The Pacers are impossible to blow out. That's the magic of fuckball.
The Pacers blow themselves out all the time.
That's the magic of fuckball.
The Pacers are impossible to blow out. That's the magic of fuckball.
Is there like some deep reason for it, then?Because I think it makes me look cool. At least, that's what everyone else thinks, so let's run with that. Welcome to the thread. PEACE.
Is there like some deep reason for it, then?
Like, did your best friend die in your arms and the last thing he said to you was, "Whatever happens in your life *cough cough*, make sure that you. . . . . that you. . . . . . (Pimp: What is it? Anything you want, man, just don't leave me!). . . . . . . that you always end your internet posts with. . . . . . with. . . . . . . . . *cough cough*. . . . . PEACE!" *dies*
Pimp: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end meIs there like some deep reason for it, then?
Like, did your best friend die in your arms and the last thing he said to you was, "Whatever happens in your life *cough cough*, make sure that you. . . . . that you. . . . . . (Pimp: What is it? Anything you want, man, just don't leave me!). . . . . . . that you always end your internet posts with. . . . . . with. . . . . . . . . *cough cough*. . . . . PEACE!" *dies*
Pimp: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still wish the Warriors could have advanced. Really would have liked to see that team play some more. As long as Currys ankles held out anyway.
Damn damn damnIs there like some deep reason for it, then?
Like, did your best friend die in your arms and the last thing he said to you was, "Whatever happens in your life *cough cough*, make sure that you. . . . . that you. . . . . . (Pimp: What is it? Anything you want, man, just don't leave me!). . . . . . . that you always end your internet posts with. . . . . . with. . . . . . . . . *cough cough*. . . . . PEACE!" *dies*
Pimp: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there like some deep reason for it, then?
Like, did your best friend die in your arms and the last thing he said to you was, "Whatever happens in your life *cough cough*, make sure that you. . . . . that you. . . . . . (Pimp: What is it? Anything you want, man, just don't leave me!). . . . . . . that you always end your internet posts with. . . . . . with. . . . . . . . . *cough cough*. . . . . PEACE!" *dies*
Pimp: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is expected that this series absolutely could go either way if either team plays to their potential.
Is there like some deep reason for it, then?
Like, did your best friend die in your arms and the last thing he said to you was, "Whatever happens in your life *cough cough*, make sure that you. . . . . that you. . . . . . (Pimp: What is it? Anything you want, man, just don't leave me!). . . . . . . that you always end your internet posts with. . . . . . with. . . . . . . . . *cough cough*. . . . . PEACE!" *dies*
Pimp: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In '93 ending your posts with FIN was less corny than PEACE by a considerable margin. I'll make sure to include that as an entry in the Wacknessopedia.
Sorry bruh, but I remember the 90s and "peace" was as prevalent as "audi 5000" and "let's bounce". PEACE.
Bad call. "Let's bounce" is way cooler these days.Sorry bruh, but I remember the 90s and "peace" was as prevalent as "audi 5000" and "let's bounce". PEACE.
Heat fans are so annoying.
Heat fans are so annoying.
Knicks fans are so angryHeat fans are so annoying.
In the last series, they kept getting Taj Gibson and Big Sexy Boozer mixed up. Biggest insult to Boozer ever.How many times and in how many games can you confuse Wade/LeBron and keep your job?
Man Battier has been so bad these playoffs.
WTF is happening
soak it in. soak it all in. dat first quarter victory
that was a shitty sequence. put cole and BIRDMAN MVP in.
Did you just go advanced stats, on posting metrics?
Still don't know why Wade is guarding George and Bron is on Lance.
Naw we got this. Still confident.
Still don't know why Wade is guarding George and Bron is on Lance.