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2013 Mar NBA Season lOT| Change This Face, Be Happy, Enjoy it!


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I trust your non-basketball opinions.

How do you guys feel about Gears of War J?


To be fair, 2 was pretty solid after it's 7 title update patches...

3 was dope. Horde was the best, bruh. I see you adam.
it was mediocre at best after those updates and 3 was ok until they removed dedicated servers. Epic can go eat dicks for the rest of eternity

i want a good tps already.


gears 2 was great.
maybe with all randoms. team of 5 vs a team of 5 was boring as shit because no one wants to push and risk a death especially if the other team had host

i hated that game, still got to level 100 on two accounts though.. there's just no other tps worth playing



Gotta love people actually breaking down the tape and not just shoveling whatever shitty ESPN storyline/backlash to ESPN storyline.

We are just not a good team when Kobe passes up shots early to force-feed others.

I don't know if it's to appease Dwight, MDA or the shooters but this nonsense has got to stop. It is too difficult to "turn it on" after not looking at the basket for 3 quarters.

It's DUMB basketball and I'm almost glad we got hurt by it last night so hopefully Kobe stops it. We got away with it vs. bad teams several times and suddenly fans think Kobe NOT playing his normal game is somehow good.

Kobe not being aggressive causes many turnovers (because it's unnatural for him) and too many 3s since that is the only thing most of the other players can do well (taking 3s not necessarily making them lol).

Folks can blame him for last night but the lack of offensive diversity on this team is why he gets every shot late in close games. What can we do in the clutch besides Kobe isos or 3s? Dwight cannot be trusted since he's a liability at the line. Who else can get their shot off under pressure besides Nash (who is a reluctant shooter)?

Kobe needs to just play his game and others need to play OFF him not the other way around. He is bending over backwards to spoon-feed others at a detriment to his own game (and the team IMO). The best offensive player on the team CANNOT be passive for 3 quarters. It just keeps the other team in the game and gives you disasters like last night.

You can blame Kobe's laziness on D as a reason of the loss but anyone blaming his offense is misguided. Any double-digit assist game for Kobe when he's not being doubled is a LOSING strategy. We may win because we are hot from 3 that night but it's not sustainable.

I especially don't see the point when the coach and "fans" throw him under the bus anytime he doesn't pull a win out of his ass to bail us out.

This is a bunch of apologist bullshit and it's exactly why Kobe won't sniff another championship with Kobe as the go to guy.


This is a bunch of apologist bullshit and it's exactly why Kobe won't sniff another championship with Kobe as the go to guy.

It's called being stuck in a bubble. Even phil emphasized ball movement....too bad he ain't walking through that door. After the season is over, Jim should blow up this team and let kobe think really hard about what he wants.

1 was great
2 was alright
3 was one of the best games of the gen.

yep. gears 3 suprised the shit out of me. i didnt think they had any ideas left but the campaign had some of the most incredible set pieces in gaming

ill wait until Gow: J comes in from gamefly. not exactly excited to play a game with baird tho


Gears 1 was a host abusing roadie shotgun/sniper fest. Gears 3 has better network set up, more weapons, and all the weapons and useful. What I missed from the first gears are the maps.
but 3 also had more annoying shit like incendiary/ink nades somehow hitting you even though it was a foot away and the Retro being a master of all trades weapon

1 also had far superior maps and IMO, maps are the most important element for a game

Gears 2 is more of a slow, cover based shooter. Gears 3 allows for a more aggressive playstyle. However, Blood Drive is played the same in both games
and again with Gears 2 being cover based, Gridlock was still played similarly to Gears 1, which again is a testament to the map
It's called being stuck in a bubble. Even phil emphasized ball movement....too bad he ain't walking through that door. After the season is over, Jim should blow up this team and let kobe think really hard about what he wants.

Saying that the ball needs to go through Kobe is ridiculous. That is exactly why Nash has been relegated as a spot up shooter and that's exactly why Dwight is ignored in the second half of so many games. What was the point of getting these guys, again? But then again, they're playing with Kobe--a player that wouldn't share the ball if he were a Nugget.
Saying that the ball needs to go through Kobe is ridiculous. That is exactly why Nash has been relegated as a spot up shooter and that's exactly why Dwight is ignored in the second half of so many games. What was the point of getting these guys, again? But then again, they're playing with Kobe--a player that wouldn't share the ball if he were a Nugget.

If you've ever watched Konex play NBA 2k you would understand why he thinks the way he does


Emwitus blames every loss on Kobe. Cloudy doesn't blame any of the loses on Kobe. Last night was Kobe's fault. And not so much on O as on D. His D single handily cost us the game. Usually it's PG's destroying LA but last night it was Ariza with those 3's.

As for Kobe's offense in the fourth. He made shots. The team passed him the ball, and he was almost never doubled. I'm not gonna blame Kobe for running towards the ball on offense, Nash is the PG and could choose not to pass it to him and run a different play. The team was content with passing Kobe the ball and standing around. No one was even cutting off ball.

As for D'antoni, dude has never been able to coach a shoot first perimeter player in his life. He only wants one offensive style of ball, if he was smart he'd get on Kobe for His defense, not his ball movement because, the defense is what cot LA this game, and 80% of the breakdowns were Kobe's fault last night.


Saying that the ball needs to go through Kobe is ridiculous. That is exactly why Nash has been relegated as a spot up shooter and that's exactly why Dwight is ignored in the second half of so many games. What was the point of getting these guys, again? But then again, they're playing with Kobe--a player that wouldn't share the ball if he were a Nugget.

I'm sure you were saying the ball shouldn't go through Kobe as they were winning chips too. The offensive style of play isn't the problem. Kobe's ran an offense for his entire career and had a lot of success doing it, and with more talented offensive big men than Dwight. Pau/Shaq/Bynum all have more offensive talent than Dwight and shoot better from the line too. Yet we've had success with Kobe running the offense then too. Nash is a system player. As great as he is, he's never been able to run an offense with two big men or a post player or another premiere scorer. He wasn't as great in Dallas or the year Shaq was there in PHX. Our problem is TO's (lack of chemistry) and defense. Stop projecting your nonsense onto the team because you hate Kobe and think he's a bad teammate and selfish. That's really your entire reason for posting anything about Kobe anyway, Dallas fan, hate Kobe as a person, hate his style of play, trash it as often as possible. I get your MO. As for Lebron being a great teammate, you must not be watching Lebron scream at Mario Chalmers 435 times a game.


hey guys, rox are gonna make the playoffs. And win a game. I is happy.

lowered expectations, they make everyone's lives better.
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