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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT2| What Would Kobe Chu?


Whoa whoa, I say something on this forum in which you guys disagree with the execution, and that means I just started watching basketball? Born in 2000? So cute

Again, all I see are salty tears because there's NOTHING you can say back basketball wise, so you resort to calling me stupid and pathetic?

Grow up dudes, this is a BASKETBALL discussion

I say Kobe doesn't pass and it's a fucking biblical miracle that the dude had double digit assists, and instead of posting over the same dumb shit in the same exact manner in which you guys already know, I actually TRIED to put some entertainment into my post.. That's cool if you don't like it, if I was a shitty Lakers fan I wouldn't want anyone ragging on my team every 3 posts either

The ridiculously lame comeback attempts by you guys are just making my post shine even more

I don't even



Lebron this season has 7 double digit assist games

Kobe has 3.

Lebron's max this season for a single game is 12

Kobe's is 14 - twice

Lebron doesn't have a PG and has the ball in his hands every play

Kobe's playing with one of the best PG's ever and hasn't had the role of running the team.

Lebron is the most gifted passer at his size since Magic. So what does that make Kobe?

(BTW Durant, the other premier wing scorer only has one double digit assist game where he got to 10)

So that makes Kobe the second best elite wing scorer at getting prolific assist numbers in a game no?

You literally, are just dumb - and despite what you may think. Scott Brooks knows this, he's not as dumb as you

Scott Brooks said:
Kobe picked us apart. That tells you how great he is. ... He's 1 of the few guys in the league who can do it all.


Kobe has taken on so many different roles this season - prolific scorer, primary defender, and now efficient scorer and play maker.

Pretty amazing, especially at his age. Let's see how long he can keep it up... he has to realize him being an efficient scoring and playing good defense is the best shot for his lakers to make the play offs, right? As long has he stays away from those dreadful low percentage, 20+ FGA nights.


Also, I gotta give props to MDA... Gasol of the bench is looking like a real good move so far. Gives the Lakers some immediate scoring off the bench along with better utilizing Gasol's skill set.

I hope he sucks it up and is happy with it...to me, I have always thought of Gasol as a true professional and generally a good guy. Winning should come before arbitrarily being a starter, especially if he sees starter minutes as long as he plays well.

BTW the reason I want the lakers to win is because I think they could make for some interesting playoffs series as a lower seed. They could be pretty dangerous if they even manage to make things click.


I mean, if you want to stop being a troll and want to make a smart basketball comment by attacking a wing scorer without the ability to playmake, go after Carmelo.

Dude's season high in assists this year is 7. And he's only gotten there once. He has 14 games of 1 assist or less. Including a ton with 0 assists.

Whereas Kobe has only 5 games with 1 or less assist and only 2 with 0.



Lebron this season has 7 double digit assist games

Kobe has 3.

Lebron's max this season for a single game is 12

Kobe's is 14 - twice

Lebron doesn't have a PG and has the ball in his hands every play

Kobe's playing with one of the best PG's ever and hasn't had the role of running the team.

Lebron is the most gifted passer at his size since Magic. So what does that make Kobe?

(BTW Durant, the other premier wing scorer only has one double digit assist game where he got to 10)

So that makes Kobe the second best elite wing scorer at getting prolific assist numbers in a game no?

You literally, are just dumb.


Lebron would have easily 4-6 more assists per game if our shooters were more consistent (Cool we have Ray, but EVERY PASS from Lebron isn't to him) and all of Kobe's assists are in the paint but this is subjective so I won't add more to that

Kobe's playing with a former shell of Nash, so don't talk about him like he's still Sun's Nash.. And OK LOL he hasn't had the role of running the team.. I guess you consider running the offense through Nash, when he brings it up the court and the first pass is to Kobe in the first 5 seconds of the shot clock LOL

Lebron is the most gifted passer since Magic, the first correct thing you've said

and what does that make Kobe? The same shit he's been all his life, a two guard that gets the double team and sometimes triple team because he deserves it and because defenses know he'll rarely pass

and I love how your argument is he's had higher assist totals than Lebron TWICE this entire season and also Durant's lack of double digit assist games, so he instantly catapults to the top of elite wing scoring guards in assists

And cool shit about Durant that seems to be kind of logi-- Oh WAIT, that's right the Thunder also has Mini Kobe in Westbrook who ultimately dominates the ball at the beginning of every possesion and takes more shots than Durant does...

So if anything that doesn't make Kobe the second most elite passing wing scorer, it makes Westbrook the second coming of Kobe in shot attempts



Lebron would have easily 4-6 more assists per game if our shooters were more consistent (Cool we have Ray, but EVERY PASS from Lebron isn't to him) and all of Kobe's assists are in the paint but this is subjective so I won't add more to that

Kobe's playing with a former shell of Nash, so don't talk about him like he's still Sun's Nash.. And OK LOL he hasn't had the role of running the team.. I guess you consider running the offense through Nash, when he brings it up the court and the first pass is to Kobe in the first 5 seconds of the shot clock LOL

Lebron is the most gifted passer since Magic, the first correct thing you've said

and what does that make Kobe? The same shit he's been all his life, a two guard that gets the double team and sometimes triple team because he deserves it and because defenses know he'll rarely pass

and I love how your argument is he's had higher assist totals than Lebron TWICE this entire season and also Durant's lack of double digit assist games, so he instantly catapults to the top of elite wing scoring guards in assists

And cool shit about Durant that seems to be kind of logi-- Oh WAIT, that's right the Thunder also has Mini Kobe in Westbrook who ultimately dominates the ball at the beginning of every possesion and takes more shots than Durant does...

So if anything that doesn't make Kobe the second most elite passing wing scorer, it makes Westbrook the second coming of Kobe in shot attempts

OMG you're just so dumb it's unbelievable.

1) You think Heat Players are the only people who miss shots?

2) You clearly don't watch games if you don't see Nash running PnR and getting 8 ASSISTS A GAME.

3) Kobe is what he's been all his life, the second most complete two guard to ever play the game after MJ. A Guy who's lead the Lakers in assists for over 12 seasons.

3) Westbrook is a PG, he takes shots, but he also gets 8 assists a game. Something Durant DOES NOT DO.

So yes, Kobe is absolutely the second most prolific assist wing scorer in the league behind Lebron, who is the best passing SF maybe ever.

My point stands, maybe you're surprised that Kobe can get double digit assists in a game, but people who have been watching the NBA since before June 2012, including Scott Brooks aren't.


I mean, if you want to stop being a troll and want to make a smart basketball comment by attacking a wing scorer without the ability to playmake, go after Carmelo.

Dude's season high in assists this year is 7. And he's only gotten there once. He has 14 games of 1 assist or less. Including a ton with 0 assists.

Whereas Kobe has only 5 games with 1 or less assist and only 2 with 0.

uuh hello, Melo has tons of hockey-assists.

You can't prove he doesn't.

also what does "most gifted passer" even mean?
Most gifter player who also passes? Sure. But last i checked, Stockon was still a better passer than Lebron.


I mean, if you want to stop being a troll and want to make a smart basketball comment by attacking a wing scorer without the ability to playmake, go after Carmelo.

Dude's season high in assists this year is 7. And he's only gotten there once. He has 14 games of 1 assist or less. Including a ton with 0 assists.

Whereas Kobe has only 5 games with 1 or less assist and only 2 with 0.

When Melo has the ball in his hands, it's to score, from Felton who's capable of running the offense and is doing so and he's more efficient at it than Kobe so no one notices his lack of assists because he's doing what he has to do...

IF KOBE were more efficient on his goddamn shots, no one would talk about how many fucking shots he takes, no one would give a shit because they would be going in

It's only a problem when they don't go in, and that's something that Kobe has mastered.. Mastering the shot miss takes great skill only the Mamba understands

Edit: It also would help if he took less than 40 shots a game


When Melo has the ball in his hands, it's to score, from Felton who's capable of running the offense and is doing so and he's more efficient at it than Kobe so no one notices his lack of assists because he's doing what he has to do...

IF KOBE were more efficient on his goddamn shots, no one would talk about how many fucking shots he takes, no one would give a shit because they would be going in

It's only a problem when they don't go in, and that's something that Kobe has mastered.. Mastering the shot miss takes great skill only the Mamba understands

Edit: It also would help if he took less than 40 shots a game

Kobe shoots a higher % from the field, and the FT line.

You're seriously wrong on EVERYTHING you have said so far. Stop talking.

uuh hello, Melo has tons of hockey-assists.

You can't prove he doesn't.

also what does "most gifted passer" even mean?
Most gifter player who also passes? Sure. But last i checked, Stockon was still a better passer than Lebron.

Of course. That's why I said Lebron is the most gifted at his size since Magic.

And why, when talking about Kobe, I say most gifted WING SCORER at getting prolific assist numbers besides Lebron. On purpose to take PG's out of the argument obviously and leave it up to SF's and SG's. Durant, Melo, etc.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Most gifted passer since Magic? That statement needs some clarification.

Yeah, because Nash, CP3, Stockton, et al aren't exactly lackluster in that department. And let's not forget how amazing of passers Larry Bird and Clyde Drexler were for their size.


Yeah, because Nash, CP3, et al aren't exactly lackluster in that department. And let's not forget how amazing of passers Larry Bird and Clyde Drexler were for their size.

Completely true. That's why I said Lebron might be the best passing SF maybe ever. The "might be" is leaving room for Bird, who, quite frankly, was probably a bit better than Bron. But that's debatable.


Yeah, because Nash, CP3, et al aren't exactly lackluster in that department. And let's not forget how amazing of passers Larry Bird and Clyde Drexler were for their size.

Hakeem, Duncan, Malone, and Sabonis were amazing passers at larger than prototypical PG size.


OMG you're just so dumb it's unbelievable.

1) You think Heat Players are the only people who miss shots?

2) You clearly don't watch games if you don't see Nash running PnR and getting 8 ASSISTS A GAME.

3) Kobe is what he's been all his life, the second most complete two guard to ever play the game after MJ. A Guy who's lead the Lakers in assists for over 12 seasons.

3) Westbrook is a PG, he takes shots, but he also gets 8 assists a game. Something Durant DOES NOT DO.

So yes, Kobe is absolutely the second most prolific assist wing scorer in the league behind Lebron, who is the best passing SF maybe ever.

My point stands, maybe you're surprised that Kobe can get double digit assists in a game, but people who have been watching the NBA since before June 2012, including Scott Brooks aren't.

HOLY MOLY are you dense guy? Please

1) Lebron's majority of passes are out into the goddamn perimeter, YOU DO REALIZE it's EASIER to miss a three point shot than a fucking shot in the paint right? YOU GET THAT RIGHT? Who the fuck do the Heat have to pass it down low to? JOEL ANTHONY?? FUCKING JOSH HARRELSON?? VARNARDO!?!? I guess Lebron could fucking pass it to him self ala McGee style off the backboard

2) I'm not saying that Nash is a fucking corpse out there but it's close enough... Dude runs pick and rolls in his sleep, that's great, I can average 12 assists on pick and rolls in place of Nash BELIEVE THAT, he's not doing anything special to get those 8 assists a game, Fucking CALDERON averages higher assists on a shitty team because of fucking pick and rolls -- That shit is cool but it won't win championships

3) Of course Kobe is the most complete two guard in history after MJ, and I fucking HOPE to the basketball gods that when you have the ball as often as Kobe does in his hands that he fucking leads his team in assists (By the way who have been your fucking point guards in that time span? Fisher has been your most complete point guard, in the past decade or so, fucking Shannon Brown was the truth and you guys traded him, Steve blake LOL, the Glove, who else? That's right it doesn't matter you're gonna give the ball to Kobe) No one has denied what Kobe is so this is dumb that you even highlighted this

4) Of COURSE Westbrook gets 8 assits per game, he has the ball every fucking time and he has Durant on his goddamn team, and you UNDERSTAND THAT DURANT AND WESTBROOK CAN NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY DRIBBLE AND PASS THE BALL AT THE SAME TIME RIGHT?? YOU GET THAT?

This is so stupid, I didn't feel dumb until after I realized I took the time to write back to your ignorant ass

And my point wasn't that Kobe is INCAPABLE of reaching double digit assists, it's that he is UNWILLING

I hope to Stern you understand what the difference between those two words are
I think he meant forward Magic size wise was a forward.

Also zeke was crazy with the assist

Forward sized passer is a weak qualifier. There's been extremely few guys built like that who also ran the offense. And quite frankly LBJ gets sonned by Magic in that department, not sure why you would even invite the comparison.
... why are you guys even trying to treat this as a legitimate discussion?

Just sit back and watch the dumpster fire make out with the tire fire.


HOLY MOLY are you dense guy? Please

1) Lebron's majority of passes are out into the goddamn perimeter, YOU DO REALIZE it's EASIER to miss a three point shot than a fucking shot in the paint right? YOU GET THAT RIGHT? Who the fuck do the Heat have to pass it down low to? JOEL ANTHONY?? FUCKING JOSH HARRELSON?? VARNARDO!?!? I guess Lebron could fucking pass it to him self ala McGee style off the backboard

2) I'm not saying that Nash is a fucking corpse out there but it's close enough... Dude runs pick and rolls in his sleep, that's great, I can average 12 assists on pick and rolls in place of Nash BELIEVE THAT, he's not doing anything special to get those 8 assists a game, Fucking CALDERON averages higher assists on a shitty team because of fucking pick and rolls -- That shit is cool but it won't win championships

3) Of course Kobe is the most complete two guard in history after MJ, and I fucking HOPE to the basketball gods that when you have the ball as often as Kobe does in his hands that he fucking leads his team in assists (By the way who have been your fucking point guards in that time span? Fisher has been your most complete point guard, in the past decade or so, fucking Shannon Brown was the truth and you guys traded him, Steve blake LOL, the Glove, who else? That's right it doesn't matter you're gonna give the ball to Kobe) No one has denied what Kobe is so this is dumb that you even highlighted this

4) Of COURSE Westbrook gets 8 assits per game, he has the ball every fucking time and he has Durant on his goddamn team, and you UNDERSTAND THAT DURANT AND WESTBROOK CAN NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY DRIBBLE AND PASS THE BALL AT THE SAME TIME RIGHT?? YOU GET THAT?

This is so stupid, I didn't feel dumb until after I realized I took the time to write back to your ignorant ass

And my point wasn't that Kobe is INCAPABLE of reaching double digit assists, it's that he is UNWILLING

I hope to Stern you understand what the difference between those two words are

I'm done. Someone who thinks he can get 12 assists in place of Nash in an NBA team "Believe that" - I'm done.


Lol, This was done way back when you first replied my dude

Suffice it to say. You're an idiot. True Story. You still haven't answered my question. Did you start watching basketball in 2012? You sound like a Heat fanboy that maybe has watched 5 non-Heat games this season, tops.


Kobe shoots a higher % from the field, and the FT line.

You're seriously wrong on EVERYTHING you have said so far. Stop talking.

Sigh... I really am trying so hard to not write back to you cause you're so emptyheaded

But please go check the career averages (FG and 3FG% are the same),

Melo is a more prolific and efficient shooter/scorer than Kobe
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