Herpes Reasons
Hayward is a burgeoning young talent still learning the game
Kobe is a narcissistic fuckstain who rapes women and slings gay slurs at officials
a mod should rename you to "salt blaster". you so salty
Hayward is a burgeoning young talent still learning the game
Kobe is a narcissistic fuckstain who rapes women and slings gay slurs at officials
Hayward is a burgeoning young talent still learning the game
Kobe is a narcissistic fuckstain who rapes women and slings gay slurs at officials
I don't think anyone will deny they suck but your team just lost 3 out of 4 to that sucky team.
a mod should rename you to "salt blaster" you salty
Rockets only missed 7 FTs. That didn't lose them the game.
Their PNR defense did and it has all season long. It's amusing to watch.
Hayward is a burgeoning young talent still learning the game
Kobe is a narcissistic fuckstain who rapes women and slings gay slurs at officials
Hayward is a burgeoning young talent still learning the game
Kobe is a narcissistic fuckstain who rapes women and slings gay slurs at officials
Coaching didn't help imo.
Basketball reasons + kado fucks women with herpesWhat does herpes reasons mean?
What does herpes reasons mean?
So much truth and righteousness in so few words, goddamn.
Basketball reasons + kado fucks women with herpes
I swear Kawhi will be the X factor for the Spurs come playoff time.
dude what the hell is your avatar
Pelicans and Magic are gunning for those Bobcats.
Hayward is a burgeoning young talent still learning the game
Kobe is a narcissistic fuckstain who rapes women and slings gay slurs at officials
no one knows for sure.Who's Kado?
But that's been the case all year. This is why I don't get too emotionally invested with the Rockets...they are the most bi polar team in the league.
One of the side-characters (Stacy) from Daria having a mental breakdown.
What does herpes reasons mean?
Its been sneakin up on us but only 2 more for
dat fifty week hiatus of jt like normal lolz
Tony Parker's impact has been vastly overstated. Spurs are only losing maybe 3 more games tops this year.
Edit: Before the playoffs I mean.
you seem a little angry salt blastera mod should rename you ice raven what with your penchant for deviantart and emotional poetry
Stacy was always my favourite.
I'm catchin feelings again
Catchin feelings for this team..
Is beautiful basketball back?
Masta splitta and Kawhi give me hope
Hayward is a burgeoning young talent still learning the game
Kobe is a narcissistic fuckstain who rapes women and slings gay slurs at officials
you seem a little angry salt blaster
Basically every long-running character (other than Tom) was great, but Stacy always had that factor of possibly imploding at any given second (over any given thing) that made each scene great.
you seem a little angry salt blaster
Ya blew it!
What a disgrace. Monty has to be so pissed right now