Grizzlies would have been good. I guess. But why when he's hitting all time finals shots here..Of course not where could he go to chase a ring this year?
Grizzlies would have been good. I guess. But why when he's hitting all time finals shots here..Of course not where could he go to chase a ring this year?
Of course not where could he go to chase a ring this year?
Jesus is back? Niiiiiiiiiice
Trade Gortat to OKC plz, k thx.
HOLY SHIT. Things are getting real now
Bill Simmons ‏@BillSimmons 1m
The quote I just retweeted is an outright, 100 percent lie. I'd be careful, Glenn. Seriously. Stop talking. You are making sh*t up.
Who's Glenn?
It would be hilarious if Simmons got himself fired over this.
He's basically been right though. Doc bailed with 3 years left and thinks he can spin that somehow he is the good guy in all this.It would be hilarious if Simmons got himself fired over this.
He's basically been right though. Doc bailed with 3 years left and thinks he can spin that somehow he is the good guy in all this.
How is Doc bailing exactly? He's not trying to spin anything. Ainge finally is initiating the tank and he doesn't want Doc to spend the last years of his coaching career stuck on a bottomfeeder team.
I actually really respect Ainge for sending him to a potential contender where he can actually still do some good.
Doc wanted out when he heard that the Celtics were going into tank-mode. Ainge is appeasing Doc in all of this, not the other way around.
Trade Gortat to OKC plz, k thx.
Sure, but there are degrees of professionalism. Even sports journalists probably shouldn't point blank tell a professional coach who they cover that they're making shit up, whether or not it's true. Or threaten him, for that matter. Can anyone imagine a beat writer doing that? Like I said, I think it's unlikely that he'll be fired, but if he did want to be fired this would be a good start.The worst they will do to Simmons is kick him off twitter for a week or two.
He is letting his fandom creep in a bit, but that doesnt make him wrong on his actual point.
Exactly. He signs a five year deal and then gets cold feet even though he knew the C's would be rebuilding within those five years. He could have contributed to starting up the rebuild but he's got to go play front runner instead.Doc wanted out when he heard that the Celtics were going into tank-mode. Ainge is appeasing Doc in all of this, not the other way around.
He's basically been right though. Doc bailed with 3 years left and thinks he can spin that somehow he is the good guy in all this.
I wish he would get sent here so he could cry about it again.Grizzlies would have been good. I guess. But why when he's hitting all time finals shots here..
Sure, but there are degrees of professionalism. Even sports journalists probably shouldn't point blank tell a professional coach who they cover that they're making shit up, whether or not it's true. Or threaten him, for that matter. Can anyone imagine a beat writer doing that? Like I said, I think it's unlikely that he'll be fired, but if he did want to be fired this would be a good start.
Using different language, and probably checking with legal to make sure you're not about to get embroiled in some sort of libel suit. Simmons's behavior wouldn't really be tolerated in any other context.Journalist SHOULD point out bold face lies, especially if its about them personally.
Sure, but there are degrees of professionalism. Even sports journalists probably shouldn't point blank tell a professional coach who they cover that they're making shit up, whether or not it's true. Or threaten him, for that matter. Can anyone imagine a beat writer doing that? Like I said, I think it's unlikely that he'll be fired, but if he did want to be fired this would be a good start.
I think it good that someone points out the bullshit. Simmons has never positioned himself as a beat writer or insider so he doesn't have to cultivate relationships with players and coaches. Doc thinks he can smile and wave and everyone will just pat him on the back and say good luck even though if you scratch the surface this is pretty sleazy.Sure, but there are degrees of professionalism. Even sports journalists probably shouldn't point blank tell a professional coach who they cover that they're making shit up, whether or not it's true. Or threaten him, for that matter. Can anyone imagine a beat writer doing that? Like I said, I think it's unlikely that he'll be fired, but if he did want to be fired this would be a good start.
Who's Glenn?
smhWho is Glen?
lol wtf is Simmons going to do? What does Doc have to be "careful" about?
Dont act like a joker your whole career and then go throwing threats around, Simmons
Doc had no interest in a rebuild.
What is Bill mad about? Did Doc claim he wanted to stay but Since sold his contract off or what? Just asking since I don't have much info on the situation.
Using different language, and probably checking with legal to make sure you're not about to get embroiled in some sort of libel suit. Simmons's behavior wouldn't really be tolerated in any other context.
Sure, but there are degrees of professionalism. Even sports journalists probably shouldn't point blank tell a professional coach who they cover that they're making shit up, whether or not it's true. Or threaten him, for that matter. Can anyone imagine a beat writer doing that? Like I said, I think it's unlikely that he'll be fired, but if he did want to be fired this would be a good start.
everyone likes to forget this fact, doc was on the hot seat until they beat the pistons in detroit. everyone in boston thought he was holding them back.bill wanted doc fired because he was doing an awful job until kevin mchale saved his ass by trading him garnett
this is the same guy that ruined tmac for life afterall
Sure, it makes sense in the context of Simmons as part-time analyst and full-time RealGM troll. The problem is that unlike regular RealGM trolls, he represents a company that does rely pretty heavily on insider access, who probably aren't too happy that he's continued this discussion this long. I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but again--I don't think anything is going to come of this. I just think Simmons is being an idiot.Getting d for lying about someone lying about you. That'd be rich.
The context is whatever, he's more an entertainer or bball commentator than a journalist anyway. Doc would look foolish going after him legally especially if he doesn't have his facts straight.
Simmons needs to shut the fuck, seriously. Everyone knew Doc was tied to KG/Pierce (and moreso KG), he said it immediately after the 1st round. Did Doc mislead people and say "I would love to stick around and rebuild and go 15-67"? No, get that betrayal shit outta here.
i.e. Heat have not signed him to a NBA contract, which I thought they did. He's just with their summer league.Jared Zwerling @JaredZwerling about 1 hour ago
Guys, you can play for two different teams in NBA summer league as there are two locations: Vegas and Orlando. Re: Kabongo.