The Clippers, man. Every damn time.
So Fox Sports live just showed a video filmed by a paper on a team plane, and theres clearly gambling going on. Bogut is surrounded by cash laid out like for cards.
If this was the nfl, the whole team would be fined and the media would be asking about card-gate. Yet nothing from the NBA? What gives Silver?
So Fox Sports live just showed a video filmed by a paper on a team plane, and theres clearly gambling going on. Bogut is surrounded by cash laid out like for cards.
If this was the nfl, the whole team would be fined and the media would be asking about card-gate. Yet nothing from the NBA? What gives Silver?
Surely players are allowed to play card games and shit, no? Even in the NFL? Especially if it's just on a plane with teammates.So Fox Sports live just showed a video filmed by a paper on a team plane, and theres clearly gambling going on. Bogut is surrounded by cash laid out like for cards.
If this was the nfl, the whole team would be fined and the media would be asking about card-gate. Yet nothing from the NBA? What gives Silver?
I'll say it every time: Matchups.
Mozgov is a player LeBron never had at Miami. He's good during the normals season. Let's see if he can keep this pace during the PlayOffs.
One of the Mavs' beat writers tweeted out Dirk as Davis's injury replacement. I will always have love for the Dunking Deutschman but Z-Bo, Conley and Monta deserve an All-Star nod over him.
He had a hell of a game I see, Season High in points. Him staying healthy and continuing to become acclimated in our system is huge. Also, having played for Blatt before really helps, his improvisational skills with LeBron and Kyrie seem pretty good too.
The title is ours
Olbermann maybe a blowhard but he tore Barkley a new asshole over the whole analytics thing
I can't remember watching a more me first player than Melo this year. He wants to shut it down because his team is horrible (which he should have known when he took the big pay check to sign there) but he's heroically toughing it out so he can save the NYC All Star game and grow his brand like he said was his priority in an early season interview. This is more disgusting than Vince sand bagging in Toronto.
Chuck's a dummy, funny dude, but I still think his ultimate point of talent wins in the nba is obviously spot on. The Rockets aren't a contender simply for that reason, they're led by Dwight and Harden.
How in any way does talent clash with analytics, though? When the biggest proponent of analytics in Morey also believes that 'talent has a way of sorting itself out' and swung for the fences to get Bosh and Melo in the off-season, what does that tell you? When the league's best scorer* in Durant works with a stats guy in Zormelo to find better shots, what does that tell you? And did the Spurs not win last year, or something?Chuck's a dummy, funny dude, but I still think his ultimate point of talent wins in the nba is obviously spot on. The Rockets aren't a contender simply for that reason, they're led by Dwight and Harden. That will always be the difference, just don't see it turning into playoff success. And using baseball as evidence for analytics working is pretty pointless in a debate about its application to basketball. It obviously works magic in baseball. But it's great for maximizing teams.
I can't remember watching a more me first player than Melo this year. He wants to shut it down because his team is horrible (which he should have known when he took the big pay check to sign there) but he's heroically toughing it out so he can save the NYC All Star game and grow his brand like he said was his priority in an early season interview. This is more disgusting than Vince sand bagging in Toronto.
Carmelo shutting it down after the all-star game.
Shoulda went with the Bulls. Everyone here but him saw this suckage coming even before he signed the extension. Now he's about to turn 31 and wasting his prime in irrelevance. By the time Knicks get slightly above trash-tier again he'll be past his prime. I want to feel bad that he has to endure this in the middle of his career but I can't.
EDIT: Checked the comments on ESPN. I was surprised he did the same thinbg to Denver too lmao what a shit head Melo is
Any community with Reilo and Blackace is practically a leper colony. The drastic reduction in LLL talk and judging the fandom of others is telling. It's not at all a coincidence. Good luck with the forum though. PEACE.snip
Hot damn, refs were determined to job the Warriors tonight but came up short thankfully.
Warriors look so sloppy though. Stumbling into the much needed all-star break.
Yes? 19-2 free throw advantage in the second half, no call on Pekovich's offensive foul near the end, overturning the out of bounds call. Zebras had a bad night.wait, you're complaining about how the refs treated the WARRIORS?
You're talking about the wolves-warriors game, rightt?
I foresee a lot of swearing tomorrow night coming from me.
lol if the bulls blow this
Any community with Reilo and Blackace is practically a leper colony. The drastic reduction in LLL talk and judging the fandom of others is telling. It's not at all a coincidence. Good luck with the forum though. PEACE.
What a shitty effort from the Cavs. expected much better. No Love, no excuses, they didn't have Butler.
I know it's just one game, but they have 6 more road games remaining than home and they need to figure out a way to win these, or could be looking at shitty playoff seeding and an awful first round matchup and an even worse second round one...