If Parsons gets a lot of time at the 4 he's going to have a TS% of like 70.
Nobody cares about ParsonzZz.
If Parsons gets a lot of time at the 4 he's going to have a TS% of like 70.
Root for Brooklyn. It's basically a new team, they just got here last year. You can say you were pretty much there from the start.So I'm looking for a team to root for. Someone recommend me one. I don't have a local team so taking all suggestions. I suppose I could jump on the Heat bandwagon.
That's a good question. Tweet it to @statcenter and see if they can come up with something.
Root for Brooklyn. It's basically a new team, they just got here last year. You can say you were pretty much there from the start.
That's not a bad idea. I do like the owner.
So I'm looking for a team to root for. Someone recommend me one. I don't have a local team so taking all suggestions. I suppose I could jump on the Heat bandwagon.
So I'm looking for a team to root for. Someone recommend me one. I don't have a local team so taking all suggestions. I suppose I could jump on the Heat bandwagon.
So I'm looking for a team to root for. Someone recommend me one. I don't have a local team so taking all suggestions. I suppose I could jump on the Heat bandwagon.
So I'm looking for a team to root for. Someone recommend me one. I don't have a local team so taking all suggestions. I suppose I could jump on the Heat bandwagon.
Being a FA guarantees Carmelo gets paid the most money, which only the Knicks will do.
NBA Players want to maximize their cash, News at 11.
Wait, you ask for us to recommend you a team to root for and you pick the most despicable team in the whole NBA? Come on man...
What can I say, I'm a fan of rooting for winners.
What can I say, I'm a fan of rooting for winners.
We have a word for that.
So I'm looking for a team to root for. Someone recommend me one. I don't have a local team so taking all suggestions. I suppose I could jump on the Heat bandwagon.
A Lakers 'fan'?
a lakers/celtics fan
an emwitus
ridethepiggy don't listen to these losers. Join us. We got the best team in the NBA, the best weather, and the best girls
Melo needs to shut his fat head.
So I'm looking for a team to root for. Someone recommend me one. I don't have a local team so taking all suggestions. I suppose I could jump on the Heat bandwagon.
If Curry doesn't finish his career as the best 3PT shooter of all time (barring injury), then I'll be shocked:
His career trajectory is insane.
1.You've got a rare opportunity to jump on a new team that's ready to contend for a championship, a team with 2.unlimited money and 3.the swaggest merchandise in the league.4. Don't blow it by joining the most hated bandwagon in living memory instead. That's all I got to say.
1. Memphis
2. Dallas/Knicks/Lakers.
3. GSW
4. If you're referring to the nets, you have one of the biggest douche bags in NBA history on that team.
a lakers/celtics fan
an emwitus
Nobody cares about ParsonzZz.
Wiggins has to prove he isn't an overhyped version of DeRozan before I crown him
1. Pretty sure no one would ever mention Memphis in here if you weren't always trying too hard to inject them into every conversation.
3. Eh
4. You talking about KG? If so you hatin'.
It's difficult to describe the lack of fucks I give about the Grizz. They're not very interesting, they're not very threatening, and other than you basically no one on earth thinks that they can ever win a championship. It'd be easy to forget they existed if you weren't so desperate to be that one hipster banging on about his underrated team.1. And no one in the world would say the nets are contending if you didn't. Same wouldn't be said about the grizz.
Spoken like someone who knows absolutely nothing about KG off the court. The man takes care of his boys, a mentor and leader in every sense of the word. He goes so far as to buy every rookie a new suit because professionalism matters to him so much. Everyone who has ever played with him has done nothing but praise him as a person (except Ray Allen) so again, you're just a hater, and no one gives a fuck.4. It's not hate. He's a massive douche. That's fact. Certain contender for biggest all time douche in NBA history.
It's difficult to describe the lack of fucks I give about the Grizz. They're not very interesting, they're not very threatening, and other than you basically no one on earth thinks that they can ever win a championship. It'd be easy to forget they existed if you weren't so desperate to be that one hipster banging on about his underrated team.
As for no one thinking that the Nets can be a contender this year, you should really pay attention to the media more. Hell, even Wade and LeBron named us as one of the biggest threats this year. Who the fuck are you compared to them?
Spoken like someone who knows absolutely nothing about KG off the court. The man takes care of his boys, a mentor and leader in every sense of the word. He goes so far as to buy every rookie a new suit because professionalism matters to him so much. Everyone who has ever played with him has done nothing but praise him as a person (except Ray Allen) so again, you're just a hater, and no one gives a fuck.
In what world is KG not a douche? lmao
Everyone talks trash on the court, it's part of the game. Talk to the people who actually know him and played with him and none of them have anything but praise. The only time I'd say he went too far was with Tim Duncan, but that one mistake doesn't make him unlikable as a player in my book.So he buys rookie suits?
He still is a fuckhead on the court...
Everyone talks trash on the court, it's part of the game. Talk to the people who actually know him and played with him and none of them have anything but praise. The only time I'd say he went too far was with Tim Duncan, but that one mistake doesn't make him unlikable as a player in my book.
Seems appropriate.Ric Bucher, the former ESPN columnist and TV analyst, announced on twitter this week that hes headed to Bleacher Report.
Why do I have to choose?I kinda thought Forever was slightly kidding with his overwhelming love of the Nets due to his overwhelming hate of the Knicks.
i don't know anymore
They got beat by the zombie Bulls last year and they added a bunch of guys that have been on life-support for the past 3 years.I kinda thought Forever was slightly kidding with his overwhelming love of the Nets due to his overwhelming hate of the Knicks.
i don't know anymore
It's difficult to describe the lack of fucks I give about the Grizz. They're not very interesting, they're not very threatening, and other than you basically no one on earth thinks that they can ever win a championship. It'd be easy to forget they existed if you weren't so desperate to be that one hipster banging on about his underrated team.
As for no one thinking that the Nets can be a contender this year, you should really pay attention to the media more. Hell, even Wade and LeBron named us as one of the biggest threats this year. Who the fuck are you compared to them?
Spoken like someone who knows absolutely nothing about KG off the court. The man takes care of his boys, a mentor and leader in every sense of the word. He goes so far as to buy every rookie a new suit because professionalism matters to him so much. Everyone who has ever played with him has done nothing but praise him as a person (except Ray Allen) so again, you're just a hater, and no one gives a fuck.
In what world is KG not a douche? lmao
So he buys rookie suits?
He still is a fuckhead on the court...
Your offseason was picking up a scrap from Miami's table. Ours...One team lost to Nate Robinson in the first round. In the East.
The other Lost to Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, Danny Green and Kawhi Leonard in the conference finals after beating OKC and the Clippers.
Fun part is, i don't have to explain the above. If you can't figure it out from that, it's not worth it.
Everyone talks trash on the court, it's part of the game. Talk to the people who actually know him and played with him and none of them have anything but praise. The only time I'd say he went too far was with Tim Duncan, but that one mistake doesn't make him unlikable as a player in my book.