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2014-15 TV Cancellations: Under the Dome canned, what will CBS do with CG cows next?

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Like, who do they even cast for Link? Do they go for petite and young looking ala Thomas Brodie-Sangster? Muscle twink like Zac Efron? (I'm just assuming they'll cast someone white) If they're aiming towards families then I can't imagine they'll cast anyone older/grizzled.

Or do they *shudder* pull a Peter Pan and cast a woman in the role? (while maintaining Link's male gender?)

I imagine cast... for lack of a better term... a twink

Someone in their late teens/early 20s... who don't need to worry about hitting puberty

Probably not someone on TV

I assume fans won't be looking for GREAT acting for Link since mostly a mute
Like, who do they even cast for Link? Do they go for petite and young looking ala Thomas Brodie-Sangster? Muscle twink like Zac Efron? (I'm just assuming they'll cast someone white) If they're aiming towards families then I can't imagine they'll cast anyone older/grizzled.

Or do they *shudder* pull a Peter Pan and cast a woman in the role? (while maintaining Link's male gender?)

I imagine cast... for lack of a better term... a twink

Someone in their late teens/early 20s... who don't need to worry about hitting puberty

Probably not someone on TV

I assume fans won't be looking for GREAT acting for Link since mostly a mute
It'll be some boarderline twink CW type. Which is fine I guess. But if they want this to be popular, it needs to have at least some (PG-13ish) sex appeal.

If this is to be the "family friendly GoT" it needs to have the elements of the show that make it so popular, albeit obviously watered down.


If Link isn't played by Allison Williams I will cancel my Netflix.
So basically Christopher Walken as Ganondorf?

The more I think about what the framing device for the series would be, that'd be it. And then the Zelda/Link relationship could be whatever's necessary to make the most compelling story/drama based on what the narrative would be.
Zelda fans to hate it, news at 11.
I've been thinking about it all day -- it'd be very different than any game. The video game-ness of it just wouldn't work. No dungeons, no items, etc. Probably slightly more grounded fantasy. I think you can make it work, but it just wouldn't resemble the beats of the game, more the setting and themes.

My big question is… what the hell are Zoras/Gorons/other races going to look like?

Items can work as long as they're not all magical. Plenty of shows and movies have X Item of Awesome/Doom involved in the plot. Hell, Werehouse 13 and The Librarian(s) are entirely based around such things.


I laughed at first but his performance in Frozen Wish I was Here was good enough that I'd be ok with this.
My kids love anything with good singing, which I'm proud of. Sue me.

I still say Doctor Who

I can see Zoras looking similar to the Ood

And Gorons... well not sure the race but the like... Potato men



So basically they should just revive Legend of the Seeker instead and rebrand it as Legend of Zelda?

edit: also I can't think of any other real format for the show to be except as a Xena-like


Hunky Nostradamus
If Link isn't played by Allison Williams I will cancel my Netflix.



(link, zelda, navi)

I assume fans won't be looking for GREAT acting for Link since mostly a mute

lmao oh shit!

they could get that kid from Touch! bruce wayne on Gotham - whatever his name is. By the time they're ready to cast the LoZ series, he'll be the perfect age!

Fuck it, make the whole show a musical.

why not? throw some ocarinas in there and I doubt anyone would mind


So basically they should just revive Legend of the Seeker instead and rebrand it as Legend of Zelda?

edit: also I can't think of any other real format for the show to be except as a Xena-like

I think it could work similar to Avatar/Samurai Jack

With a traveling warrior... who is training to take on the big evil
Real Sugggestion: Make Saria a promenant character and have her be Link's companion. They go adventuring and stuff. Meanwhile have Zelda and Impa being doing their own secret adventure stuff. (Possibly incorporate a Sheik disguise for a bit, but not for too long.) Eventually have the two groups meet and team up to take on whatever major antagonist they decide on. Toss in another dude somewhere (Groose?) and showcase some Ganon/villain stuff (not necessarily as the big bad right off) and I think you have a solid framework for the show.

If it's just Link trying to save Zelda then I can't imagine it would be too exciting as a TV show. Multiple PoV please.


I'd imagine Zelda would work well as an animated movie from like the HTTYD guys or something.

Live action and stretching it out to a series. Whut.

I disagree. As an IP Zelda works better when you have time to cover various things. The games really are action/adventure rpgs that take dozens of hours to complete the story, explore, allow for the world building, etc. It needs the breathing room. Zelda games aren't hack and slash games that can be completed quickly. I think people should understand that in cast they aren't familiar with the games. Any adaption be it live action or animated really should be done in long form as a series be it 10, 30, or 50 episodes that are half hour or an hour long. It's doing it a great disservice by doing a single film. That's where the problems start because you need to develop something that is possibly under 2 hours. Character development, world building, etc be damned. The only way films work I think is if you go the Lord of the Rings direction where you are willing to do it across several films that are near 3 hours each. At that point might as well save the money and do a series.


But really my interview will be me in cosplay skipping in with an ocarina going "excuse me, princess, I'm here to interview!"

And that will be that.


The "Netflix making Zelda" thing is is so weird, if true. I mean, of all the franchises to adapt, they go after The Legend of Zelda? Why? What makes them think there's a show in there? There are so many other game/book/comic properties that would make for a better TV show...
Are there even any comic book properties left that don't have films? Surely not many given how Hollywood has been doing almost nothing but making comic book films in recent times.


Most comics don't have adaptions.
By 2046, no one will remember the comic book origins except for uber nerds like posters on NeoNeoGAF. In the future there is only DC movie universe and MCU.

In the same future, there will be comic book adaptations of superhero movies instead.


By 2046, no one will remember the comic book origins except for uber nerds like posters on NeoNeoGAF. In the future there is only DC movie universe and MCU.

In the same future, there will be comic book adaptations of superhero movies instead.
Somebody is going to remake Sam Raimi's Spiderman 3? Welp, we're doomed.


Most comics don't have adaptions.

What level of obscure comic book would indicate that the crash is about to occur? Legion of Super Heroes? A multi-generational Blue Beetle show? Blue Devil? Ambush Bug? Squirrel Girl/Great Lakes Avengers? Street Poet Ray?
Like, who do they even cast for Link? Do they go for petite and young looking ala Thomas Brodie-Sangster? Muscle twink like Zac Efron? (I'm just assuming they'll cast someone white) If they're aiming towards families then I can't imagine they'll cast anyone older/grizzled.

Or do they *shudder* pull a Peter Pan and cast a woman in the role? (while maintaining Link's male gender?)

If the Flash wasn't so good I'd say Grant Gustin could play an awesome Link.

Yeah it needs to be campy as hell.

Like the Aquabats Super Show but with Zelda.
I do wonder what they would do in a Zelda TV show other than mime the basic movements and beats of a Zelda game.

Female MacGyver?
Dungeon breakout queens? (oh my)

Realisticly: Doctor Who or Sleepy Hollow equivalent. Bad choice: Hercules - Xena equivalent.
Awesome: Burton's Sleepy Hollow - Constantine equivalent for at least 'dark world' parts. Since having some kind of doomed world / imminent threat is a staple of the series. That whole mood is in pretty much all of them.

Monster design is going to make or break it though. Creepiness is kind of inherent to Zelda games, and a show that doesn't use that is doomed from the start. Having a straight up 'gather seven X to prevent Y' story isn't the problem, but since narrative surprise is out, they're going to have to excel in presentation. Like Defying Gravity did for its straight forward story.

edit: but that's what I would do anyway.

edit2: oh, and there better be a chicken-mageddon event (in the background) at some point.


Hunky Nostradamus
What level of obscure comic book would indicate that the crash is about to occur? Legion of Super Heroes? A multi-generational Blue Beetle show? Blue Devil? Ambush Bug? Squirrel Girl/Great Lakes Avengers? Street Poet Ray?

Guardians of the Galaxy

So dumb. Especially when there's plenty of good serial fantasy literature yet to be adapted.

I would kill for a faithful "Tales of Earthsea" adaptation.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The live-action element of this proposed LoZ show is a major red flag to me. I have a really difficult time imagining that being pulled off either effectively or remotely faithfully. This feels like a massive case of 'be careful what you wish for'.


I really liked Allegiance. Solid genre pilot, impressive cast. Think something like Kidnapped from 2006. I think it has potential. Did it do okay in the ratings for a Thursday 10 PM show?

Anyone else check it out besides Rafa and me?


Yes, I thought Allegiance was okay. Honestly I think it has a lot of potential but I'm also wary of it given some of the issues I had with the pilot.


Yes, I thought Allegiance was okay. Honestly I think it has a lot of potential but I'm also wary of it given some of the issues I had with the pilot.

Glad you liked it okay. I'm not expecting the moon or anything, but I'm a fan of solid genre TV and the pilot brought to mind stuff I've enjoyed like Six Degrees (given the cast overlap), Kidnapped, and Hostages (which was really under-appreciated genre television).


You know, I could have sworn that Fox did a post-apocalyptic comedy in the 90s about the last people live on the planet.

It was called Woops! and aired in 92. Damn I feel old. lol

I constantly confused Woops! with Down The Shore. (Also, I fixed your link, since without the exclamation mark, which the forum software didn't include, it redirects to something about Lilo & Stitch.)


Hunky Nostradamus
Gah! I haven't read the books but that Sci-fi/SyFy mess was dreadful.

I only just read the books last year (they're wonderful btw) and I never saw the Syfy hack job, but I've heard...things. :/

Predictions for Better Call Saul tonight? It's gonna be huge, right?

Spin-off of Breaking Bad
Very positive reviews
Sandwiched in between The Walking Dead mid season premiere and The Talking Dead

Yes, it's going to premiere very very well. I'm guessing somewhere in the 4.0-5.0 range.

So I just.watched one of the first looks of "Last Man on Earth". Still unsure on how this will work. It looks funny but how are they gonna stretch it.

It's been getting pretty positive impressions thus far.


Was Resurection cancled? The ending was left open, but I know the rating had slipped, so a return looks slim to none.


Backstom is not good.

But the cast is really talented. Unlike Rake, they make the show actually watchable.

Do we know how many episodes they made?
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