Boy Wander
what in the fuck...
What goes on in some people's heads that they think it's appropriate or somehow cool to post such completely stupid things?
what in the fuck...
What in the actual fuck
not a pic, just a tweet.
Stop doing this.Tweets saying a gunman is outside Oldham Hospital
Stay safe GREATER Manchester if that's true
Come on, ffs. Stop posting about random tweets you saw. It's not helpful to anyone.
he's doubling down in his next tweets
some people..
Crazy and very sad.Sky News: UK COBRA emergency cabinet being assembled.
Why even tweet something like this?What in the actual fuck
not a pic, just a tweet.
I have been in Victoria station hundreds of times. This is chilling.
What in the actual fuck
not a pic, just a tweet.
I've got a tweet that says half of you guys are just spouting a bunch of hot fucking garbage click bait and should shut the fuck up with it until its a confirmed source.
Anyone else get that one?
CNN finally decides to cover this.
People are stupid and think they are funnyWhy even tweet something like this?
I've got a tweet that says half of you guys are just spouting a bunch of hot fucking garbage click bait and should shut the fuck up with it until its a confirmed source.
Anyone else get that one?
Such terrible news. I hope the number of fatalities is less than the unconfirmed number. Wish there wasn't any at all.
In France no news channel are giving a fuck.
We have no information to this effect at all. Please only trust or share official sources of information.
Just saw a tweet of a woman with both feet nail god
CNN finally decides to cover this.
oh Jesus... I really hope that's someone's sick joke and not real.Just saw a tweet of a woman with both feet nail god
Neither in germany but then again it's 2am on a tuesdayIn France no news channel are giving a fuck.
It's not even near, it's literally the same place. They're connected by a staircase/escalator.
BBC World News:
Ughh... Looking like the second terrorist incident in months in the UK after so long with nothing. It really sucks.
Yeah, there really should be rules for crisis threads. No random tweets/lack of source. No "they're saying ____" without specifying who "they" is.I've got a tweet that says half of you guys are just spouting a bunch of hot fucking garbage click bait and should shut the fuck up with it until its a confirmed source.
Anyone else get that one?
.Everyone report him, then move on. Don't give this shitstain any more attention. Ugh...
Brexit in full effect...
Why wouldn't they give a shit tho?
No, do. Screenshot and retweet that shit. The cunt deserves to be jobless.Let's not give these fucks more reach.
I'm surprised a nail bomb can kill upwards of 20 people.
are security precautions different at concerts in England?
here in the USA, I don't see how someone could sneak in a bomb at a major concert like this
all my shit goes through a metal detector and I am searched all over
Some of the injured and dead may be attributable to the crowd panic.
What in the actual fuck
not a pic, just a tweet.
I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been any videos of the actual explosion yet. 20,000 capacity venue. Someone had to be filming, right?
Some of the injured and dead may be attributable to the crowd panic.