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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)

From BBC:

The North West Counter Terrorism Unit is treating the incident in Manchester as a possible terrorist incident, sources said.
Senior national Counter-Terrorism officers are assembling in London and are liaising with the Home Office.
Early estimates put the number of fatalities in double figures, but these are very early stages.


Such terrible news. I hope the number of fatalities is less than the unconfirmed number. Wish there wasn't any at all.
I've got a tweet that says half of you guys are just spouting a bunch of hot fucking garbage click bait and should shut the fuck up with it until its a confirmed source.

Anyone else get that one?


What in the actual fuck

not a pic, just a tweet.

FFS. I know him, and that Tweet is disgusting. Fuck him.

Yes, I removed the link to the Tweet because he doesn't deserve the attention for his disgusting and shameful act of uncaring. And so everyone knows...he doesn't work for CBS or any of the sites he links in his Twitter. He contributed to them once or twice.


Such terrible news. I hope the number of fatalities is less than the unconfirmed number. Wish there wasn't any at all.

If it ends up being a bomb in the entrance to an arena this size it'll probably sadly be quite high. Fucking kids as well. Sadistic. Someone very early in the thread mentioned it is the anniversary of a terrorist attack in the UK today (or technically yesterday now). It's most likely a case of targeting a massive event and probably purposefully choosing to go after kids.


Ughh... Looking like the second terrorist incident in months in the UK after so long with nothing. It really sucks.


CNN finally decides to cover this.

God forbid channels like CNN and NBC with not so good or at all local UK contacts have to wait for more info and hired talking heads with contacts so they don't spread false info and bs like some false social media posts.


Congrats to the dozens and dozens of people quoting the same shit. You can join him making a tragedy about you. I really loved the guy quoting him while saying "let us not give him any more attention". Bravo.


It's not even near, it's literally the same place. They're connected by a staircase/escalator.

BBC World News:


This. Second image is showing the stairs many go up from the train station (pictured) to the arena just above.


I've got a tweet that says half of you guys are just spouting a bunch of hot fucking garbage click bait and should shut the fuck up with it until its a confirmed source.

Anyone else get that one?
Yeah, there really should be rules for crisis threads. No random tweets/lack of source. No "they're saying ____" without specifying who "they" is.
Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.


I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been any videos of the actual explosion yet. 20,000 capacity venue. Someone had to be filming, right?


Junior Member
Attacking and killing teenagers and kids with their families at a concert......

No fucking words.....


My thoughts are with the families of the dead and injured, and with the women and men of the emergency services. I'll refrain from saying anything else until we have more information. Stay safe Manchester-Gaf.


are security precautions different at concerts in England?

here in the USA, I don't see how someone could sneak in a bomb at a major concert like this

all my shit goes through a metal detector and I am searched all over
I'm surprised a nail bomb can kill upwards of 20 people.

Some of the injured and dead may be attributable to the crowd panic.

are security precautions different at concerts in England?

here in the USA, I don't see how someone could sneak in a bomb at a major concert like this

all my shit goes through a metal detector and I am searched all over

There's an entrance though. That is a prime target area.
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