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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)

Radical Islam is a problem that needs to be addressed otherwise extremism will continue to increase in Western countries.

Yes. Because just saying those words after any suspected terrorist attack will magically help make it go away.

Manchester has a thriving community of open minded and progressive Muslims that if you spent some time with, you'd probably see why Muslims like that, hate it when people rush to label the atrocities of fringe nutjobs the work of 'Islamic Extremists'.
That's all true. However, for several pages afterwards there were posters asking if it was safe to use helium balloons in an enclosed venue culminating in one user posting a video of a hydrogen balloon exploding that was labelled as helium.

Surely you can see how people are able to take these unverified reports and run with them. Which is why many posters, including myself, want to wait for official confirmation of facts instead of jumping to conclusions based on current available information and unverified reports/tweets.
Yeah there was some head scratching posts for sure. But I mean some people just don't know much about chemistry or inert gasses. Like, a news source running "balloon filled with gas" will send some uninformed people into raptures but to be fair it was a news source running it, not a reputable one though.


Radical Islam is a problem that needs to be addressed otherwise extremism will continue to increase in Western countries.

there's already a war that has been foughtdaily for a while that is dealing with that.

also,the intelligence of half europe is working dealing in defusing as much threats as possible.

the problems are already been addressed,but they can't magically disappear.
I seem to recall last summer, there was an incident in... I wanna say Germany (but I'm not really sure; can't remember) that there were reports that someone was shooting up a busy market. People quickly jumped aboard the Muslim terrorist train, especially after some anonymous fuckwit called into CNN (and only CNN apparently despite this not being a US incident) saying they heard someone yell "Allahu ackbar." But as details came in, it became clear that despite initial rumors that there might have been multiple shooters going around the market, that it seemed that only one individual was responsible and that the incident was confined to a local McDonalds. Then as the incident resolved itself I also recall that it turns out that the incident had nothing to do with Islam at all (and the caller on CNN was full of bullshit) and the incident was caused by a bullied student calling his bullies to a local McDonalds to attempt to kill them.

That was Munich, yes. It later even came out that the student held right extremist views but at that point nobody cared anymore, of course.

We also had a more recent bombing on a football club, luckily nobody was majorly injured. Was also attributed to Islam at first due to a letter, but in reality a guy wanting their stock to crash.

And now just some little while ago we had soldiers trying to pose as refugees and commit terror acts, but they were caught before they could go through with it.


Interesting back to back posts.

And completely unnecessary in the thread. Nothing pisses me off more than people who use tragedies to further their own goals or ideologies or thoughts. You see it everytime too. We need to clamp down on such and such. Oh this is horrible it will make it harder for such and such now.

Let's stick to the attack please. And keep your politics out of it.


After events like 9/11, the Paris attacks, Charlie Hebdo and the bombings in Brussels. Is it really that wrong/surprising for some people to assume that the attack was fueled by radical islam and might have been perpetrated by groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda ?
If you start blaming religious groups (any group of people) before the facts, you end perpetuating fear and suspicion .There's a good chance that you're right this time, but - it's not a contest, right? You don't win anything for guessing correctly
This is a great idea. Manchester aswell as the UK at large seems completely unprepared for such an attack.

If reports are to be belived then the attack happened outside of the bloody stadium in a public place. The police tweet confirmed as such. Short of all encompassing metal detectors, infrared cameras(which would foot a huge bill), and a massive increase of around the clock armed security personnel all year long, (which any ruling party would lose a government over), there isn't much else we can do to prevent this type of incident.

We've already cctv'ed the fuck out of this country and that didn't stop two attacks happening this year. However it probably has helped save loves in these types of incidents.
Hi, my name's Space Harrier and I have no idea who I am talking to, or the history of the troubles in Ireland and how deeply tied to religion they were.

Maybe if someone had always made it a point to call the IRA Catholic extremists I would know to hate all Catholics, but nobody did.

The IRA never gave the stated purpose of any of their attacks as being fundamentally religious. It was always a civil dispute, between religions granted but there's a huge difference; no IRA warning ever attributed the motivation for doing so as being a means of serving god.


Gold Member
And completely unnecessary in the thread. Nothing pisses me off more than people who use tragedies to further their own goals or ideologies or thoughts. You see it everytime too. We need to clamp down on such and such. Oh this is horrible it will make it harder for such and such now.

Let's stick to the attack please. And keep your politics out of it.

You are right, i apologize.


Unfortunately you can cause massive casualties without entering a concert venue. Many reports claim the bomb was outside the arena itself, possibly someone who never passed through security.

There's a bunch of catch 22s with the logic and strategies you'd put into securing anything where crowds convene; security checkpoints are by there nature bottlenecks where large crowds gather. Making more entrances to spread people out increased the amount of entrances which could fail, moving security out farther just moves the crowd.

Anyone ever been to a Seahawks game? The largest crowd you will be in is while you are waiting to pass security. You are shoulder to shoulder inside a pack of hundreds.

I'm no saying there aren't better or worse ways to prepare and its natural to throw around knee jerk reactions but there's only so much you can do. Added security often just changes your culture not minimize casualty.

Anyways just my thoughts in this harrowing time; my heart goes out to all victims. Not going to add any more to the meta-commentary so wanted to get it out in one post.
You could kill a hundred people at any bus station and 20 people at most bus stops in the morning

If there was security to get into a public foyer then where's the queue? Just outside the foyer. Do we have people making queues miles long so each person is outside a fatal blast radius of a shock wave and shrapnel? Because that's where they'll bomb next.


NBC sources confirming through forensic evidence that it was a suicide bomber.

Not that half this thread hadn't already assumed.

Well they assumed right then. Well done them.

This thread is weird. So much misinformation about:

1. Terrorism.
2. The UK.
3. The IRA.
Interesting back to back posts.

/i know France did the right thing. My point of concern was the UK, and how attacks stoke fear.
What? The Tories have been leading the polls since the election was called, they are the conservatives you're talking about. Wildly off topic but I've no idea what's interesting about those two posts being back to back.


I was under the impression that the press conference started at 6:40 PST (ten minutes ago)? Anyone have a link to it?
True enough. If only the rest of the UK was like Manchester. Culturally diverse, integrated and still with strong labour values.

If we're mentioning the knock-on effect to the GE, then ditto this from me too. Cultural solidarity has been something Manchester has been a bastion of for decades. I'd have to believe voter turn out would increase further across the North-West over this, with Labour being the main party.
If we're mentioning the knock-on effect to the GE, then ditto this from me too. Cultural solidarity has been something Manchester has been a bastion of for decades. I'd have to believe voter turn out would increase further across the North-West over this, with Labour being the main party.

I'm glad other people are acknowledging this. What ever discord this sows, it won't take root in Manchester.
If we're mentioning the knock-on effect to the GE, then ditto this from me too. Cultural solidarity has been something Manchester has been a bastion of for decades. I'd have to believe voter turn out would increase further across the North-West over this, with Labour being the main party.
One would hope this will bring the people of Manchester even closer together. Wonderful city filled with a wonderful, diverse population.
I was under the impression that the press conference started at 6:40 PST (ten minutes ago)? Anyone have a link to it?

No link right now, it hasn't happened yet. I can imagine the delay may be to double-check any recent developments before giving a press statement. The thread will start throwing out links the moment it seems to be happening.


Reporter just commented on some parents still looking for kids "as young as 6 or 7" years old. And again, whoever did this knew who they were targeting.

Also making the point of panic and trampling.


We'll wait to see the details. It seems clear what it was, but it's still very early and could be any nut or something organized by a larger group.
Reporter just commented on some parents still looking for kids "as young as 6 or 7" years old. And again, whoever did this knew who they were targeting.

Also making the point of panic and trampling.


We'll wait to see the details. It seems clear what it was, but it's still very early and could be any nut or something organized by a larger group.

Breaks my heart :/
Yeah you can start with Wikipedia, I'll start with my passport.

I'm from an Irish Roman Catholic family. I could get an EIRE passport if I wanted since my Dad is an Irish citizen born and raised in Drimnagh.

I never said the IRA wasn't about nationalism, because that would be as absurd as claiming that the troubles weren't deeply rooted in religious conflict.


It's kind of hard to describe the layout of the arena.

The arena was basically built on top of Victoria Train Station. You can access the southern entrance / exit point to the arena from the train station by just going up a flight of steps.The station concourse and southern entrance / exit point are essentially all joined up together into one continuous space,

Once you head up the flight of steps from Victoria Station concourse you enter a large space (see below):


This space is all publicly accessible. Just to the right of this shot there is a McDonald's restaurant. You're only checked by security when you pass through the yellow doors to the arena.

This space is publicly accessible and it's a kind of "pre-entrance" to the arena itself.

Just imagine how busy and packed this space gets before / after events at the arena when 21,000 people are streaming through the arena doors and you have people waiting for friends and getting a bite to eat.

I could very well be wrong but the space in the picture above is where I'm guessing the explosion took place.

I walk through this area almost every day and through my own psychosis and paranoia etc I've always thought this would be a great area for a terrorist attack to inflict maximum casualties with minimum risk of being stopped, purely for how packed out the space above gets, how it's easily and publicly accessible and how there are no security checks before accessing the arena itself.

The arena itself is one of the largest and busiest arenas of its type anywhere in the world.

RIP to the victims.
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