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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


It is obviously terrorism and we know what kind of terrorism.

Rip to all victims, and hopefully they'll catch the fuckers who targeted a concert full of little girls.

Today is the third anniversary of the Elliot Rodger shooting. Unlikely, but it could be related to that instead of islamic terrorism.
What kind of terrorism is it?

Radical Islamic terrorism by a lone wolf and/or small cell (possibly only with wife brother or friend) with some small claim or link to Isis.

Or do you think maybe the IRA weren't fans of Ariana. Stuff like this just shuts up the thread.
.of course the above could be wrong but it's not likely and if it is it will get cleared up in time.

Christ let's guess more on it, he was a recent convert or was never too religious in the past. A drinker, a waster a nobody.


God damn. Some of you people on this site need to get a fucking grip. 19 people are known dead, probably including children with 200 more reported injured and your mind goes to Trump. No one cares what he thinks right now. Fuck off.

Sorry but stop this shit.

Thank you for saying what needed to be said.


This is unbelievable. It's horrific.

I lived in Manchester for four years and loved it. It's one of Britain's greatest cities - not very touristy - but a fantastic place to live and work. I now work for central government in London but my heart still prefers the spirit of Manchester. It's an awesome city and I'm so full of love and affection for it.

Manchester was bombed by the IRA in 1996 (no fatalities) and it bounced back stronger. Tragically this time people have lost their lives so the recovery will be much harder. But if there's any small glimmer of hope it's that Mancunians have come together regardless.

Thoughts are with you all. <3


Based on what?

Based on the last, I don't know, 20 years? There's not that many radical religions* that are utilizing suicide bombers.

edit: *I mispoke. By religions I meant the smaller, violent groups of radical terrorists, mainly in parts of the middle east (i.e. ISIS), that claim to be true form of their ridiculous interpretation of their religious ideology. I of course in no way think that the strong majority of Muslims fits into that category.
Neither will pretending it's not

Wait until the group step forwards, or we figure out who did it, and then call them by their name. Terms like 'Muslim extremists' do absolutely no good to any of the people in Manchester, and may cause undue harm to innocent Brits all across Great Britain who happen to look a particular way.

If you don't see the issue with a loose label like that, then I can only presume that you don't know the first thing about Manchester, and the large community of Muslims proud to call themselves Mancunians.
I know some people who won't go to concerts in Manchester due to fear of it being a target outside London and tonight sadly they've been proved right.
RIP to the victims and my thoughts are with their families.

You must he a truly sick fuck to target a concert clearly filled with young girls. It's times like these I almost wish religion was real so pieces of shit like this had a hell to go to

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Wait until the group step forwards, or we figure out who did it, and then call them by their name. Terms like 'Muslim extremists' do absolutely no good to any of the people in Manchester, and may cause undue harm to innocent Brits all across Great Britain who happen to look a particular way.

How about you think about the victims rather than worrying about whether someone will paint a larger group with the same brush as the extremist(s) involved?

Shouldn't be this hard...


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Live in the city centre and can hear sirens and helicopters flying by. Are we supposed to just go to work in the morning &#128533;


UK news was initially talking about a nail bomb, but are using the Suicide Bomber news with the source being US Officials. Let's just wait for the official sources, speculating on what kind of terrorism this is won't benefit the flow of information in this thread


Damn, so suicide bombing being suggested...how do you reason with someone who would rather lose their life than relinquish their ideology?
I've been concerned with cities like Manchester being a target like this for some time now. Outside of London, cities like this are both flourishing examples of culture, commerce and education. Again, praise to the response from emergency services, but their will certainly be some serious reform to how Manchester, and it's neighbouring cities handles security at large venues like the Arena, starting with the football stadiums.


Yes, a islamistic attack is not unlikely based on what we know.

No, that does not justify glee or xenophobia.

And yes, learn to wait. We don't know enough.


Pretty sure the point you're trying to make is going to work against you here.

Most likely suspect is going to be some radical islamist shell.

Probably, but as yet I've seen no confirmations of the sort. The only source I've seen for it being a suicide bombing has been from NBC and Reuters, which I'm not ready to take as credible just yet as their sources are apparently from "U.S. officials" rather than from local sources.
How about you think about the victims rather than worrying about whether someone will paint a larger group with the same brush?

Shouldn't be this hard...

What fucking good does it do the victims to guess who might be behind this and try to tie it to a religious belief?

Those dead girls and their grieving families are going to do what? Exactly? Pat you on the head for being 'brave' enough to 'say what everyone is thinking'?

Fuck off.


BBC and Sky both now questioning how US outlets are reporting stuff way before them and seemingly having info they don't (or can't report yet).

This is awful enough without the media reporting about the media...
Ugh - in this moment here and now what use is it to speculate who is responsible.

We know what the trend is. We also know that it is possible that it might not be radical 'Islamists'.

We will know soon enough. Why can't people just wait for that clarification?


Oh so now we're at that stage, speculating on whether it is Islam extremists or not.

Can we have a minute before that shit show?
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