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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT2| What Would Kobe Chu?

You might be right.

OK, then substitute the Wiz for the Magic in my earlier statement.

I do... Just not bad teams.

I think you'll end up picking from 5 to 9 depending on injuries. I think Zeller will likely still be there too.

lol, it's gonna be a few years before you start catching our games then.
Russian Ball- I'm impressed with how quick thinking the coach was...



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Reading that Woj article just made me realize that the whole Lebron free-agency circus is only a year away. Gah.


@thefishnation: At @memgrizz shootaround, @MacBo50 on role expanding, "Maybe coach comes to me a little more, and puts me back in the focus of the offense"

@thefishnation: At @memgrizz shootaround, @mconley11 on offense, "Hope we can mimic what we did when we lost Rudy 2yrs ago- play inside out & off our bigs"

Can we stop with the bullshit about the team hating the trade and it disrupting the locker room.


Right now you're at 8, and there are several teams right around you. I think the Magic have a decent chance to pass you, and every team in the West might finish ahead of them too. But let's say for the sake of argument that Sacramento and Phoenix finish with a worse record. That likely leaves:

1. Bobcats
2. Wizards
3. Cavs
4. Suns
5. Kings
6. Raps

6 is about perfect, IMO. Nearly a top-5 pick, without much risk of losing it with a top-3 lottery draw.

Would you not agree that the Raps got worse in that trade?

I don't believe Magic and Wiz will be better than the raptors. And then you got teams like Detriot where it will be close but I'm pretty sure Raptors will move past them in the standings. And I expect Kings to go into tank mode as well seeing their season is hopeless and their franchise is being moved.

Truth is our team got off to a horrible start and they lost so many close games. Almost all of their recent loses have been 2 pt games where we were leading by quite a bit at some point or another. I know that doesn't mean much because a win is a win and a loss is a loss but the raptors are better (not as shitty might be a better thing to say) as the other bottom dwellers.

As for the trade, we'll have to see. I think using PER is a poor measure to grade trades because Davis' PER is obviously exaggerated seeing that he saw a lot of minutes and was the teams main rebounder for a larger part of the season. We'll miss Calderon though because when Lowry goes to the bench we're pretty much fucked at the position...but BC has done a good job always having a good back up PGs on our team so I think he'll be able to swing something.

Gay's production should increase but we'll see how him and DeRozan can share the ball...but i'm certain he'll play better here than he has so far in Memphis this season. But we need our bigs back ASAP because right now our front court composes of Gray and Johnson... I'm hoping Val can come back and step it up in the rebounding department. And maybe Bargnani will be useful by clearing the floor for Gay (YA RIGHT).


Suns might pass us.. but I'm not sure because of the turmoil with the coaching staff and management.

Remember, BC is fighting for his job, he is going to try his best to make the playoffs (I hope we don't make it)


G-TYME not practicing today. I'm going to the game tomorrow night, and I want to see G-TYME happen in person. I'm also hoping that Al Jefferson shows LMA that he should have been the one to get the ASG nod.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
G-TYME not practicing today. I'm going to the game tomorrow night, and I want to see G-TYME happen in person. I'm also hoping that Al Jefferson shows LMA that he should have been the one to get the ASG nod.

No G-TYME? Don't fret, the superior small-forward is still playing. And for Al Jeff to show up LaMarcus, that would require him to care.
Truth is our team got off to a horrible start and they lost so many close games. Almost all of their recent loses have been 2 pt games where we were leading by quite a bit at some point or another. I know that doesn't mean much because a win is a win and a loss is a loss but the raptors are better (not as shitty might be a better thing to say) as the other bottom dwellers.

Not necessarily. A big part of the reason they lost all those close games was Casey fumbling late game rotations and sitting on time outs too long. They kind of are as bad as their record.


Not necessarily. A big part of the reason they lost all those close games was Casey fumbling late game rotations and sitting on time outs too long. They kind of are as bad as their record.

adding a guy who could potentially close out games might help though

but im not a big fan of the back up PG situation right now and thin front court so let's see what happens
Sorry man.

I don't even have time to watch every OKC game anymore. Being an adult sucks sometimes.

No worries mang, and being an adult does suck sometimes -it's too much damn work.

Also, you guys are really sleeping on the Wizards. They are better than the Raptors and Pistons imo.


they were overachieving before and now they're doing the right thing by tanking hard

Yeah, I don't mind us being terrible for a draft pick but there are so many other terrible teams that we probably won't even finish up as the worst one. I still can't get over how much Hedo is robbing us with his huge salary.
Eric Koreen‏@ekoreen
In relation to Ed's valuable contract: due for an extension in off-season or RFA after '14r Boss wouldn't sign for less than 8M, guessing.

Since when does Colangelo think twice about giving out $8 million? I think everybody on our .348 team makes at least that.


Rudy Gay might just be another one of those guys that only looks good on a team that is losing or not getting any attention. Raptors better hope he isn't. Or maybe they know it and are tooling up for the Canada Kid.


Please help me with my bad english
"NBA Guru ‏@NBAGuru

Per Grizzlies PR, new additions Tayshaun Prince, Ed Davis, and Austin Daye will NOT be playing tonight."

Oh well. They still can beat OKC with the current roster.


The Lakers are fortunate that Dwight got hurt again, theres very little chance he'll leave now especially if they write off the season and let him heal
If the Lakers give him a huge contract it will set their franchise back decades.

How so? If we lose Dwight we have what? A bunch of expiring contracts and no draft picks? I guess we can trade Dwight for picks, but I think we have a greater chance of signing other star talent in two years if they get to play alongside another star.

Do you just hate Dwight that much?
It's looking like it'll probably be in the 5-8 range at this point. Decent chance the Raps finish behind everyone in the West, and I think the Wiz and Magic might pass them too.

It would be awesome if we got the 4 pick and a big like Noel dropped to us. At the very least, we should be able to get a guy like Len.

Any of the resident draft gurus/ACC fans have any opinions on Len?

Len is one of the few guys in the draft with all-star potential, but he's years and years away to the point where he's probably going to bust because he has to learn so much. Really big and has nice starting points for a post game, but his BBIQ and athleticism are really not good and his skills are limited right now.

Zeller's ceiling is lower (because he's a lot smaller) and he's still a few years away from helping a team (needs to learn how to shoot and defend), but he's smarter and more athletic than Len so he's a safer pick and can probably start contributing faster (like at the end of year 2 instead of the start of year 4)

Give it a week and Gay's productivity will swan dive in white vegas.

Not sure his production can really plummet any further from where it's been at this year.
Rudy Gay might just be another one of those guys that only looks good on a team that is losing or not getting any attention. Raptors better hope he isn't. Or maybe they know it and are tooling up for the Canada Kid.

There's no long term master plan here. Colangelo's contract is up and he's desperate to keep his job. That's all this deal is, a win now trade for a .300 team.
Great game yesterday.
So, we blew Brooklyn out all games this season. Hope we get them in the second round lol. Also, I loved Birdman's game yesterday This play alone makes him infinitely better than Joel. His defense on that one play where he let that guy dunk was bad but 5 boards in 5 mins? bye bye Joel. He looks a little lost on offense but it's been quite awhile since we've included any real center in our offense. Glad Shard got some minutes too, looks like he'll be in that second unit more and more. Another shooter in our arsenal. Chalmers getting that rebound on his ass was great too.

Regarding Reggie Evans, lmao. idk even know why Bron even responded to him but he sure made him look bad this game. He Didn't let a guy that prides himself in rebounds(and flopping) get a single offensive rebound was hilarious. That rainbow shot by LeBron was sick too.

and lol Lakers.

This OKC/Memphis game should nice

Brandon Roy had another setback.

I forgot he was under contract.
I thought he retired(again).


Great game yesterday.
So, we blew Brooklyn out all games this season. Hope we get them in the second round lol. Also, I loved Birdman's game yesterday This play alone makes him infinitely better than Joel. His defense on that one play where he let that guy dunk was bad but 5 boards in 5 mins? bye bye Joel. He looks a little lost on offense but it's been quite awhile since we've included any real center in our offense. Glad Shard got some minutes too, looks like he'll be in that second unit more and more. Another shooter in our arsenal. Chalmers getting that rebound on his ass was great too.

Regarding Reggie Evans, lmao. idk even know why Bron even responded to him but he sure made him look bad this game. He Didn't let a guy that prides himself in rebounds(and flopping) get a single offensive rebound was hilarious. That rainbow shot by LeBron was sick too.

and lol Lakers.

This OKC/Memphis game should nice.



Len is one of the few guys in the draft with all-star potential, but he's years and years away to the point where he's probably going to bust because he has to learn so much. Really big and has nice starting points for a post game, but his BBIQ and athleticism are really not good and his skills are limited right now.

Zeller's ceiling is lower (because he's a lot smaller) and he's still a few years away from helping a team (needs to learn how to shoot and defend), but he's smarter and more athletic than Len so he's a safer pick and can probably start contributing faster (like at the end of year 2 instead of the start of year 4)
Thanks for the input.

Might be our guy, even with all the caveats you stated. We can probably afford to wait since we still have guys like Tibor Pleiss in Europe. And we know Presti isn't afraid of big man projects (Aldrich, Mullens, Thabeet).

Noel would probably be ideal (he fits the Thunder prototype--long, athletic, young), but we'd probably have to get the 4th or 5th pick to even have a shot at him.
Thanks for the input.

Might be our guy, even with all the caveats you stated. We can probably afford to wait since we still have guys like Tibor Pleiss in Europe. And we know Presti isn't afraid of big man projects (Aldrich, Mullens, Thabeet).

Noel would probably be ideal (he fits the Thunder prototype--long, athletic, young), but we'd probably have to get the 4th or 5th pick to even have a shot at him.

There's no chance he drops below 3


So, last night's laker loss was just...wow.

I'm not even scared of Portland or Houston. I'm scared of Dallas, once Dirk gets back to form that team is easily going to outplay this LA team the rest of the way.

Either LA turns the corner, plays like a top tier team playing .700-.750 ball the rest of the way and then makes noise in the playoffs. Or ends up a 10th or 11th seed and D'Antoni replaces Del Harris as the guy who got the least success with the most talent in Laker history.

Edit: Btw - I ran some numbers on this recent "Kobe Johnson" 4 game stretch. He's shooting 53% from the field. But his scoring efficiency has actually gone down if you track it as points per shot attempt. Being less aggressive scoring wise means he's taken less threes, and less free throws (only 14 FTA in 4 games).

Basically means he's scored 66 points on 51 shots = 1.29 points per FGA. Whereas earlier in the year he was about 30 ppg on 22 shots or 1.36. points per shot.

So even though his season FG% was 46% and his 4 game stretch is 53%. He's scoring less points per shot attempt. Another reason I think FG% is overrated as a metric of scoring prowess or efficiency.
off topic..remember when homer tools would defend Valve's constant delays and bullshit management of the HL episodes and say "its because theyve been working on portal and these amazing L4D games,so stfu"....yeah its been over a half decade now since that cliffhanger ending from ep. 2, its obvious now that Valve's pipeline for this series is and was a broken clusterfuck.
So, last night's laker loss was just...wow.

I'm not even scared of Portland or Houston. I'm scared of Dallas, once Dirk gets back to form that team is easily going to outplay this LA team the rest of the way.

Either LA turns the corner, plays like a top tier team playing .700-.750 ball the rest of the way and then makes noise in the playoffs. Or ends up a 10th or 11th seed and D'Antoni replaces Del Harris as the guy who got the least success with the most talent in Laker history.

lets be honest

this shit aint gonna work bruh


off topic..remember when homer tools would defend Valve's constant delays and bullshit management of the HL episodes and say "its because theyve been working on portal and these amazing L4D games,so stfu"....yeah its been over a half decade now since that cliffhanger ending from ep. 2, its obvious now that Valve's pipeline for this series is and was a broken clusterfuck.
We know they've restarted the project at least twice.

Valve's built for experimentation rather than quick delivery. Helps when Steam is effectively paying the bills.
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