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2013 NBA Offseason |OT| Already Planning for the 2014 Offseason

You guys are probably right.

And am I just blind on Bennett or what. I don't see what other people are seeing. He looks like he has a 100% bust possibility to me.
ESPN.com said:
1. Which player is the most NBA-ready?

Chad Ford: Anthony Bennett. NBA body? Check. NBA athleticism? Check. Advanced offensive skills? Check. I'm not sure there is another player in the draft who can check all three boxes at the age of 20.
Ok... still don't like his tweener nature. Who was the last Top 10 tweener to have any real success?
Malone's now the big man coach for the Jazz, cool.
Malone coming in to help develop Kanter and Favors.

.. could be good? i dont know.
So Utah couldn't hire anyone else to teach Favors how to kick Tim Duncan in the face?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
It begins


It took me like 10 seconds to even realize Dwight was in this picture.

i wonder whos ass parsons is looking at

Obviously we both know the answer to this one.
The ability to either shoot a jumpshot or drive and dunk as your only options of scoring doesn't exactly scream advanced offensive arsenal to me in relation to Bennett.

God he's going to be such a disaster.


No way OKC should keep Kevin Martin. He was almost completely worthless this season and more importantly was fodder in the playoffs. Then again this is the same Presti who came out and said that they won't be amnestying argruably the worst player in the league..............
Martin is almost certainly gone. He was a placeholder for this year so we can try to evaluate whether Lamb or Jackson might be the answer coming off the bench.

that's a good point so do you think the thunder participate at all in FA this year outside of some minimum contracts?
I'd be very surprised if we sign anyone. I'd also be surprised if Derek Fisher isn't back next year. As long as YNB stays healthy I don't mind that too much.
Lamb is going to be really good.

Theory: Cavs will take Noel #1 if the Heat win the title, Porter #1 if the Heat lose to the Pacers or Spurs with Wade looking like Larry Hughes. They're an option for LeBron if Wade falls apart and Porter will impress right away more than Noel which will be important for attracting LeBron back and LeBron will probably be shifting to mostly PF in the future as well as his athleticism declines. Porter's advanced metrics are awesome which the Cavs' love as another reason.


Q: Why Mike D'Antoni's system didn't worked:

- D'Antoni said on his own accord "3-Pointer takes priority over a Post-up". He said that himself to the team. But eventually the ball has to go inside some, so then of course he made the adjustments, although it was a little late for everyone's liking. But he did it, and we benefited from it going 28-12. Does his system fit everyone? That's to be determined. If a guy doesn't like to play in his system then they'll leave, if they like it, they'll stay.

Congrats on the dwight houston.
I think it'll be a combination of Jackson/Lamb off the bench next year, unless we're sold on someone like Caldwell-Pope in the draft (although I still think we go big).

presti...goddamn what have you done..

Lamb is going to be really good.

Theory: Cavs will take Noel #1 if the Heat win the title, Porter #1 if the Heat lose to the Pacers or Spurs with Wade looking like Larry Hughes. They're an option for LeBron if Wade falls apart and Porter will impress right away more than Noel which will be important for attracting LeBron back and LeBron will probably be shifting to mostly PF in the future as well as his athleticism declines. Porter's advanced metrics are awesome which the Cavs' love as another reason.


Noel is the better pick either way with long term thinking. Noel adds negative wins because the team probably moves Varejao for whatever picks they can get.

They also can let LeBron know that they have a ton of cap space to mess around with to get whoever he wants to come on board with him. They'll max Kyrie, max LeBron and have money to get good roleplayers.

2014 1st (Randle, Vonleh, whoever)

Capspace for one great bench guy
Ring Chasers
Ring Chasers
Ring Chasers

Porter would be a terrible pick in terms of trying to recruit LeBron.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
Asked what about [Rodney] Williams’ game translates to the next level, the blunt response came swiftly from new Wolves president of basketball operations Flip Saunders, who also has more than 600 victories as an NBA head coach.

“Right now, nothing,” said Saunders, who cited shooting skills and ball handling as areas in which Williams needs to improve greatly.

I remember when Rodney Williams was supposed to be a first rounder.

Would he start over Crawford? And while I'd be glad to get rid of Butler, I have no idea who we'd get to start at SF. I'd love to get Ariza, but I don't know what his status is. I haven't been able to keep up with the playoffs/offseason since I've been in crunch time at work.
You watch too much knicks basketball. The lakers these past few years or Memphis...... The few remaining teams that have legit big men don't work like that.

Memphis and Indiana have really average to bad offenses who only focus on postups because their perimeter players aren't good offensively.


Memphis and Indiana have really average to bad offenses who only focus on postups because their perimeter players aren't good offensively.

I can't speak for indiana but memphis/lakers have been a post up oriented team for the better part of a decade. That's what their rosters are built for and that's how they play. D'antoni was the worst possible hire lakers could make for this very reason. Pacers/memphis/lakers are a dying breed but they are better from the inside out with their current rosters.
The D'Antoni hire is overrated in how awful he is

I mean he's bad, but the logic behind the hire was fine. A PNR focused offense between Dwight and Nash kills most teams on paper.

Nobody anticipated Nash forgetting how to dribble or how to run the PNR or being an effective basketball player on any end of the floor though.


The D'Antoni hire is overrated in how awful he is

I mean he's bad, but the logic behind the hire was fine. A PNR focused offense between Dwight and Nash kills most teams on paper.

Nobody anticipated Nash forgetting how to dribble or how to run the PNR or being an effective basketball player on any end of the floor though.

Nash was 39 years old coming off a good season but running a pnr all day with dwight while kobe/pau are standing on the side? yeah

Dwight's numbers showed he was a good pnr from a very small sample size. Orlando's offense wasn't centered on pnr's for dwight. This whole season has proven working your offense around pnr with dwight is a terrible idea. Terrible hands, terrible foot work and is only a good finisher if his spoon fed right at the rim, has no mid range shot therefore defense can easily go under the pick or just stay back etc.etc

D'antoni is well known for his defensive "prowess"

The lakers have 3 post up players (dwight/pau/kobe). D'antoni's has been documented as saying the post up is the worst possible play in basketball.

Finally, i personally thought the nash signing was the worst lakers signing last season. We were being abused left and right by pgs cause ours couldn't get over picks and left our bigs out to dry.Yet,the lakers brought in a far slower pg while having a roster that clearly weren't meant to run around for 48min again like nash did in phoenix.
I feel like the lakers should have signed a defensive pg that is a liability on offense for cheap. Anyone could see that coming with nash. Couple that with non defensive coach like d'antoni and you have this season.

The lakers had two of the worst coach signings back to back. When you can say mike brown was better off you know you made a huge mistake.
The problem was Dwight wasn't good enough (or healthy enough) to defend constant penetration from virtually every position on the court.

It might have helped if Kobe had been willing to sacrifice numbers for defense but he aint about that life.

And how do you think a new coach is going to run the offense if D'Antoni and Kobe are out?

If they try to just jam the ball into Dwight and Pau and they continue to not produce then its going to be a shit show on offense. Pau won't produce automatically because he's not a 4 and its going to be too crowded. Dwight won't produce because he's Dwight.

In short it doesn't matter what the Lakers want to do on offense. Hell D'Antoni might have had it right on that end. What matters is everybody buying in on D and Dwight being healthy there.

That team is going to probably be worse next year though. Signing with the Lakers could end up being career suicide for Dwight especially if Kobe takes the team hostage and tries to get an extension for the max.


The problem was Dwight wasn't good enough (or healthy enough) to defend constant penetration from virtually every position on the court.

It might have helped if Kobe had been willing to sacrifice numbers for defense but he aint about that life.

And how do you think a new coach is going to run the offense if D'Antoni and Kobe are out?

If they try to just jam the ball into Dwight and Pau and they continue to not produce then its going to be a shit show on offense. Pau won't produce automatically because he's not a 4 and its going to be too crowded. Dwight won't produce because he's Dwight.

In short it doesn't matter what the Lakers want to do on offense. Hell D'Antoni might have had it right on that end. What matters is everybody buying in on D and Dwight being healthy there.

That team is going to probably be worse next year though. Signing with the Lakers could end up being career suicide for Dwight especially if Kobe takes the team hostage and tries to get an extension for the max.

First off, dwight isn't coming back. That's a given right now. Second, once D'antoni adjusted to have pau more in the post with dwight the lakers started winning games. Like Phil, the lakers were staggering pau/dwights minutes to have either one on the floor at all times. Pau was our best interior passer to dwight and is a decent mid range who can spread the floor the way memphis spread the floor with Marc inside the 3 point line but outside the paint. It's the same way Bynum/pau worked. And as matchups dictated phil would have Lamar/pau instead of pau/bynum. Although, pau/lamar shared the most minutes.

And the offense does have a direct effect on Defense. Playing through the post slows down the game and allows the lakers to get back on defense by producing fewer long rebounds and not allowing the opposing team to leak for fast breaks..Older players conserve more energy too. It's exactly how mike brown played last season and the lakers had a better defensive rating and more success although the offense was terrible. Our defense improved considerably once we switched mid way through this season. Chuck pearson said the same thing. Ofcourse kobe regressing on defense is a big factor but couple that with a coach who has no clue about team defense and it's a disaster.

Anyway, D'antoni has no idea how to coach big men. He failed with shaq and now with pau/dwight. Even Phil said as much...it was a terrible hire through and through which only came about because jim is an egotistical prick and mitch never had the final say.
Didn't mike Brown go 1-6 or something stupid doing exactly what you're saying, by having Pau play the mid range elbow shooter/facilitator and Dwight camping the paint?

And the Pau/Bynum combo was ass most nights. Bynum didn't finish games and the chip winning combo was LO/Pau.


Didn't mike Brown go 1-6 or something stupid doing exactly what you're saying, by having Pau play the mid range elbow shooter/facilitator and Dwight camping the paint?

And the Pau/Bynum combo was ass most nights. Bynum didn't finish games and the chip winning combo was LO/Pau.

Mike brown went 1-6 installing a new offense and a new roster.(Dwight didn't play much in the offseason) The assistant coaches also said they weren't even trying to win games during the preseason. We were the third seed last season with a top 10 defense with mike brown and reached the second round while being very competitive against two of the fastest teams in the league(playing Pau/Bynum). The pau/bynum combo was ass (at times)only because Bynum was injured. He was playing on one leg most of the 2010 run for goodness sake. Oh and bynum was arguably the best laker for two straight years. (2011/2012)
having too much fun reading amateur draft analysis from years past

The Timberwolves are on a bit of a down season and as a fan of them i really hope they can surprise people next year...so i was thinking since we have a 25% chance in the lottery (we probably wont win it cuz the wolves always have bad luck in it) if we get Kyrie we will have a solid point guard with a actual bright future unlike Jonny Flynn...so since we have kyrie we could trade Rubio and Flynn for a veteran center and a solid shooting guard. Or we could trade the #1 pick and move down in the draft to get Brandon Knight and get like a decent defensive guard or center. Then we could keep rubio since we filled the need for a defensive presense. Then we could just trade Flynn for another veteran or defensive stopper. Also what are your thoughts on who should this defensive or veteran shooting guard or center be???

Trade the Number 1 pick and Flynn to Cleveland if they dont get it for Verajo, then draft Knight.


Cavs dump bad contract for rebuilding and get the number 1 pick. Wolves get a good defensive center to play beside Love.


lord have mercy


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Zeller is an underrated player. He's also an underrated athlete. I think he can come in and contribute right away. I'm high on him and especially Bennett.

Yep. Crazy athleticism, great size, really productive in college. Really find the notion that hes somehow still not a top 10 lock to be totally bizarre. I'd honestly be okay with the Magic taking him at 2.
The main problem with Zeller is that he's a terrible rim protector so he can't play center and he could be too slow to play PF.

Plus, he needs to shoot really well since he's going to be a pick-and-roll and iso player in the NBA and not a post scorer but he shot less than 10 jumpers or something in college. He could be pretty good, but there's definitely a lot of issues in his game. Olynyk is a year and a half older than Zeller, but he's also a lot more skilled than Zeller and I think Olynyk is better defensively as well.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
The Houston Rockets are determined to trade forward Thomas Robinson – the fifth pick in the 2012 NBA draft – to create salary-cap space for the pursuit of Los Angeles Lakers' free-agent superstar Dwight Howard, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

The Rockets have made clear to multiple rival teams that they plan to accept the best offer to move Robinson and eliminate his $3.52 million salary for the 2013-14 season.
I still can't believe I thought TRob would be really good before the draft. He has no talent whatsoever and no projectable role other than as a Poor Man's Humphries.


I still can't believe I thought TRob would be really good before the draft. He has no talent whatsoever and no projectable role other than as a Poor Man's Humphries.

With out being offensive directly towards you, i can.

Most of the scouting and other such for these kids is just rubbish for the most part, and a lot of it based on 1 year in college, not several years. The transition to the NBA is such a huge step up for any of them that outside of a few rare players, even the #1 pick can be a real lottery.

You can be better at scouting / drafting. But there's still a whole lot of blind faith going on, and as much of it is about developing the talent once you get it. Hence why pop can make kawaii look so good.
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