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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)




Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I'm visiting my boyfriend in Manchester at the moment. We can hear the helicopters overhead as we're less than a mile from the attack. It's truly frightening. I'm scared the perpetrators might be around the area.

I'm a very anxious person but walking around Manchester City centre the past few days I could just see so many opportunities for terrorists to strike whether it's the main high street which had zero police presence on Sunday or the train stations where zero checks are made of luggage. I'm due to go home to Scotland by train on Wednesday and I'm already thinking of asking someone to pick me up by car if possible.

I hope everyone in Manchester stays safe and RIP to those who died.

If you live in fear like that then the terrorists have won (worth reminding we don't know what caused this yet). Not trying to be a dick by saying that. Hope you manage to get some sleep and things will be better by the morning.

Edit: Okay being treated as a terrorist incident but message still stands.


I'm a very anxious person but walking around Manchester City centre the past few days I could just see so many opportunities for terrorists to strike whether it's the main high street which had zero police presence on Sunday or the train stations where zero checks are made of luggage. I'm due to go home to Scotland by train on Wednesday and I'm already thinking of asking someone to pick me up by car if possible.

Sounds like you want some kind of police state.

Maybe you're younger. I'm not, I grew up in the times of the IRA. Even then we weren't checking bags on trains. Every bus and train had a poster saying what to do if you saw a bag lying on its own, but that was it.

You can't make everywhere safe without utterly destroying your freedom.
If you live in fear like that then the terrorists have won (worth reminding we don't know what caused this yet). Not trying to be a dick by saying that. Hope you manage to get some sleep and things will be better by the morning.

Yeah I was going to have a rant about this earlier in the thread but wanted to wait for proper confirmations as to what actually happened.

As I feel like a stampede over a pure accident would be a total "terrorist have won" moment.
Even with 19 killed, and 50 injured, that's still one hell of a nail bomb. That or the bomber just got in the absolutely perfect spot to do the most damage.


It's heartbreaking that there are people in the world that commit these types of act. At a fucking Ariana Grande concert? It's basically young girls and teenagers. It's sickening.

- J - D -

19 dead? Is that all by stampede?

Death by trampling is just sickening, even if it's a result of a mass instinctual, primal response to danger.



Of course it is.

Neither NBC nor the US government has assets on the ground

I don't think you realize how they are reporting. They have assets on the ground and are in direct contact with US officials who are in direct contact with UK officials. NBC would't report the way they are unless they had a high degree of certainty.


Even with 19 killed, and 50 injured, that's still one hell of a nail bomb. That or the bomber just got in the absolutely perfect spot to do the most damage.
Yes. It must have been quite powerful. They said it was in the foyer toward the end of the concert, so it was likely a very crowded spot.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
God, here we go again. This better not be like last summer with attack after attack. It was absolutely ridiculous.


Ugh. I'm trying to comprehend the mind that would do this, but I'm having real difficulty with that.
It's such a dark and twisted mind that I hope we never even come close to understanding the logic at play; these kinds of people are pure monsters.
Great just fucking great. Fucking cunts. If you don't like the planet just go sit and corner and leave the rest of us alone. Killing kids because of your fucked up world view. What do you fucks hope to achieve! FUCK.
I think the nail bomb wouldn't kill people under a certain radius, just injure. It would be the panic that ensues.
If laced with certain household chemicals it can stop blood from congealing and people can bleed out. Very old terrorist nail bomb technique unfortunately...horrible news no matter what was used.
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