ABC & SBS will have their budgets cut by 1%
$5 more for each prescription drug? Fuck those bastards.
They doubled the cost of PBS scripts? Jeebus christ.
I have family ties to England and it would be easy enough to get a nursing job there. If i wasn't worried about my families future i'd be getting the fuck outta here.
Increase the cost of seeing a GP. Increase the cost of prescription medications. Cut funding to hospitals. Cut welfare to the poor. What could possibly go wrong?
If the all the poor folk die, pension burden drops. Genius.
Joe Hockey said:The age of entitlement is over. It has to be replaced, not with an age of austerity, but with an age of opportunity. This is not the time to talk our country down, but it is the time to face the facts.
No taxes, just levies! Get it right, Jinty.Deficit tax. Fuel tax. GP tax.
Uncle Rupert certainly giving Aunty a good old rogering.This is the choice uncle Rupert made for us
This is not the time to talk our country down
Screw you Hockey.
New Zealandjust sad really.....turning more and more into the US, i wonder what type of country my children are going to grow up in
Screw you Hockey.
just sad really.....turning more and more into the US, i wonder what type of country my children are going to grow up in
1% budget cut seems pretty low.
This budget is like half "Yeah that is a good idea, I wonder why they didn't do that before?" and half "WHY YOU MORON THAT'S SO STUPID."
Tax increase on top income earners, extending HECS to trade schools, stricter means testing for welfare payments (you don't need government handouts when you're earning $150k. If anyone gives me this 'bububu it's hard to make ends meet on that' business you need to take your kids out of private school, sell your McMansion and stop going on holidays) = good. Even some of the dole changes seem okay. I literally have no idea why work-for-the-dole isn't some awesome scheme for public works as it is. Down on your luck and need some assistance from the government? No worries, but while you're looking for a job make yourself useful and dig some holes or do some data entry. Seems like a good idea to me (I have no idea if that's actually what work-for-the-dole is but that's what it should be).
GP co-payments, (essentially) cuts to the pension and disability, fuel excise (while leaving the diesel subsidies), etc = BAD YOU MORONS.
I'm also probably alone on this but I hate that the economy is continuing to shift in a direction where both parents are required to work, and I hate that the government is pushing in this direction. As someone who benefited from a stay at home mum, I find it sad that it's basically now an economic impossibility for the average family living in Sydney to have one parent stay at home.
I'm not going to get any Graduate position within the Public Service in the next 2-3 years am I?
Joe Hockey said:"The corporate sector is a vehicle that represents us as individuals"
Woah, how are people going to cope if they lose their job and don't have enough savings? :/
What degree are you doing?
I forgot to mention the massive cuts to foreign aid, the CSIRO, and ABC/SBS. Fuck yeah, invest in the future baby
"The corporate sector is a vehicle that represents us as individuals"
Australian Budget 2014 by Roberto Orci and Alex KurtzmanIt does have its good points - I do think the funding to medical research is a good idea, the HECs to trade schools is good, means testing is okay if implemented in such a way it isn't just a huge waste of time/money which it usually is - but the bad ideas are so, so, so bad
So we're going through a mining boom. So why reduce the mining tax then?
This is similar to what's sometimes known as a Job Guarantee, and it's something that for all their talk about being tough on welfare and wanting everyone to be productive, the Liberals would rather die than introduce.literally have no idea why work-for-the-dole isn't some awesome scheme for public works as it is. Down on your luck and need some assistance from the government? No worries, but while you're looking for a job make yourself useful and dig some holes or do some data entry. Seems like a good idea to me (I have no idea if that's actually what work-for-the-dole is but that's what it should be).
It is hilarious, Sarah is making him look like a bumbling fool. Which he is. No apologies indeed.This interview is amazing. I know I said I turned it off but Hockey is giving off the most hilarious answers.
And he's sweating like one.Hockey is a fucking pig.
He's fucking angry, totally on the attack even though Sarah seems to be on his side or than anything.Shadow treasurer! Rip him a new one.
So we're going through a mining boom. So why reduce the mining tax then?