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2013 NBA Offseason |OT| Already Planning for the 2014 Offseason


Bill Simmons should redirect his anger towards Danny Ainge.

He is the reason Doc, Pierce, Ray and Garnett all left.


Knowledge is power, guard it well

here is the article from 2006 I was referencing.

FWIW, I like Simmons. He's a Boston homer but he makes no attempt to pretend he isn't. He says what he believes, even if he's wrong. I'm fine with that and at least he tries to be entertaining.

I thought he was great at the draft last night. Come on, the Steisma scale was the best non-Stern, non-hair related part.

Damn, I'm saving that Bad Coaching Index.
He switched jobs and did so within the rules of his contract. Bill called him a quitter, which we all know is a cheapshot. He didn't say it to his face, he said it from a studio chair. He took a cheapshot at Doc on a night that was about young stars and not Bill's personal agenda with his hometown team. Bill was unprofessional. He was "being himself" which is fine, but it's not professional for the forum he was in


First that's a helluva spin you're doing. Bill's mad at Doc saying he wanted to stay but in reality had talks with LA then said he didn't and that it was ainge's plan and other lies.

Second they interviewed Doc live cause Doc going to LA is a big NBA story. The interview would have happened regardless if Simmons was there. Simmons happened to be there and made a quip that was the same tier as the other one linners he has all night.

It's like being mad at sir Charles for calling Javale a dummy or saying Dwight quit on his teams. It's Bill's job and he is a well known homer, Doc was the one calling people names and he's supposed to be a fucking coach not a color commentator. Him and his clown son need to just shut up about it cause what happened is plenty transparent.

edit: and stop with the false equivalency of comparing analysts and coaches jobs to your desk job. It's not the same at all, not even close.



How good of a player is Jennings really? I mean, I havent watched the team much this past season, and if you Youtube the guys name, its just video after video of him getting destroyed/embarassed.

HOLY SHIT. Things are getting real now

Ben Rohrbach ‏@brohrbach 22m
Doc on @WEEI about @BillSimmons: "He did everything he could to get me fired. Wrote letters, wanted to sit down w/ owners to talk about it."
Retweeted by Bill Simmons

Bill Simmons ‏@BillSimmons 1m
The quote I just retweeted is an outright, 100 percent lie. I'd be careful, Glenn. Seriously. Stop talking. You are making sh*t up.

That tweet about Simmons had better be untrue, because if its true Simmons is truly bitchmade. Honestly even if it isn't the guy is an asshat with a chip on his shoulder. People trade, and people leave teams for others, this isn't new. I cant stand NBA 'fans' that make a bigger deal than need be out of this bullshit. If you are that desperate for drama, go watch the WWE or something. This is how the league works. Deal with it.

Simmons trying to make this a thing, while appealing to Boston fans who are likely mildly unhappy about being in a full on throwaway/rebuild mode for the next few seasons is some bullshit man.

why you gotta bold it doe

Lol, View forgot where he was for a second there.

Ray Allen is back!

Riley seems set on bringing everyone back, I hope this team can hold on one more year without breaking down.

This made my day. I genuinely thought he would move on. But Miami is in great position still for the next season so that must have kept him around.


Why the fuck are guys siding with Doc? Coz you dont like Simmons?
The guy called out Doc for lying and trying to paint himself as "good" loyal or some bullshit.
Doc called Bill an idiot... fucker still trying to be a saint by saying "im classy".
I don't understand how so many people can miss a real simple point. Simmons doesn't give a shit that Doc left. Well, he does, but that's not what he's mad about. He's mad that Doc:

1. Threatened to retire unless he was traded
2. Started negotiating with other teams without giving the Celtics notice
3. Was successful in forcing a trade to a contender
4. Bullshitted about the the first three points never happening.

1 - 3 is business as usual in sports. #4 is the problem. Dude went around looking for another team and wants to come out of this like Ainge sold him down the river for a shot at Wiggins. Fuck that. Own up to what you did, it's not like anyone cares.
To reiterate Simmons is likely glad Doc is gone cause he never liked him.

Bill isn't mad that he left but at how he left. Doc lied and is still acting like he wasn't running out of Boston. Bill said he was being phony and he was and Doc called him an idiot.

Clipper Culture


Guys don't you think it should be illegal for coaches to tell players when to come out of the game? Imagine if your boss told you to stop working every 15 minutes and take an unpaid break to eat donuts in the lunch room.


Ray Allen is back!

Riley seems set on bringing everyone back, I hope this team can hold on one more year without breaking down.

Was there any ever doubt it your mind?

Everyone will be back. It'll be interesting to see what big we add during the offseason.

My bet is Dalembert


I don't think everyone will be back. Bird? Mike milli? Warden?

Bird will definitely be back. Andersen said, "Let's try to get a three-peat next year" at the championship parade.

Miller won't get amnestied till next year and who gives a shit about Joel.
Was there any ever doubt it your mind?

Everyone will be back. It'll be interesting to see what big we add during the offseason.

My bet is Dalembert

hopefully kabongo makes the team as a defensive 3rd point and we can add another insurance big (in addition to birdman) sometime in august after the main free agents have dried up

it would be nice to find a big suitable to play alongside bosh cause i can't take watching bosh get decimated by bigger dudes anymore


Someone saying you're bullshitting them while you're bullshitting them warrants them getting called an idiot? Doc can ead.

Someone calling you out in public over something they don't have direct knowledge of? Yes, you and I would both have called him an idiot. What exactly was Bill Simmons hoping to accomplish with that remark?

Lebatard has been going on about this a lot lately. Media guys like Bill can dish out hours of unfunny jokes in the name of entertainment, but when the targets of their jokes return fire, they act all hurt. Bill shouldn't throw stones, because there ain't much separating him and the likes of Bayless. PEACE.


hopefully kabongo makes the team as a defensive 3rd point and we can add another insurance big (in addition to birdman) sometime in august after the main free agents have dried up

it would be nice to find a big suitable to play alongside bosh cause i can't take watching bosh get decimated by bigger dudes anymore

Agreed, Birdman is great coming off the bench, but nothing more than that. He can't start.

Ideally, someone like Oden or Dalembert pans out and we could move Bosh back to PF. I'm not holding my breath though.
Agreed, Birdman is great coming off the bench, but nothing more than that. He can't start.

Ideally, someone like Oden or Dalembert pans out and we could move Bosh back to PF. I'm not holding my breath though.

It would be a miracle if they revitalized Oden but I doubt that

besides even if he did make a successful comeback it'd be on a one year deal and he would likely bounce right after
Stop comparing him to Bayless.

Bills last ten years shits all over Skips in that time frame, period.

Bayless has fucked it up for everyone with an honest opinion. Due to Skip, you cant really tell who is bullshitting for page views.


When has an employer traded their employee for a pick of a future employee? The situations are completely different.


You don't want to compare it to a regular job because it exposed how completely idiotic it is.

How about this? You stop ignoring the blatant fanboyism involved. Bill Simmons is acting like a butthurt girl because the Cs are garbage and all the rats left the sinking ship. There's no need for me to point out the blatant stupidity of Bill's actions if you would just accept that he's being really stupid and immature here. There was no reason to call Doc a quitter, period. You don't use inflammatory language (especially for a self-prophesed wordsmith) unless you're looking to flame. Bill got publicy slapped down by someone with far more credibility than he does, regardless of whose version of the facts you care to believe. He just can't let it go. PEACE.


Does anybody else think player trades should be banned? Imagine how ridiculous it would be if you were working at Walmart in St. Louis and you got traded to a Target in Minneapolis.
Jon Weiner ‏@Stugotz790 9h
Psyched that I'll be doing First Take with friends. July 4th and 5th with @SedanoShow . July 18th and 19th with @bomani_jones .

I really can't wait for the rest of the nation to meet Stugotz, lol.
Someone calling you out in public over something they don't have direct knowledge of? Yes, you and I would both have called him an idiot. What exactly was Bill Simmons hoping to accomplish with that remark?

Lebatard has been going on about this a lot lately. Media guys like Bill can dish out hours of unfunny jokes in the name of entertainment, but when the targets of their jokes return fire, they act all hurt. Bill shouldn't throw stones, because there ain't much separating him and the likes of Bayless. PEACE.

Except what Bill was speaking on is public knowledge. The opinion bit about him quitting is perfectly fine coming from an analyst.

It's Bill's job to critique and entertain and have an opinion, it's Doc's job to coach. What Bill said is far more professional than what Doc said it's not even funny.

And comparing it to your job doesn't expose how idiotic it is. It exposes how idiotic you are. I'm telling you so you stop embarrassing yourself.


my boss didn't think i was doing a good enough job at the pay i was receiving so he gave me paid vacation until my contract ended
I don't understand how so many people can miss a real simple point. Simmons doesn't give a shit that Doc left. Well, he does, but that's not what he's mad about. He's mad that Doc:

1. Threatened to retire unless he was traded
2. Started negotiating with other teams without giving the Celtics notice
3. Was successful in forcing a trade to a contender
4. Bullshitted about the the first three points never happening.

1 - 3 is business as usual in sports. #4 is the problem. Dude went around looking for another team and wants to come out of this like Ainge sold him down the river for a shot at Wiggins. Fuck that. Own up to what you did, it's not like anyone cares.

1. “Before Clips offered 1st round pick to Celtics on Sunday, Rivers had informed Boston he planned to return for ’13-14 season, source tells Y!”
2. No. Ainge approached him first. I believe the Nuggets had already offered a first rounder to the Celtics the week prior to Docu-drama.
3. Ainge wanted to blow things up.
4. Don't think so.
He'll be on his best behavior for ESPN.

Pretty cool he's going to be with Bomani though.

I hope he stays the same though

they need to discuss a topic then discuss that topic again later at a different angle or form so he has time and space to contradict himself


Except what Bill was speaking on is public knowledge. The opinion bit about him quitting is perfectly fine coming from an analyst.

It's Bill's job to critique and entertain and have an opinion, it's Doc's job to coach. What Bill said is far more professional than what Doc said it's not even funny.

And comparing it to your job doesn't expose how idiotic it is. It exposes how idiotic you are. I'm telling you so you stop embarrassing yourself.

He used the words "quit". Tact, delicacy...motherfucking professionalism...none of these apply here, right? "It's just Bill being Bill. Hurr hurr."

Bill's job is to entertain, but this was a draft show. The Cs-Nets trade didn't have anything to do with Doc going to LA. For fucks sake, should we pretend that Bill didn't utter some worthless, uninteresting and completely irrelevant nonsense about Boston every 5 minutes? Yeah...it's just his job to be an obnoxious knob, I forgot.

I don't write children's books, so I don't plan on tailoring my posts to your demographic anytime soon. Bill thinks Doc didn't hold up his obligation to the contract, and that he's lying, right? He's butthurt because he thinks Doc should've honored his contract. Where else do you see contracts but related to work? The crux of the matter is that Bill doesn't like that Doc took a better job on a better team than the quickly fading Cs. He didn't break his contract, as the franchise was amicable to dumping the salary. Both the franchise and Doc are happy with the situation. It's EXACTLY like a real work situation. The only thing that isn't is Bill's fanboy crush on a coach who just isn't that into his team anymore. I can excuse you missing this obvious point if you're as unemployable as your posts suggest. PEACE.
Please load up the DVR.

Reece specifically asked Bill what he thought of Doc going to Clippers.

He had every right to answer the way he did.
1. “Before Clips offered 1st round pick to Celtics on Sunday, Rivers had informed Boston he planned to return for ’13-14 season, source tells Y!”
2. No.
3. Maybe
4. ?

The problem is that we've had conflicting reports on the first three. Specifically with #1, almost everyone who has covered the story has said there was no way that Rivers was coming back to the Celtics after the breakdown with the Clippers.

Rivers himself has told conflicting stories on how this played out. That's the only reason there's a story here. Nobody cares that he left.
The problem is that we've had conflicting reports on the first three. Specifically with #1, almost everyone who has covered the story has said there was no way that Rivers was coming back to the Celtics after the breakdown with the Clippers.

Rivers himself has told conflicting stories on how this played out. That's the only reason there's a story here. Nobody cares that he left.

Basically, it's he said, he said.

Who has the better track record and who should be trusted?

Therein lies the problem.

People are so quick to believe what Simmons spews while disregarding anything from Doc's camp.
He used the words "quit". Tact, delicacy...motherfucking professionalism...none of these apply here, right? "It's just Bill being Bill. Hurr hurr."

Bill's job is to entertain, but this was a draft show. The Cs-Nets trade didn't have anything to do with Doc going to LA. For fucks sake, should we pretend that Bill didn't utter some worthless, uninteresting and completely irrelevant nonsense about Boston every 5 minutes? Yeah...it's just his job to be an obnoxious knob, I forgot.

I don't write children's books, so I don't plan on tailoring my posts to your demographic anytime soon. Bill thinks Doc didn't hold up his obligation to the contract, and that he's lying, right? He's butthurt because he thinks Doc should've honored his contract. Where else do you see contracts but related to work? The crux of the matter is that Bill doesn't like that Doc took a better job on a better team than the quickly fading Cs. He didn't break his contract, as the franchise was amicable to dumping the salary. Both the franchise and Doc are happy with the situation. It's EXACTLY like a real work situation. The only thing that isn't is Bill's fanboy crush on a coach who just isn't that into his team anymore. I can excuse you missing this obvious point if you're as unemployable as your posts suggest. PEACE.

It's not Bill being Bill, it's Bill being an analyst. Are you really this fucking stupid? Sure he slants as a homer but Shaq also hates and praises irrationally due to bias, but so what it's his opinion.

The story would have been brought up regardless unless you think after Bill said Doc quit they had their nearest ESPN employee run to Staples to further the story. ESPN had a planned interview with Doc cause it was a fresh NBA story.

Based on your last paragraph you fundamentally don't understand what's happening.

And don't pretend like you're qualified to write children's books. Your dumbass can barely read.
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