I must have missed something, did her backstory say anything about her being gay?The first episode gave the Indian girl a one minute back story and she's crazy. That's when I knew that show wasn't coming back
I must have missed something, did her backstory say anything about her being gay?The first episode gave the Indian girl a one minute back story and she's crazy. That's when I knew that show wasn't coming back
Has POI been renewed yet?
I know this is a silly complaint but the guy on the right looks generic as fuck. Like WWE create a wrestler default generic.
Those gloves doe
Those gloves doeI know this is a silly complaint but the guy on the right looks generic as fuck. Like WWE create a wrestler default generic.
He has no distinctive features or anything.. He doesn't have a "look". Look at the leads of every other network show they are either stupid hot, hot or have a distinctive looks or personality in their looks this guy just looks like soulless generic action figure you buy from the dollar tree.
I know everyone is gonna think i am insane but for some reason it bugs me.
I know this is a silly complaint but the guy on the right looks generic as fuck. Like WWE create a wrestler default generic.
Casting Tom Ellis as Lucifer probably already used up all the hotness quota for Fox this year. Only CW can afford to not have such quota.I know this is a silly complaint but the guy on the right looks generic as fuck. Like WWE create a wrestler default generic.
He has no distinctive features or anything.. He doesn't have a "look". Look at the leads of every other network show they are either stupid hot, hot or have a distinctive looks or personality in their looks this guy just looks like soulless generic action figure you buy from the dollar tree.
I know everyone is gonna think i am insane but for some reason it bugs me.
Is Undateable any good? Curious on trying it out now with that new live-episode gimmick.
Anything with Meagan Good is worth the watch
That Tom EllisCasting Tom Ellis as Lucifer probably already used up all the hotness quota for Fox this year. Only CW can afford to not have such quota.
Backstrom also canceled. Have to get back to work, have fun guys!
What are the chances Constantine gets picked up somewhere else?
Don't know yet.whats this Wayward Pines show? its being hyped a shitton here in Portugal, a supposed "premier in 3569 countries". Any good?
Wtf man I was just starting to like Weird Loners a lot.
The first episode gave the Indian girl a one minute back story and she's crazy. That's when I knew that show wasn't coming back
whats this Wayward Pines show? its being hyped a shitton here in Portugal, a supposed "premier in 3569 countries". Any good?
Yes, I remember Roc. I think it was a normal multicam sitcom in its first season, then did the all-live gimmick in the second and third seasons.An all live season of a sitcom? That reminds me of... what was that show on Fox called... The Roc? Is a live performance that much of a novelty that you'd do it for an entire season these days?
At least wait until the trailers next week. Log lines aren't exactly the best preview of a show.This whole list looks like shit. Netowrk TV is fucking garbage.
- EW: Broadcast Ax: Networks just went on a cancelation binge.
Good overview of all the shows Vert Boiled loved that were cancelled.
The Rememberer: An Unforgettable Chronicle of Space Cadet Poppy Montgomery
Seems like it's always the show that people are the most anxious about that takes the longest.
Did I miss it or is there still no POI news? What's the hold up?
I want to know this too. What about other CBS shows like Elementary?
Ivy? Our savior! Deliver us from evil!
Does anyone known when Syfy usually announces there renewals and air dates. Waiting for Haven Season 5b to air ... god its been so long.
It hasn't been renewed yet but it probably will be.Think Elementary was renewed months ago
I don't wanna see this:
2014-15 TV Cancellations: Person of No Interest
rush hour show
minority reports show
uncle buck
i was kinda surprised reading through some of this
No, in this case they mean broadcasted live.
rush hour show
minority reports show
uncle buck
i was kinda surprised reading through some of this
New thread title: Backstrom: "I'm you... I'm cancelled."
[Undatable] is 2 Broke Girls tier, i.e terrible beyond redemption. Horrible cast too.
Limitless and Rush Hour shows? Wot
Did I miss it or is there still no POI news? What's the hold up?
They'll just end up ABC-ing it up anyway - they kind of already have by not making Buck a fat slob.
I mean by the looks of it, they even made Buck dress hip. What the flying fuck?
Uh, what? No way they're going to even approach the quality of the movie -- why even bother? This actually makes me legitimately angry, as I'm a huge fan of the movie.
They'll just end up ABC-ing it up anyway - they kind of already have by not making Buck a fat slob.