My god what I played was so good. Wish I could.
Cdy, Danny Shelton is playing pretty well now. We're doing it!
Eli struggled against the Saints, threw picks against a completely depleted Redskins secondary, you know against one of the best defenses in the NFL he's going to throw 500 yards and 4 TDs. It's his way.
Carson "Can't Miss" Wentz bagged a buck on his bye week.
Carson "Can't Miss" Wentz bagged a buck on his bye week.
fuck this loser
That's aggressive.
That's our QB!Carson "Can't Miss" Wentz bagged a buck on his bye week.
i have no respect for douchebags who kill animals for sport so they can pose with their dead carcass
Deer hunting in the Midwest (especially North Dakota and Minnesota)is important for conservation purposes, and I can guarantee they are going to eat the deer as well. It is considered very poor form to hunt exclusively for trophy where he is from. In fact a lot of people in rural Wisconsin and the Dakotas rely on venison in the winter.
I know this is hard to grasp but deer hunting is actually good for the population.
Source: I live in Bumfuck flyover land and studied this stuff in college. I personally don't hunt, but lots of people do.
Edit: I obviously can't "guarantee" that especially since he's a millionaire but that is standard practice.
There's also the fact that deer kill huge amounts of people in this country and need culling.
Deer hunting in the Midwest (especially North Dakota and Minnesota)is important for conservation purposes, and I can guarantee they are going to eat the deer as well. It is considered very poor form to hunt exclusively for trophy where he is from. In fact a lot of people in rural Wisconsin and the Dakotas rely on venison in the winter.
I know this is hard to grasp but deer hunting is actually good for the population.
Source: I live in Bumfuck flyover land and studied this stuff in college. I personally don't hunt, but lots of people do.
Edit: I obviously can't "guarantee" that especially since he's a millionaire but that is standard practice.
There's also the fact that deer kill huge amounts of people in this country and need culling.
some of that maybe legitimate but it doesn't explain the "hur huuuuuuuuur look ma i kill somethin! i dun good!"
And eating at a restaurant and taking a picture of your food isn't warranted, but it's pointless to bitch about dumb things people do.
some of that maybe legitimate but it doesn't explain the "hur huuuuuuuuur look ma i kill somethin! i dun good!"
OBJ and somersault Donnell both dropped easy TD's and Cruz fumbled another pass near the redzone. Those were crucial missed opportunuties. In what world did Eli struggle vs. the Saints?Eli struggled against the Saints, threw picks against a completely depleted Redskins secondary, you know against one of the best defenses in the NFL he's going to throw 500 yards and 4 TDs. It's his way.
It's a culture thing as silly as it sounds. I think it is tacky too but it takes an awful lot of time, effort, and patience to successfully bag a legal buck (as I mentioned the conservation angle plays a big role, gender and size are restricted for hunting). You can go a whole season without getting one. So it's an event when you get one.
You typically commemorate it.
(Again, just explaining. Not promoting. It's perfectly reasonable to have moral objections to hunting, I just think it's easy to not understand or overlook the context)
oh i've read plenty of the justifications over the years. no matter how much time or effort it takes, it's disgusting that someone would gain joy out of killing an animal. if you kill an animal and pose with its dead body celebrating the kill there is something wrong with you
oh i've read plenty of the justifications over the years. no matter how much time or effort it takes, it's disgusting that someone would gain joy out of killing an animal. if you kill an animal and pose with its dead body celebrating the kill there is something wrong with you
I feel like I'm being very even and open here. I'm not even a person that hunts. I totally understand your position, I just feel like there is room to understand both sides. Especially since it is equally an environmental necessity as much as it is a tradition or sport. For some people (more than you probably think) it's actually a need.
It's silly to try and argue moral points though. It's the Internet. Wentz probably fucked that deer in some weird North Dakota Satan ritual for all I know.
It's because we #BeCleve'd!
An animal is an animal. Just because it's living doesn't give it some intrinsic value. To me it's not different than being happy after a day of pulling weeds in your garden. I don't hunt either, and never have (and almost certainly never will), just fish occasionally. When I pull a nice big trout out of the water? Extremely satisfying.
I feel like I'm being very even and open here. I'm not even a person that hunts. I totally understand your position, I just feel like there is room to understand both sides. Especially since it is equally an environmental necessity as much as it is a tradition or sport. For some people (more than you probably think) it's actually a need.
It's silly to try and argue moral points though. It's the Internet. Wentz probably fucked that deer in some weird North Dakota Satan ritual for all I know.
Did you guys see this NFL X Musician T-Shirt campaign.
This is fire.
if you feel the same thing when shooting a deer in the head that you do after pulling weeds there is something mentally wrong with you
C'mon bruh, what red-blooded male doesn't look forward to bonding with his buddies on a gardening vacation?
Muderer of plants.I'll have you know I am a Philadelphia Horticultural Society member.
Muderer of plants.
I'll have you know my best friend was a brussel sprout and you steamed him with water heated to a point that it started breaking down his cellular walls after entrancing him in a field of his brethren.
Have Philly fans no shame?
I think if you've ever dealt with livestock it really changes your perception on this.
in what way
My aunt owned a farm while I was growing up I have witnessed all kinds of cruelty towards animals, doesn't change my feelings one bit.I think if you've ever dealt with livestock it really changes your perception on this.
Slaughtering an animal doesn't seem like that huge a deal, it's just something you did.
I mean, I think taking pictures and putting it online is dumb, but I think 99% of pictures people post online are dumb.
do people at slaughter houses take pics with the dead animals smiling and lovin' the kill? honest question. never been to a slaughterhouse but i've seen more footage than i needed to in my lifetime. never saw any of the dudes/girls working there celebrating the kill.
and taking celebratory pictures with an animal you just murdered is much more disgusting than being "dumb"
I think if you've ever dealt with livestock it really changes your perception on this.