Who would have thunk Dunleavy would lead the game in scoring tonight for the Bulls 
How was that shooting?
To be honest I would rather take the loss than play an overtime game on the front of b2b.
Oh my fucking god, what a shot..
Tempting to cut Hinrich after that one.Fuck Ellis man.
Uhh, there wasn't a foul.Refs didn't even think about calling a foul. They just wanted this end.
Monta with a Kobe-esque performance tonight.
Best bench player is arguably Mirotic now. Taj is fun when he's good, but pretty awful when he's bad. He's so inconsistent, and loses it after every foul he commits.Good game. Bulls showed they can hang with the big boys despite not having their best bench player, and the Mavs looked good(they are my favorite west team).
This would be a a fun Finals matchup for sure.
How come McDermott didn't play at all?
Dubs with a solid half. Happy to see Barnes get going early.