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2013 Mar NBA Season lOT| Change This Face, Be Happy, Enjoy it!


Most dangerous 8th seed of all time?



coach antoni

I feel like D'antoni put all my feels for this season in one sentence. Kobe burned hard. I hope his ready for the fallout but props for finally speaking out man

I hope Antoni finally has the balls to tell Kobe what everyone is seeing. Lakers are a much better team when the offense runs through Nash. It's bad enough that Antoni can't coach defense for shit but at least he can run a much more efficient offense rather than Komeball.


I hope Antoni finally has the balls to tell Kobe what everyone is seeing. Lakers are a much better team when the offense runs through Nash. It's bad enough that Antoni can't coach defense for shit but at least he can run a much more efficient offense rather than Komeball.

We tried only through nash and it didn't work. It has to be a combination of the two and ball movement. What we don't need is kome ball.


"Kobe will tell you," Jamison said. "He's like, 'Look, you guys as my teammates, yell at me. Let me know that you're open because I'm so programmed,' and this guy has told me this, 'I see nothing but that basket. You could be open, there could be three guys on me, but the only thing I see is that basket so you have to tell me, Look, I was open. Or yell at me mid-play. That doesn't affect me at all and I respect that.' "

Reading this again from a few days ago is just too funny. Jamison should take up acting if he can say this with a straight face.
Nope. if kome went kome and played defense it'd be a whole different story but he just tags along on defense and hogs the ball on offense. That's what d'antoni was saying.

People have been saying this for two seasons now. It was especially evident in the Dallas playoff series and in the playoffs in general. They need to explore trading Nash because Kobe refuses to let the ball run through the PG and the Lakers have one of the worst defensive backcourts in the NBA.

Kobe is a great player. I am not disputing that. But he seems like an awful teammate. People can knock Lebron all they want, but the guy legitimately seems like he enjoys getting his teammates involved. Lebron could average 30+ a game and win the scoring title almost every season, but I honestly believe him when he says he looks to get his teammates involved.
While Bryant's distribution game was strong (11 assists), his defensive game wasn't. Bryant was routinely late to close out on open shooters (most notably Garrett Temple, who scored 10 points on 4-for-8 shooting)
Ive seen it time and time again, he just refuses to play honest defense against guys he doesnt respect.


Kobe shouldn't even be playing with his injury, easy to put the blame on him.

At the end of the day Antoni shouldn't be coaching any team. Period.



Former NBA player Kendall Gill has been suspended from his position as a Bulls analyst for Comcast SportsNet Chicago after he reportedly punched a colleague in a dispute over a controversial call earlier this week.

Gill said on the air after the game that the officials had blown the call. ChicagoBusiness.com reported that Gill got into a “physical altercation” on Tuesday with a fellow analyst who disagreed with Gill that the referees had jobbed the Bulls.

Comcast SportsNet Chicago Bulls analyst Kendall Gill has been removed temporarily from his on-air duties after a physical altercation with Big Ten Network analyst Tim Doyle in the CSN newsroom Tuesday evening.

Mr. Gill confronted Mr. Doyle in the newsroom over critical comments he had made on the air about Mr. Gill’s analysis of the controversial final moments of Monday’s Chicago Bulls-Denver Nuggets game. The referees ruled that what at first appeared to be a last-second basket by the Bulls would not be allowed, thus giving the win to the Nuggets.

Mr. Gill approached Mr. Doyle and called him out for his comments, which escalated to a shoving match and ultimately Mr. Gill throwing a punch at Mr. Doyle. The two bumped up against a sign on the wall and a small amount of blood was drawn (though it was unclear exactly how) before the two were separated.
There's no f'ing way Kobe would let the Lakers lose to the Clippers, but the Wizards? Too much

At least he showed the determination of a champion by never passing up a shot last night


There's no f'ing way Kobe would let the Lakers lose to the Clippers, but the Wizards? Too much

At least he showed the determination of a champion by never passing up a shot last night

I honestly think the whole team apart from maybe pau, hates him at this point.


We are just not a good team when Kobe passes up shots early to force-feed others.

I don't know if it's to appease Dwight, MDA or the shooters but this nonsense has got to stop. It is too difficult to "turn it on" after not looking at the basket for 3 quarters.

It's DUMB basketball and I'm almost glad we got hurt by it last night so hopefully Kobe stops it. We got away with it vs. bad teams several times and suddenly fans think Kobe NOT playing his normal game is somehow good.

Kobe not being aggressive causes many turnovers (because it's unnatural for him) and too many 3s since that is the only thing most of the other players can do well (taking 3s not necessarily making them lol).

Folks can blame him for last night but the lack of offensive diversity on this team is why he gets every shot late in close games. What can we do in the clutch besides Kobe isos or 3s? Dwight cannot be trusted since he's a liability at the line. Who else can get their shot off under pressure besides Nash (who is a reluctant shooter)?

Kobe needs to just play his game and others need to play OFF him not the other way around. He is bending over backwards to spoon-feed others at a detriment to his own game (and the team IMO). The best offensive player on the team CANNOT be passive for 3 quarters. It just keeps the other team in the game and gives you disasters like last night.

You can blame Kobe's laziness on D as a reason of the loss but anyone blaming his offense is misguided. Any double-digit assist game for Kobe when he's not being doubled is a LOSING strategy. We may win because we are hot from 3 that night but it's not sustainable.

I especially don't see the point when the coach and "fans" throw him under the bus anytime he doesn't pull a win out of his ass to bail us out.


"I think the game becomes really easy and you think you can score whenever you want to and get stops whenever you want to and then all of the sudden momentum swings,"

I've never seen a guy so ready to bask in the glory of his teammates but so willing to throw them under the bus when they fail while completely abstaining himself for his faults. lol. It takes a special type of person to be a selfish passer though, so there's that


Kobe scored 5 points in the first quarter and we were up 18. And frankly, his aggressiveness tanked the whole season. How do you not see that?

EDIT: Although i agree he should cut down on his assists because he doesn't do it well. Too many turnovers.


Cos we were hitting 3s. When the 3s stopped, he was out of rhythm when he finally decided to be aggressive and we lost...

He should stick to scoring yes, but he can't be the ONLY offensive option down the stretch. And if that's what you want, kobe wont last very long on those legs of his. His teammates aren't dummies, why should they be the only ones expected to play defense while they can't even contribute on the offensive end? Nash and dwight aren't scrubs who deserve to be treated like that.


He should stick to scoring yes, but he can't be the ONLY offensive option down the stretch. And if that's what you want, kobe wont last very long on those legs of his. His teammates aren't dummies, why should they be the only ones expected to play defense while they can't even contribute on the offensive end? Nash and dwight aren't scrubs who deserve to be treated like that.

If he's not doubled, he should shoot every time down the stretch cos he's the best option. If they want to win they will go along and get ready to make shots off doubles. This ain't rec-league, you play to win..


If he's not doubled, he should shoot every time down the stretch cos he's the best option. If they want to win they will go along and get ready to make shots off doubles. This ain't rec-league, you play to win..

I honestly can't wait for kome ball to retire.Nash is a better shooter and better passer, dwight is good on the pick n roll, meeks is a passable spot up shooter from 3 etc etc. It's a team for a reason and we ain't getting anywhere until kobe sees that. He doesn't have to be the one getting all the rebounds, or making all the shots, or having all the assists. He's too afraid/selfish? to share the fate of "his" team....and as he gets older its going to bite him hard.

kobe bryant
"We didn't do a good job closing out to shooters,"

This guy. lol


Nash is a better shooter.....on open shots and a passive Kobe kills that. Nash also hasn't been a better passer this year cos he is not strong with the ball at all.


Nash is a better shooter.....on open shots and a passive Kobe kills that. Nash also hasn't been a better passer this year cos he is not strong with the ball at all.

This is what it comes down too. Kobe has to play like a player with a high basketball IQ. know when to shoot and when not to pass. Yesterday was dumb basketball.


Nash is a better shooter.....on open shots and a passive Kobe kills that. Nash also hasn't been a better passer this year cos he is not strong with the ball at all.

Between you and mr. bipolar Kobe would always be blamed by somebody.

Nash runs the offense, Kobe runs the offense. At the end of the day it doesn't fucking matter. The Lakers shot 48% overall and about 2/3 of their FGs were assisted. For the very last time offense is not a problem why the Lakers are in such mess right now, and it's not just one game.
82games.com updated their stats....

The Jazz are now giving 112 points per 100 possessions with Al on the court (would be last in the NBA...) and 102 points per 100 possessions with Al on the bench (would be 4th in the NBA)

Yet Al is still getting way more minutes than Favors and Kanter D:


Lakers get shredded by Point Guards that can create off the dribble. Western Conference PGs: Parker, Westbrook, Lawson, Paul, Curry. WILL destroy Nash.

lakers have been torched by point guards for like 10 years now, never gets old. The horrors of playing two bigs and having smush/fisher/sessions/blake/nash/kobe backcourts. We just gotta close out on shooters and stop em' from scoring at the rim. We can live with death from midrange.
lakers have been torched by point guards for like 10 years now, never get's old. The horrors of playing two bigs and having fisher/sessions/nash/kobe backcourts. We just gotta close out on shooters and stop em' from scoring at the rim.

This season got to an all time low, with Jose Calderon tearing them apart when he was with the Raptors.


This season got to an all time low, with Jose Calderon tearing them apart when he was with the Raptors.

LoL true. Atleast fisher was a little physical and could bang the slower pgs. Nash can't do anything on defense but it isn't for lack of effort. Kobe on the other hand, if he's going to lead this team, he has to start on the defensive end....and not by covering the best player per se. Just stick with your man and stop gumbling on every defensive situation.


What Kobe isn't doing a ton of tonight is playing Defense, his man (Temple) hitting consecutive J's as Wiz cut the lead to 12 at 63-51.

Artest now guarding Temple. Kobe on Ariza.


Kobe was supposed to be guarding Ariza - I think Trevor made 6 of his 7 three's against Kobe - I'd have to check the tape at least 5.
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