Creds to Thunders for winning this game, but the Clippers had it in their own hand, and failed to execute properly the last minutes.
I will probably never understand fully what the Clippers is all about. On one hand i feel they could be a championship team with their current roster, and now also a coach that previously has been quite successful. Griffin has developed his game to a whole new league, and i could see him be quite dominant in the NBA if he continues on this path.
On the other hand i feel they play quite careless and sloppy regulary, and when i watch their games i cant stop thinking "oh that shot was just pure luck(?)". I dont get that kind of thoughts or wibes when i watch The Spurs, Heat, and yeah the Thunders aswell. Do these teams have "better" players overall than the Clippers? , im not sure. I feel the Clippers COULD be one hell of a solid team if they got all their things right. The question is will they ever come to that point with this current roster?, or will be the players leave for other clubs if the success dosent come.