Rodeo Clown
All aboard! The Love train!
He can catch and shoot the ball. Granted, injuries took away the Wolves best shooters on the floor last season but the team made just 36.9% of spot-up jumpers. Bazzy Muhammad made 40% of his catch-and-shoot jumpers in his one year at UCLA. He moves really well without the ball (nearly 1.4 points per possession on cuts, which is insane) and comes off screens looking to shoot right away. Hes not hesitant or shy. Hes ready to shoot the ball and his form looks really good to me. There are a couple of things with balance off the dribble Id like to see the Wolves fix, but spotting up his form looks great.
He gets to the free throw line. He got there 5.6 times in 30.8 minutes per game at UCLA. He shot just 71.1% from there after shooting 85.6% from the line his senior year of high school. Im not quite sure what to make of his percentage, to be honest with you. I dont know if I believe hes a 71% shooter or an 85% shooter. If hes somewhere in the middle, thats good enough. But hes a physical player that can bang against small players and either get a trip to the line or get a good shot opportunity.
Well, now I'm convinced.