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2013 Mar NBA Season lOT| Change This Face, Be Happy, Enjoy it!

Its so hard to gauge how good Manu is with the way Pop uses him...

At least with this Tony injury we might see Manu be more aggressive

I don't expect Pop to play him any more than normal, but at least we won't have 20 pt leads by the time he checks in lol

Manu is still talented as hell, but when I think of core players, I think players that can play 65+ games at at least 28 minutes per game. I don't think Manu can do that anymore. Tim, Tony, and especially Leonard can definitely do that. Still, if it's a tight game in the playoffs, I want Manu on the court.

Where could Dwight possibly go, i think he will stay in LA.



Who gives a crap if he's younger? He's performing at the same offensive level as always. And as for "less help"...once again, he's played this way to the tune of multiple championships. You're literally butt hurt because he is shooting 20 shots a game. He shot 19 last night, below his season average and you're moaning. This is all about a preference for a style of basketball for you. It's got nothing to do with reality. LA has been just fine after the all star break and Kobe has been great and efficient.

If you wanted this moaning nonsense last year when he was shooting 40% for like 2 months and shooting his team out of games I would understand. But this is just silly.

Yesterday he was taking half court shots, contested in your face no movement 3s, down 10 dribbling out the shot clock in the last 3mins shots, through the leg turnover passes.................all this while his team would just stand around and watch. But you know what, good for you if you think a 34 yr old kobe will chuck the lakers to another ring.

I did this last year and i'm doing it again this year. Its a big part of why we lost against okc in the playoffs and why we are in this stinking hole.
Real talk question because I honestly haven't watched many Lakers games...How is Nash this season? I keep seeing him mentioned as a core player, but the dude is pretty old now. He's in great shape, but think he'll be worthy of being a "core" player next season?

I actually have the same doubts about Manu for next season, but I think Leonard stepping up to take some pressure off the big 3 has been huge for us this year.

Offensively he's been quite good. 50/40/90 season again. He's playing well off the ball with Kobe when need be. I'd like his TOs to come down, he tries to forcefeed Dwight too much like Kobe.

I have no complaints about Steve. I knew what his D was coming in but his O since a few weeks after coming back from injury has been solid. He's turned up his scoring as a result.

Not having Pau for passing has hurt the team's ball handling, though. TOs have gone back up since he went out.

Is Lakers-age over the idea of Pau sticking around yet?

Dude is too slow to play the 4 anymore, he can't do it. At this point in his career he should have been transitioned to the 5 full time like KG. Dwight being in LA is the end of Pau as a Laker.

I just don't see them trading him for more than expiring, though. I don't think Lakers will make a trade that hurts the 2014 cap space. Do you?
Manu is still talented as hell, but when I think of core players, I think players that can play 65+ games at at least 28 minutes per game. I don't think Manu can do that anymore. Tim, Tony, and especially Leonard can definitely do that. Still, if it's a tight game in the playoffs, I want Manu on the court.

Eh, I think he probably could, actually. But we don't want him to or need him to.

More importantly, can he play ~35 mpg at a high level for a playoff run? Thats what I'm worried about. The regular season doesn't mean much when it comes to Manu imo.
Offensively he's been quite good. 50/40/90 season again. He's playing well off the ball with Kobe when need be. I'd like his TOs to come down, he tries to forcefeed Dwight too much like Kobe.

I have no complaints about Steve. I knew what his D was coming in but his O since a few weeks after coming back from injury has been solid. He's turned up his scoring as a result.

Not having Pau for passing has hurt the team's ball handling, though. TOs have gone back up since he went out.

I just don't see them trading him for more than expiring, though. I don't think Lakers will make a trade that hurts the 2014 cap space. Do you?

I don't see teams taking on long term contracts in general due to the new CBA unless they think it could put them over the top. Kind of like the rumors about the Spurs and Josh Smith. Although, I think that would have been a bad move for the Spurs in the end.


He just told me to watch college ball if i didn't want to watch a superstar take 20fga a game. Like WTF

You said "I prefer team basketball"

This has nothing to do with effectiveness for you, just a bias towards style of play. When Kobe was getting 14 assists I wasn't moaning because we were winning. When Dwight scores 30 I don't moan because we're winning. You have this disconnect between why we're losing, and why you think we're losing. If kobe shoots 20 fga a game, despite his career record doing it, or his efficiency, or us winning, you moan and whine.

That makes no sense. Let me expand on that to make it clear. if you're not a fan of a superstar SHOOTING GUARD shooting his career average fga at or above his career average efficiency levels while LA is winning games like they are post all star break...go watch college ball.

Edit: possible Reasons we lost yesterday. 1) OKC is a better team and played better. 2) Dwight was horribly inefficient and couldn't get back in transition to protect the rim. 3) We only forced 2 turnovers - which is a franchise record for them. 4) we had to cross match during every fast break back because Nash has no chance of guarding Westbrook, or anyone except sefelosha this causes us to get confused and leave open shooters. 5) Lakers getting in a big hole when Kobe left the game due to injury.

There's a lot of reasons why last nights game didn't go well. But because you're straight crazy, you're mind rationalizes it MUST be kobe's fault because he didn't play a style i like and because he missed smee 3 point shots.
Yesterday he was taking half court shots, contested in your face no movement 3s, down 10 dribbling out the shot clock in the last 3mins shots, through the leg turnover passes.................all this while his team would just stand around and watch. But you know what, good for you if you think a 34 yr old kobe will chuck the lakers to another ring.

I did this last year and i'm doing it again this year. Its a big part of why we lost against okc in the playoffs and why we are in this stinking hole.

lol you always hate Kobe.


You said "I prefer team basketball"

This has nothing to do with effectiveness for you, just a bias towards style of play. When Kobe was getting 14 assists I wasn't moaning because we were winning. When Dwight scores 30 I don't moan because we're winning. You have this disconnect between why we're losing, and why you think we're losing. If kobe shoots 20 fga a game, despite his career record doing it, or his efficiency, or us winning, you moan and whine.

That makes no sense. Let me expand on that to make it clear. if you're not a fan of a superstar SHOOTING GUARD shooting his career average fga at or above his career average efficiency levels while LA is winning games like they are post all star break...go watch college ball.

Kobe averaging high assists is what he should be doing if his going to be handling the ball as much as nash.We've been winning the last few games after the all star break but i've hated every single one of them. To me the best laker game of the season was vs okc where he had 14. I clearly have a bias against chucking......

And no, i don't need to watch college basketball to see SMART basketball.

lol you always hate Kobe.

It's just infuriating that guys won't accept that kobe isn't the same kobe anymore.......and it's even worse when the player himself won't admit it too.
I wish Lin just got his own team. I hate how he was saddled with Melo in New York, and now Harden (and potentially Dwight?) in Houston.

Linsanity was so awesome. I ate that shit up last year not gonna lie

Parsons as the new Landry Fields is pretty appropriate tho


I wish Lin just got his own team. I hate how he was saddled with Melo in New York, and now Harden (and potentially Dwight?) in Houston.

Linsanity was so awesome. I ate that shit up last year not gonna lie

Parsons as the new Landry Fields is pretty appropriate tho

Lin on "his" own team would be even less relevant, because he can't carry a squad.
lol no. He'd actually go to the Rockets now before that team.

I still hope he sticks in LA and fails every season.

I think Dallas would love to have him, and he'd be the center-point of a team with relatively low expectations for him, tons of cash to spend on building a team around him, and an owner that will bend to his every need. Houston is more of a contender, but if they take on his salary along with Lin and Harden, they won't have much left to spend on help without going over the luxury tax. If he stays in LA, it's because he's banking on Kobe retiring soon. If he thinks that Kobe will play for another 3 seasons or more, I think he's gone.


Lin on "his" own team would be even less relevant, because he can't carry a squad.

He didn't say he could, that i saw.

also, lol @ vag recomending someone who likes teamball go watch college ball.

Maybe vag should go watch college ball and then come back and change his statement.
I wish Lin just got his own team. I hate how he was saddled with Melo in New York, and now Harden (and potentially Dwight?) in Houston.

Linsanity was so awesome. I ate that shit up last year not gonna lie

Parsons as the new Landry Fields is pretty appropriate tho
you serious? The last thing Lin wants is to get his own team. I'm glad Harden got his own team though.


He didn't say he could, that i saw.

also, lol @ vag recomending someone who likes teamball go watch college ball.

Maybe vag should go watch college ball and then come back and change his statement.

Oh I know- I'm imagining he wants Lin to take over a team like the Suns or Bobcats, put up 20+ points a game. And I'm telling you it wouldn't be that cool because they wouldn't be competitive at all.


It's just infuriating that guys won't accept that kobe isn't the same kobe anymore.......and it's even worse when the player himself won't admit it too.

Again. You're confused. Kobe offensively is as effective as he's ever been. He's not the same defender anymore, but you're whining about his offensive style even though his usage rate is down and his fga are down 4 a game from last year. That makes no sense.

And defensively, sure he's bad, but so is 80% of our team. And he sacrifices by guarding the opposing players best guard every night because Nash can't do it and so Nash can save his legs. Imagine Nash guarding Westbrook while Kobe guards Thabo. Or Nash guarding Kyrie or CP3.

You're just not taking in the whole game at all. You have a clear aversion to chucking which is fine. But last night he was efficient, got to the line, made his 3's and Nash and Dwight were inefficient the first half and I didn't hear a peep out of you about that. You're watching the games with serious blinders on.
Oh I know- I'm imagining he wants Lin to take over a team like the Suns or Bobcats, put up 20+ points a game. And I'm telling you it wouldn't be that cool because they wouldn't be competitive at all.

Nah, give him a cool young team. With decent talent. Like:


Parsons can come along too.

Tell me that wouldn't be fun to watch.


Again. You're confused. Kobe offensively is as effective as he's ever been. He's not the same defender anymore, but you're whining about his offensive style even though his usage rate is down and his fga are down 4 a game from last year. That makes no sense.

And defensively, sure he's bad, but so is 80% of our team. And he sacrifices by guarding the opposing players best guard every night because Nash can't do it and so Nash can save his legs. Imagine Nash guarding Westbrook while Kobe guards Thabo. Or Nash guarding Kyrie or CP3.

You're just not taking in the whole game at all. You have a clear aversion to chucking which is fine. But last night he was efficient, got to the line, made his 3's and Nash and Dwight were inefficient the first half and I didn't hear a peep out of you about that. You're watching the games with serious blinders on.

Let me ask you a question vag, do you think we have won the past 4 out 5? games since the all star break because we are Improving as a team or because kobe is carrying much of the offensive load? (Oh and by the way he has one of the highest usage rates now)Because honestly, i think we've regressed but no one sees it since lakers have been winning. assists are down, turnovers are up, defensive numbers are terrible.


Let me ask you a question vag, do you think we have won the past 4 out 5? games since the all star break because we are a better team or because kobe is shooting more?

I think LA can absolutely win games if Kobe averages 20 fga at 46-47%. That's what he's done his entire career, why would this year be any different. You keep comparing the Home Thunder game against this game. Wanna know the difference? Westbrook didn't go 3-18 or whatever last night like he did in LA and the Thunder team didn't have a franchise record low in TO's in LA like they did last night.

I think you watch the games essentially ignoring most of everything and explaining away our success by looking at Kobe's fga column and his assist column. That's what I think.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I think Dallas would love to have him, and he'd be the center-point of a team with relatively low expectations for him, tons of cash to spend on building a team around him, and an owner that will bend to his every need. Houston is more of a contender, but if they take on his salary along with Lin and Harden, they won't have much left to spend on help without going over the luxury tax. If he stays in LA, it's because he's banking on Kobe retiring soon. If he thinks that Kobe will play for another 3 seasons or more, I think he's gone.

I think that's all changed with the trades they have made and the way Morey structured the contracts. They can easily take on Howard who would have to take less and another key player and basically keep their whole roster.

I'd have to check out clutchfans at some point, but Morey made these recent trades for a reason and also most of our players have one year deals/expiring or cheap rookie contracts.

Howard wants to win now and the new hot and upcoming team that runs an O that he would love is Houston. I just can't see Dallas at this point unless he doesn't care about winning any longer.

I honestly don't want this version of Howard on the team, healthy is a different story. I too wonder if Howard will want to play with Kobe again... they can't stand each other. It makes things really interesting though and fun to sit back and watch lol
You guys have no imagination, I swear

The Rox are a pretty exciting team as is, I agree.

I just don't like Harden so its not my cup of tea (dagger'd us in the playoffs, Manu comparisons early on, free throw monster, the beard gimmick, etc). And I hate how Lin is paired with him now.


I think LA can absolutely win games if Kobe averages 20 fga at 46-47%. That's what he's done his entire career, why would this year be any different. You keep comparing the Home Thunder game against this game. Wanna know the difference? Westbrook didn't go 3-18 or whatever last night like he did in LA and the Thunder team didn't have a franchise record low in TO's in LA like they did last night.

I think you watch the games essentially ignoring most of everything and explaining away our success by looking at Kobe's fga column and his assist column. That's what I think.

You see this is your problem, kobe isn't as athletic as he was and it takes so much energy for him to beat good defensive teams. But , Kobe does not need to average 20fga on this team.....its just that simple. It's the same thing that happened with miami and wade, the big 3 in boston etc etc And our wins when his attempts are low prove it. And no, i'm not just complaining about yesterday's game....this is about how his played since the all star break and pre-the airing out meeting in memphis.

You complain about dwight not protecting the rim but how many times do you expect dwight to cover for everyone else's defensive liabilities? I'm not saying kobe is the only problem, I'm saying he is PART of the problem. And we all know the first step to solving an issue is admitting you have one. Too bad that will never happen with his ego.
You guys have no imagination, I swear

The Rox are a pretty exciting team as is, I agree.

I just don't like Harden so its not my cup of tea (dagger'd us in the playoffs, Manu comparisons early on, free throw monster, the beard gimmick, etc). And I hate how Lin is paired with him now.

You love Manu but hate Harden. I swear, every Spurs fan I've ran into on the internet are all homers.
Howard will leave Lakers at end of the season, that´s for sure. What´s next for him?

1) Brooklyn (50%).
2) Dallas (25%).
3) Stay in LA (Clippers) (25%) .

I don't really know if the Clippers would be a good fit for him. He certainly wouldn't help on offense for anything other than put-backs even if CP3 could get him the ball alone and point-blank range. His interior defense would let the rest of the team defend the perimeter better, but he'd be a huge liability on fast-breaks. I still think DJ can be a good center for the Clippers, but VDN refuses to play him in the 4th quarter.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You guys have no imagination, I swear

The Rox are a pretty exciting team as is, I agree.

I just don't like Harden so its not my cup of tea (dagger'd us in the playoffs, Manu comparisons early on, free throw monster, the beard gimmick, etc). And I hate how Lin is paired with him now.



Tomodachi wa Mahou
Howard will leave Lakers at end of the season, that´s for sure. What´s next for him?

1) Brooklyn (50%).
2) Dallas (25%).
3) Stay in LA (Clippers) (25%) .

There are going to be other teams with cap room.

I think he probably does stay in LA but if he bails theres a bunch of other teams. Rockets will have cap room and Morey won't be able to resist. And the Rockets roster is way more enticing than sticking around with the Lakers.


Didn't realize there were so many games on tonight;

- Boston vs Indiana should be a very interesting game. An important game for both teams.

- Miami against Orlando. Win streak will continue to 16.

- Portland and Memphis should be a good game I guess. Don't really care about either team.

Edit: - Dallas vs Houston: Battle of the Island of Misfit Toys


I think that's all changed with the trades they have made and the way Morey structured the contracts. They can easily take on Howard who would have to take less and another key player and basically keep their whole roster.

I'd have to check out clutchfans at some point, but Morey made these recent trades for a reason and also most of our players have one year deals/expiring or cheap rookie contracts.

Howard wants to win now and the new hot and upcoming team that runs an O that he would love is Houston. I just can't see Dallas at this point unless he doesn't care about winning any longer.

I honestly don't want this version of Howard on the team, healthy is a different story. I too wonder if Howard will want to play with Kobe again... they can't stand each other. It makes things really interesting though and fun to sit back and watch lol

Morey also added AB which could be used as an expiring contract/trade bait. He gave AB a two year deal with the 2nd year being a team option. His salary could be traded and then the receiving team could cut AB and save 2.5 mill on that second year.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Man Dallas may be out for blood tonight after the last game vs the Rockets. Really curious to see how it goes. No team likes to be shitted on that badly.

^ Morey is going to work


You see this is your problem, kobe isn't as athletic as he was. Kobe does not need to average 20fga on this team.....it just that simple. It's the same thing that happened with miami and wade, the big 3 in boston etc etc And our wins when his attempts are low prove it. And no, i'm not just complaining about yesterday's game....this about how his played since the all star break and pre-the airing out meeting in memphis.

You complain about dwight not protecting the rim but how many times do you expect dwight to cover for everyone else's defensive liabilities? I'm not saying kobe is the only problem, I'm saying he is PART of the problem. And we all know the first step to solving an issue is admitting you have one. Too bad that will never happen with his ego.

Wade? Wade backed off because of Lebron. Tell me, who is Lebron on this Lakers team? As for the Boston big 3, they were who they were because of their defense. Thats what happens when you have Thibs and Doc coaching in a league with only one superstar a team and 3 HOF around their Prime and Healthy. We have D'Antoni and teams who are more athletic than us.

What's Kobe gonna admit about his problem defensively. "Hey guys I can't guard speedy guards anymore. Here Nash you tak him?" lol. Without a defensive system, any chemistry, or coaching, he's still a pretty effective on ball defender. Off ball, everyone on this team is confused. Yes Kobe's not as athletic but he's equally as effective offensively as ever. How is that not being understood I don't get it.

Nash is severely limited without a pick and pop guy. PnR has always worked best with a guy who can roll and pop. When Gasol was here Nash was more effective at running the team. Now almost every Nash PnR results in him shooting up a jumper because teams stay home on our shooters and knowo Dwight isn't a threat most the time to finish over his man. Teams go under on Nash, stay with Dwight, and Nash's only option is a jumper. Which I'm fine with...but you can't run that all game.


Man Dallas may be out for blood tonight after the last game vs the Rockets. Really curious to see how it goes. No team likes to be shitted on that badly.

^ Morey is going to work
More importantly, how many motorcycle revs will we get from grandpa Carter tonight?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Didn't realize there were so many games on tonight;

- Boston vs Indiana should be a very interesting game. An important game for both teams.

- Miami against Orlando. Win streak will continue to 16.

- Portland and Memphis should be a good game I guess. Don't really care about either team.

Edit: - Dallas vs Houston: Battle of the Island of Misfit Toys



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Nah dude, Dallas is a broken team

Take the win and walk over the body. Like AI to Tyronn Lue.

Even a broken team has to have some pride on their own homecourt? I would think lol Dallas always plays the Rockets well, heck that was the first time we have beat them in ages. I hope this new trend of wrecking them continues.


Wade? Wade backed off because of Lebron. Tell me, who is Lebron on this Lakers team? As for the Boston big 3, they were who they were because of their defense. Thats what happens when you have Thibs and Doc coaching in a league with only one superstar a team and 3 HOF around their Prime and Healthy. We have D'Antoni and teams who are more athletic than us.

What's Kobe gonna admit about his problem defensively. "Hey guys I can't guard speedy guards anymore. Here Nash you tak him?" lol. Without a defensive system, any chemistry, or coaching, he's still a pretty effective on ball defender. Off ball, everyone on this team is confused. Yes Kobe's not as athletic but he's equally as effective offensively as ever. How is that not being understood I don't get it.

Nash is severely limited without a pick and pop guy. PnR has always worked best with a guy who can roll and pop. When Gasol was here Nash was more effective at running the team. Now almost every Nash PnR results in him shooting up a jumper because teams stay home on our shooters and knowo Dwight isn't a threat most the time to finish over his man. Teams go under on Nash, stay with Dwight, and Nash's only option is a jumper. Which I'm fine with...but you can't run that all game.

Everybody and kobe can see his defense is crap. The issue is he can't or won't trust his team mates. If you need a player like lebron for you to be able to differ at times...then i can't even. But then again, no wonder lebron could carry his team to a finals with a terrible cast.Again, i said kobe's issues are only part of a whole crapped out season. Factoring our terrible coach, no defense pg, our hobbled centre, pau/hill/nash/dwight out for parts during the season.....etc etc. It just wasn't our year.
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