wtf. Just saw this gif from Miami's parade(?).
That's dangerous as hell. I'm amazed Lebron ducked as smoothly as he did, not even looking at the overpass.
Hash your bets loserbros.
who do you guys think your team will draft?
I have no clue probably some shit bigman.
Hash your bets loserbros.
who do you guys think your team will draft?
I have no clue probably some shit bigman.
Hash your bets loserbros.
who do you guys think your team will draft?
I have no clue probably some shit bigman.
Well, I'm really hoping for KCP. Does that count?
Hash your bets loserbros.
who do you guys think your team will draft?
I have no clue probably some shit bigman.
Franklin if he is available, Mitchell if he is not and a pg in the 2nd.
Also my pick is Muscala for sleeper of the draft
I think KCP is going to be really solid. I wish we could take him but nope we taking a big man that isn't and probably will never be better than the trash we have now.
but KCP gives yall what you guys need...a 2 guard not made of glass.
Hash your bets loserbros.
who do you guys think your team will draft?
I have no clue probably some shit bigman.
I like Franklin and Muscala as well, but why wouldn't you just take Muscala if Franklin isn't there? He's not a Knicks sort of player, but the spacing you'd have with him and Melo on the court would be unreal.
multiple sources just tweeted that Dwight aint coming back to the Lakers but we all knew that
he said Dwight wants to go to Houston or Dallas
do it Cuban
I would, I am all about a 2015 rebuild. However the knicks want a tougher front court and muscala is skilled and apparently doesnt like contact. It would likely take a season or 2 too for him to contribute and the knicks apparently want to try for it one more time now. Also who knows they had him in and put him against whitey in workouts. If he showed anything they could still take him in thd second.
Mitchell is ok with contact and could be the best pure athlete in ths draft. Shump was the same and it worked so I could see them doing it again.
I wasn't that excited about the draft until I remembered yesterday that I'm getting 5 hours of Jay Bilas up there talking about shit like wingspan and rejumpability. Now I'm stoked.
Every year.
The actual selections are pretty much an afterthought compared to the amazing comedy show that gets put on by ESPN's "experts" and clown shoes GMs having a competition to see who can make the most embarrassing trade imaginable.
This is why I hate being in Portland, Aldridge said during the last week of the season. You cant do anything.
According to the report, Aldridge would not only welcome a trade from the Blazers, but he hopes for one, believing the city is too boring and small.
Neil Olshey said he sympathized with the constant change Aldridge has gone through with the Blazers, but the GM was adamant he would not be shopping the All-Star forward.
Well, Ill tell you this: Im not going to be making any phone calls to move him, Olshey said. But if the phone rings and it makes the team better ...
lulz what the hell
lulz what the hell
I can't remember the last time I was consumed or focused on the draft. The fact that I almost never watch college ball and that LA rarely if ever drafts in the lottery probably has something to do with this.
I have no idea who OKC likes, which I think is exactly how Presti wants it.
I do think they want size to develop, but I also have a hard time seeing them pass on a guy like Oladipo if they managed to trade into the top 5.
His last ditch attempt to get CP3 to come to Dallas.
Which of the mid-round big bodies will be best?
Plumlee, Rudy Gorbert, Dieng, Lucas Noguiera
I feel like you can't go that wrong if you get a decently mobile 7-footer. I think Plumlee is probably the most well rounded and usable, and his body's big. He could be like a more athletic, less defensive-minded Asik type. Gorbert bust. Noguiera could be something but he's too skinny right now, may have highest potential. Dieng either a defensive specialist off the bench or out of the league shortly. If any of these guy's can figure out a little game for themselves, they have the body to contribute.
If Dwight leaves you'll be all about next year's draft.
If Dwight leaves you'll be all about next year's draft.
If Dwight leaves you'll be all about next year's draft.
They'll be on some shit they haven't seen for maybe twenty years real soon.
Most of them will disappear like Cavs age.
Cavs age was basically Heat age a few years ago.
Wait, why does almost every mock draft have the Celts taking Larkin? They need a big, not a midget guard.
Hash your bets loserbros.
who do you guys think your team will draft?
I have no clue probably some shit bigman.
Multiple sources is saying that Dwight thinks the Mavs are the most desirable location because he can be the face of the franchise and their play style would suit him the most. Come on down Howard, you'll be the best center in Mavs history bro!