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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.
Oh gosh, I'm so glad they are safe.
are security precautions different at concerts in England?

here in the USA, I don't see how someone could sneak in a bomb at a major concert like this

all my shit goes through a metal detector and I am searched all over

The suggestion is that it was in the foyer, possibly near the escalator to Victoria station. So it might have been outside of security measures for the event proper.
Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.
Happy to hear they're safe.

That bag search though.
are security precautions different at concerts in England?

here in the USA, I don't see how someone could sneak in a bomb at a major concert like this

all my shit goes through a metal detector and I am searched all over

You're right they have security precautions in Manchester there may even be metal detectors at the gates but they do bag searches etc.


My sister is trying to contact a friend of hers who lives in Manchester. She didn't go to the concert as far as she knows, but she hasn't been able to reach her. Hope she and her husband are fine.


Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.

Their bag search is like a literal glance.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
No, do. Screenshot and retweet that shit. The cunt deserves to be jobless.

He's freelance and is also being shat on by hundreds of people on twitter. He'll get what's coming to him regardless.

I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been any videos of the actual explosion yet. 20,000 capacity venue. Someone had to be filming, right?

Occurred in the foyer I believe so unlikely someone would be filming there.

Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.

Glad to hear it.


Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.

Glad they're safe. That's terrible about the security.


are security precautions different at concerts in England?

here in the USA, I don't see how someone could sneak in a bomb at a major concert like this

all my shit goes through a metal detector and I am searched all over

I've been to concerts where they barely glance in the bag in new york


can't grow facial hair
Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.

Good to hear that they are safe. This is awful all around.
I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been any videos of the actual explosion yet. 20,000 capacity venue. Someone had to be filming, right?
I'm guessing most people were more concerned with exiting the venue then sticking around to record their thoughts immediately after. Whenever I leave concerts of this size, the only time people use the phone is to try and contact anyone they lost on the GA floor. That or they ran out of battery from taking videos during the show.
BREAKING: Incident in #Manchester may have been a suicide bomb according to multiple US officials per @NBCNews Investigative team


are security precautions different at concerts in England?

here in the USA, I don't see how someone could sneak in a bomb at a major concert like this

all my shit goes through a metal detector and I am searched all over

IF it was bomb and IF it went was detonated at ticket sales area it could suggest that security caught it, but attacker was able to detonate.
I've always had a great fear of being famous or drawing a crowd due to things like this, someone plotting on doing something to people who love me or harm to come to people who enjoy and support my music. Absolutely horrific.


BREAKING: US officials briefed on Manchester explosion say UK authorities investigating arena incident as possible suicide bombing.


BREAKING: Incident in #Manchester may have been a suicide bomb according to multiple US officials per @NBCNews Investigative team

Is NBC news also not the only that is reporting 20 deaths and 200 injured ? I'll wait for official sources, but im hoping this is not true
BREAKING: Incident in #Manchester may have been a suicide bomb according to multiple US officials per @NBCNews Investigative team

Wouldn't trust any news source from outside of the UK tbh. BBC should be on the ball - they're in part based in Manchester so will have good contacts as well as people on the scene quickly.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.
Good to hear. Your first post made me fear for the worst.
Is NBC news also not the only that is reporting 20 deaths and 200 injured ? I'll wait for official sources, but im hoping this is not true

Yeah, I'm just gonna ignore anything from US news and wait for info from at least BBC or something.


Partner and daughter are back home.
They were there when the explosion went off. Was a huge explosion that set people off running and screaming. They were right near the exit so got out sharpish.
Was noted that bag search wasn't very thorough, with only 1 person per entrance.

Good to hear and wish for their recovery
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