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2023 Horror Triple Punch: Dead Space, Resident Evil 4 and Alan Wake 2. Which one is your favourite?

Best horror game of 2023?

  • Dead Space Remake

    Votes: 40 19.9%
  • Resident Evil 4 Remake

    Votes: 99 49.3%
  • Alan Wake 2

    Votes: 62 30.8%

  • Total voters


So between these three games, which one is your favourite and why? Myself, I've finished AW2 and about halfway through RE4 with Dead Space saved for last.


Gold Member
Dead space.

Great gore tech and by far the most scarier of the bunch.

Re4 remake was aight, it didn't hit me like the vanilla game did back in the days, the loop of headshot-kick to stun got stale sooner than i imagined.

Haven't played aw2 yet.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
2 remakes are disqualified for me. For me it will likely be between:

Alan Wake 2
World of Horror
Amnesia the Bunker

My current favorite is Bramble. I still need to play many of these.


Don't really like any of them but RE4 at least improved on the original's combat so it kind of wins by default.


Gold Member
Bought them all day 1, still playing through AW2 but it will be hard to beat RE4. It has an advantage of not being a remake but that's not a factor for me, it's the overall enjoyment of the game all things considered. I love all 3 games though, we need more big budget, survival horror. I still feel that The Evil Within is the best entry in the genre in the past 10 years.
Haven’t played Dead Space Remake because imo 360 era games definitely don’t need remakes and I would’ve just preferred an HD remaster trilogy.

Haven’t played AW2 yet because it’s digital only and I ain’t buying digital full price; gonna wait for a “Complete” Edition Physical version or, sans that, a sale on digital.

RE4R isn’t as good as the original, but a slightly worse version of one the best games of all time is still better than most so I voted that.
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Haven’t played Dead Space Remake because imo 360 era games definitely don’t need remakes and I would’ve just preferred an HD remaster trilogy.

Haven’t played AW2 yet because it’s digital only and I ain’t buying digital full price; gonna wait for a “Complete” Edition Physical version or, sans that, or a sale on digital.

RE4R isn’t as good as the original, but a slightly worse version of one the best games of all time is still better than most so I voted that.
Just curious, haven’t played original in ages, but what parts do you think are better about original re4?
If you hadn't played any of them before and you just wanted pure horror it's Dead Space but the best game (AW2 I've only started playing ) is RE4.


Gold Member
I've only played the Dead Space 4 Remake.

I'm assuming once RE4 Remake VR mode release, then that will be my favorite though.


Gold Member
Easily RE4.

I can’t see myself replaying AW2 based on impressions. The pace seems super slow with lots of talking.
Just curious, haven’t played original in ages, but what parts do you think are better about original re4?
I think the Island is better in the OG, the remake condenses it too much. The remake condenses a bunch of sections from the OG, but I feel the Island is the most egregious example.

I also think the pacing is better overall in the OG. The level design really pushes you from one section to the next with minimal backtracking. The remake has more looping around areas. It makes sense because with the higher fidelity graphics reusing areas in a smart way was probably the best option development wise. Backtracking is fun in classic RE games, but is less fun in the more Action oriented RE4, which is why I still like the pacing in the OG more.

The sewer section where the Novistadors first show up in the OG is not in the remake, and I really like that section. The Novistador sections in the remake are more annoying than OG in general too.

I don’t like how higher difficulties in the remake makes it harder to stagger enemies. By the time you get to the island in it headshotting with a pistol is almost worthless. The original threw a bunch of enemies at you but still rewarded your good aim with headshot/kneeshot staggers consistently. The knife parries are a great addition and some people say the lowered enemy gun staggers are supposed to make you rely on the parry system more. The thing is the mercenaries mini game has consistent gun staggers and knife parries and is arguably where the combat shines the most, and is the most fun.

The crafting system didn’t need to be added. OG’s ammo drop system was fine and fit the faster pacing better. Stopping to craft stuff is, again, better suited to classic style RE, 2 Remake or 7. But all the new RE games have it so they probably just put it in by default.

Leon had better lines in the original. His new voice actor is fine though. The remake gives more character to Louis and Ashley, which is good and arguably better than OG. The voice actors for new Krauser and Ada are just bad, especially Ada. Krauser’s new motivation of being crazy ptsd guy is underwhelming.

These are just my complaints. The game is still really good it just doesn’t replace the original. It definitely isn’t RE3make disappointing.


Haven’t finished it yet, but my heart is telling me AW2. We just don’t get experimental stuff like this with high production values often enough. It’s weird, gorgeous, terrifying, self-referential, all things I like.

Otherwise, Dead Space remake which I think is a much better game than RE4 remake. The more time passes the less impressed I am with what was done with RE4. It has the “what if _______ was done in Unreal 4” look and feel.


DS and RE4 wouldn't need remakes, and RE4R is worse than the original. So by far, Alan Wake 2.

I have no real issue with there being a DS remake, other than it gives false hope they'll remake the 2nd and 3rd game.

I don't doubt it's within the realm of possibility, but if it doesn't happen it's going to be jarring going back and replaying the 2nd and 3rd game, due to the difference in graphics. That is the sucky thing with remakes though in and of themselves.
Absolutely Alan Wake 2. The sequel was well worth the 13 year wait.

Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space Remake are also fine games too but they are remakes of old games so they don't stand out for me in the same way than Alan Wake 2 does.
I have no real issue with there being a DS remake, other than it gives false hope they'll remake the 2nd and 3rd game.

I don't doubt it's within the realm of possibility, but if it doesn't happen it's going to be jarring going back and replaying the 2nd and 3rd game, due to the difference in graphics. That is the sucky thing with remakes though in and of themselves.

I think majority of remakes are uncecessary. Games like Shadow of the Colossus (that had awful fps) are cool and justified, or a real old game they want to revive. Other than that it's a waste imo.
I think majority of remakes are uncecessary. Games like Shadow of the Colossus (that had awful fps) are cool and justified, or a real old game they want to revive. Other than that it's a waste imo.
Also, many games age way better than people pretend. RE4 og is built around the slow aiming, it was never supposed to control like a run off the mill military shooter. People are just too stubborn to embrace different game systems these days and then cry "bad". Look, I wouldn't recommend decades old games to casuals, just like I wouldn't recommend subtitled black and white movies to an average Marvel movie goer. But when I see supposed game enthusiasts trash old RE4, I say get outta here.

Spend resources on good official preservation and new games, not overproduced remakes of perfectly fine games. Don't get me started on people demanding full remakes of PS4 games like Bloodborne now, jesus christ.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
In terms of horror: Alan Wake 2

In terms of which I liked the most: Resident Evil 4 so far.


Can’t Git Gud
I find the cheap jump scares "booo face!!! with loud sound" in AW2 offensively annoying.
So I voted RE4

Phobos Base

Will fully admit I though the idea of remaking RE4 was pointless, but was completely proven wrong. I didn't miss anything they removed and it did a much better job of fleshing out Luis and Ashley. Only real complaint I have is Ada's voice acting. Currently playing the DS remake, it's a very solid game but hasn't quite hit in the same way, haven't played AW2 so can't comment.


RE4 and DS are outstanding, I mean, VERY good. But, it's hard to not appreciate Alan Wake 2 as it's a new game and not a remake.


I honestly don't know what will my opinion on Alan Wake 2 be before I finish it, it's definitely not the kind of game you have a good idea about after finishing 1/3 or even half of the story. There are mindfucks and things you didn't expect all over the place and I'm very curious how it will all end.

As for the two others I definitely like Dead Space more than RE4 and I think they've done a good job on the remake (minus Nicole's model).
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Out of these 3 it‘s AW2 because the others are just remakes (although one could argue that RE4 remake is almost a completely different game).
I think the Island is better in the OG, the remake condenses it too much. The remake condenses a bunch of sections from the OG, but I feel the Island is the most egregious example.

I also think the pacing is better overall in the OG. The level design really pushes you from one section to the next with minimal backtracking. The remake has more looping around areas. It makes sense because with the higher fidelity graphics reusing areas in a smart way was probably the best option development wise. Backtracking is fun in classic RE games, but is less fun in the more Action oriented RE4, which is why I still like the pacing in the OG more.

The sewer section where the Novistadors first show up in the OG is not in the remake, and I really like that section. The Novistador sections in the remake are more annoying than OG in general too.

I don’t like how higher difficulties in the remake makes it harder to stagger enemies. By the time you get to the island in it headshotting with a pistol is almost worthless. The original threw a bunch of enemies at you but still rewarded your good aim with headshot/kneeshot staggers consistently. The knife parries are a great addition and some people say the lowered enemy gun staggers are supposed to make you rely on the parry system more. The thing is the mercenaries mini game has consistent gun staggers and knife parries and is arguably where the combat shines the most, and is the most fun.

The crafting system didn’t need to be added. OG’s ammo drop system was fine and fit the faster pacing better. Stopping to craft stuff is, again, better suited to classic style RE, 2 Remake or 7. But all the new RE games have it so they probably just put it in by default.

Leon had better lines in the original. His new voice actor is fine though. The remake gives more character to Louis and Ashley, which is good and arguably better than OG. The voice actors for new Krauser and Ada are just bad, especially Ada. Krauser’s new motivation of being crazy ptsd guy is underwhelming.

These are just my complaints. The game is still really good it just doesn’t replace the original. It definitely isn’t RE3make disappointing.
Wow, you are my exact opposite in many regards. I love RE3make more than any other installment and I thanked the heavens that the Island in RE4make was streamlined as it made the final chapters of Resident Evil 4 on Professional mode very frustrating (Fuck you for being no help at all Mike!). I also abhor Luis in the remake while really liking the new Krauser. I will agree that the new Ada is absolute gutter trash but Novistador sections are equally annoying (the Novistador cave after the mines is even slightly worse than the castle section with them). I have found that with the right cases you can actually get the crafting materials you need to use the weapon you prefer more consistently than the original. With the critical bonuses on various weapons setting up staggers outside of the highest difficulty is not much different from the original. I still prefer the original with mods for various reasons, but the remake was relatively competent. At the very least you received the best Mercenaries mode in the whole franchise.
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Gold Member
The isolation of space and the exploration of the ship in Dead Space is a lot of fun. RE4 is a classic. Both games are very good and also familiar. Alan Wake 2 is great. I also get frustrated by some of its parts and somehow the trophies pop up back to back.

Depends on what you want. I like to shoot first and ask questions later. Unlock this door or this area. Open the chest and find the key type of thing. Tell me the story in a audiolog because I want to keep moving onward. AW2 is like a whole new experience. Maybe I’m just frustrated that I’m 6 hours into it versus being 15 hours into it. It wants me to the shuffle the deck each time I play. I have just finished Spider-Man 2. I also think I need to disable the subtitles.
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I haven't played AW2 yet, but my answer is Dead Space by a million miles. The remake was my no-brainer go to game this year for Halloween month.

I never even finished the RE4 remake, I just wasn't feeling it at all. I loved the original RE4, re-played it so many times on so many platforms. But it was never my "RE fan favorite" like it was for a lot of people. I was never hyped for an RE4 remake.
Wow, you are my exact opposite in many regards. I love RE3make more than any other installment and I thanked the heavens that the Island in RE4make was streamlined as it made the final chapters of Resident Evil 4 on Professional mode very frustrating (Fuck you for being no help at all Mike!). I also abhor Luis in the remake while really liking the new Krauser. I will agree that the new Ada is absolute gutter trash but Novistador sections are equally annoying (the Novistador cave after the mines is even slightly worse than the castle section with them). I have found that with the right cases you can actually get the crafting materials you need to use the weapon you prefer more consistently than the original. With the critical bonuses on various weapons setting up staggers outside of the highest difficulty is not much different from the original. I still prefer the original with mods for various reasons, but the remake was relatively competent. At the very least you received the best Mercenaries mode in the whole franchise.
Oh no don’t get me wrong the 4 remake still slaps it’s just for those reasons I stated I don’t think it’s as good as the original. RE3make was fun to Speedrun, but I wish it didn’t cut so much from the original. That being said I never liked 3 as much as 1,2, and 4 anyways. But at least RE is still going strong in current year; I’m thankful for that.


Hold onto your panties
Guess my wife will find out and let me know if it's RE4 remake. Buying late but I wouldn't put it past.
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