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2023 Goals Thread


Parody of actual AJUMP23
New year new thread.

It was great to see what many of you accomplished in 2022, Now we are onto 2023 and we need to prepare for this coming year with the things we want to accomplish.

Lose 50 lbs. I lost 50 in 22, I need to lose another 50 in 23.
Lift weights regularly.
Go somewhere nice with my wife

Read more together
Read the New Testament as a family
Travel to some cool places

Complete my Elder training
Work on controlling my sarcasm in person......but not on message boards where everything is clear and perfect.
Read through the old testament

Invest more for my kids future
Spend less on Legos
Eat out less

What do you want to accomplish Gaf? Lets hear it.


not tag worthy
I already put my goals in the New Year’s resolutions thread. So I will just leave them there. But I will do them.

So help me.
put it back GIF


Ultimate DQ Fan
Be a better husband to my wife by not being on my phone as much and being more present with her.

Finish a novel i've been writing
be consistent with practicing piano

Get my diabetes under control
Exercise more consistently

Get certified for transporting radioactive shipments.

Read more buddhist texts. I'm open to suggestions.
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