If Nets have a better overall record, you will be sporting a Nets avatar with "XX >XX" imposed over it.

Loser wears it for the entire playoffs. I already have Zues Molecules on the hook for the offseason. If the playoffs aren't lengthy enough for you, then we can do the first 3 months of the following regular season.

ahh crap what did i agree too. I am not backing out i just don't remember. it was until the FA right
Remember Knicksage, Brook Lopez only played 5 games last year none of which with Crash, Wallace was only there for the last 16, at that point everyone was in "can'tgiveashit" mode. No JJ at all.

I expected to win this bet soundly.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Clint has the offseason, Masud gets to pick between the playoffs or the first 3 months of next year's season. You can get whichever one he doesn't choose if you're still interested then.

3 months is a long time ... especially if I have to stare into JJ's dead, souless eyes everytime i log on here.... But ok I will take the bet but lets do it on the regular season.
Remember Knicksage, Brook Lopez only played 5 games last year none of which with Crash, Wallace was only there for the last 16, at that point everyone was in "can'tgiveashit" mode. No JJ at all.

I expected to win this bet soundly.
hah you are trying to convince yourself that you will win. what defense do they have? felton and amare pnr like before.melo at the wing.

Mikhail Prokhorov is spicing up the blossoming Knicks-Nets rivalry.

The Brooklyn Nets owner described New York Knicks owner James Dolan as "that little man" to a New York Magazine writer in a recently published story. The absentee Russian billionaire is reported to be 6-foot-8, while the reclusive Dolan is not nearly as tall as his counterpart.

"Prokhorov told me back in December that he plans on attending a quarter of the regular-season games and 'all the playoff ones.' He also made sure that I heard him call Dolan 'that little man,'" writes the article's author, Will Leitch.

"The Nets frequently note that a minimum of 2,000 seats a game will cost $15 or less, at least for the first season (in the Barclays Center). Still, it's clear that the Nets did not move to Brooklyn to be Pepsi to Jim Dolan's Coke: They want to be Veuve Clicquot."

lol this guy rules

J2 Cool

Pretty spot on article.

Chicago Bulls Owner Jerry Reinsdorf Should Sell the Team

The landscape of the NBA has changed with Dwight Howard landing in LA with the Lakers and the Philadelphia 76ers getting the consolation prize in Andrew Bynum. The Chicago Bulls ended up with Kirk Hinrich. Can somebody tell me what's wrong with this picture?

Going into last season, the Bulls were thought to be championship contenders by most observers. Now those same observers are saying they're at least two years away.

How did that happen? Let's start at the top.

Jerry Reinsdorf bought the team in 1985, the year after Michael Jordan landed in Chicago. If ever a fortuitous opportunity fell into someone's lap—that was it.

You could also say he was a smart businessman—which he is. Reinsdorf turned a $16 million investment into a brand known worldwide and today worth an estimated $600 million according to a K.C. Johnson article earlier this year in the Chicago Tribune quoting Forbes magazine.

Perhaps those same "smarts" are also why he makes for a bad owner if you are a fan of the team.

The Bulls became a phenomenon under Jordan. They regularly sold out the old Chicago Stadium, and because of him—their current facility—the United Center, became the "House That Jordan Built."

After six titles in eight years, Reinsdorf, along with then GM Jerry Krause, decided to break up the juggernaut and rebuild. That move cut costs to the extreme, along with maxing out profits for Reinsdorf and the other shareholders.

While the team was now of expansion quality, the "Rock Show" prices of the Jordan era continued.

The most surprising development occurring from that were the fans still flocking to the arena—year-after-year—despite the teams' dramatic decline.

Don't you think Reinsdorf noticed that?

Just as Chicago Cubs ownership has known since the 80's—you don't have to put a winning team on the field to draw crowds.

Why spend the money if you're already selling out anyway: Just bank the profits and fill your pockets.

Reinsdorf has learned that lesson well.

So while other teams like the Lakers don't even consider the salary cap when making moves, the Bulls always err on the side of smart business.

The Howard move put the Lakers at a payroll of $99 million for the upcoming season, but according to general manager Mitch Kupchak in an article in the Chicago Tribune co-written by Broderick Turner and Mike Bresnahan, money is not the most important consideration for them.

"When it comes down to it, Dr. (Jerry) Buss is a competitor. And when it comes down to a decision about making a couple of dollars or a million dollars or $10 million or putting another banner up, he can't help himself. He chooses to go for the banner."

Can you say the same thing about Reinsdorf? This is the owner, who after under paying Jordan for so many years when he could have ripped up his contract and given him a new one like the Lakers did for Magic Johnson and the Boston Celtics did for Larry Bird, said that one day he would "regret" signing that contract after finally paying him what he was worth.

That's for the player who made him an untold fortune. You can see where his mindset is and that's his pocketbook.

Fast forward to the present. The current luxury tax level for this year is $70,307.000. You pay $1 for every $1 you are over that amount according to ESPN.

Reinsdorf has never paid the tax. This will be the first year they go over assuming they don't make any cost-cutting moves by the trade deadline, but we're talking pennies compared to a team like the Lakers.

The Bulls remodeled the "bench mob" while doing little else to help the team moving forward. If the previous "mob" couldn't help the Bulls win a title, do you think the current version will?

You win with stars in this league other than a few abnormalities every 10 years or so.

You can say it makes no sense with Derrick Rose out for most of the season to spend the money, but you can also ask why the team didn't try for an "out of the box" move in the previous seasons, even if they had to go into that dreaded luxury tax area.

They lucked into Rose because the ping pong balls bounced their way. What would this team look like if that hadn't happened?

Bulls ownership is conservative and that flows down to management. When have John Paxson or Gar Forman taken a chance to really change the culture of this team? Other than Ben Wallace, and we all know how that turned out—never.

You can question if Reinsdorf even cares about the Bulls. His love for basketball came from watching the Red Holzman-era New York Knicks teams with Walt Frazier, Willis Reed, Bill Bradley and Dave DeBusschere.

But that doesn't compare to baseball, which is more of a religion to him.

He bought the Chicago White Sox before the Bulls in 1981, and they are his true love. In a quote from an article by Peter Gammons on ESPN.com before the Sox won the World Series in 2005, he said, "He would trade all his Bulls championship rings for one World Series ring."

Is he treating the Bulls like a red-headed step child compared to his beloved White Sox?

White Sox general manager Kenny Williams constantly comes to Reinsdorf asking him to stretch the budget without being turned down. Williams has that burning desire to win, and maybe Reinsdorf does too.

Just not for the Bulls.

Don't Bulls fans deserve better?

Despite being one of the biggest basketball markets, the Bulls have never shown to be a real player in trades, signings, payroll, etc. Ever. Teams like the Lakers, Celtics, Heat, Mavericks have shown all the urgency over the last decade. The Knicks at least seem upset about their predicament. The Bulls just seem content.

It's weird that a team that gets to the edge of serious contention (2008-2009, 2011-2012), just drops back off without ever making that final push. Leaving its fans always hoping for good health, and the stars to perfectly align, instead of making them.


For completion's sake...


I couldn't care less about the nets outside of nights the knicks play them. The teams in the East after Miami and maybe Boston are so evenly matched that a 4th seed for the knicks isn't out the realm of possibilities, but so is struggling for the 7th or 8th seed.
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