Bam Bam Baklava
It has different meanings. It could be heart, it could be strength, it could be the drive to not be the loser, it could be money etc but stats is not the end all be all and it never will. Injuries are unpredictable and that can happen at any time, and there is no stat in the world that would cause any team to win if everyone they need to win is gone. Except, if your name is Lebron James.
Okay, but we're talking facts and figures here. Not "what if" scenarios of wildly varying likelihood. Sure, Cavs COULD win if a bunch of things happen. But realistically, if things stay remotely the same as they have then the stats say a lot.
So you said you like watching the way the spurs and warriors play, but feel the NBA is too predictable?
What was your opinion on the 2013-2014 finals? who did you pick before it began? was that series predictable?
and someone let me know if this guy is just troll bait.
Watching the actual beauty of the game played by teams that play it in a beautiful manner is still entertaining. But let's not act like teams come out of nowhere and win it all. It's usually clear well in advance who will go far. 2013-2014 I was pretty confident in the Spurs and they won pretty easily.