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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Unfortunately you can cause massive casualties without entering a concert venue. Many reports claim the bomb was outside the arena itself, possibly someone who never passed through security.

There's a bunch of catch 22s with the logic and strategies you'd put into securing anything where crowds convene; security checkpoints are by there nature bottlenecks where large crowds gather. Making more entrances to spread people out increased the amount of entrances which could fail, moving security out farther just moves the crowd.

Anyone ever been to a Seahawks game? The largest crowd you will be in is while you are waiting to pass security. You are shoulder to shoulder inside a pack of hundreds.

I'm no saying there aren't better or worse ways to prepare and its natural to throw around knee jerk reactions but there's only so much you can do. Added security often just changes your culture not minimize casualty.

Anyways just my thoughts in this harrowing time; my heart goes out to all victims. Not going to add any more to the meta-commentary so wanted to get it out in one post.

Same with the airport.

But the secret is pretty much all security at private institutions is to avert liability.


Just heard about this because a friend who's a huge Ariana Grande fan posted about it on Facebook.

Man, what a tragedy. I'm really sorry for everyone who lost their life. My thoughts are with their families.


One would hope this will bring the people of Manchester even closer together. Wonderful city filled with a wonderful, diverse population.

If we're mentioning the knock-on effect to the GE, then ditto this from me too. Cultural solidarity has been something Manchester has been a bastion of for decades. I'd have to believe voter turn out would increase further across the North-West over this, with Labour being the main party.

Wtf is wrong with you guys. Can you stop using a terror attack in which 19 likely young girls and their parents were dead to politicize things or try and pat yourselves on the back. You don't know what has even happened or how the city will react. But instead rather than thought towards the victims, talk about the attack, you want to talk about possible increase in voter turnout for a local election.
Really sad, feel terrible for the victims and families and everyone at the concert, plus anybody else in England. You know plenty of kids were looking forward to this for months and now even if they weren't physically harmed they have to live with the experience for the rest of their lives. Just awful.


For news coverage that isn't alarmist but just reports the facts Ive been referring to the NYT live updated briefing

Live Briefing: The Latest on the Manchester Arena Bombing https://nyti.ms/2qORsRJ
Wtf is wrong with you guys. Can you stop using a terror attack in which 19 likely young girls and their parents were dead to politicize things or try and pat yourselves on the back. You don't know what has even happened or how the city will react. But instead rather than thought towards the victims, talk about the attack, you want to talk about possible increase in voter turnout for a local election.
I'm not from Manchester, I'm just saying I hope the people of Manchester stick together beyond this attack. The GE means nought tonight. I've been talking about the attack since the first page?
Wtf is wrong with you guys. Can you stop using a terror attack in which 19 likely young girls and their parents were dead to politicize things or try and pat yourselves on the back. You don't know what has even happened or how the city will react. But instead rather than thought towards the victims, talk about the attack, you want to talk about possible increase in voter turnout for a local election.

I'll take the criticism on the second half of my post, but the first half of it, and the other poster was about the city's unity, nothing more.
When racist dickheads exist and areas like Longsight exist fingers will get pointed.

I can only presume that people pointing fingers at Longsight haven't been there, or haven't been there recently at least. Crime has only gone down as the Muslim population has gone up. The Muslims who live there are by and large about as progressive as Muslims get.
Wtf is wrong with you guys. Can you stop using a terror attack in which 19 likely young girls and their parents were dead to politicize things or try and pat yourselves on the back. You don't know what has even happened or how the city will react. But instead rather than thought towards the victims, talk about the attack, you want to talk about possible increase in voter turnout for a local election.

What's wrong with the first post? The people of Manchester coming together?


Police briefing by Chief Constable Ian Hopkins of Greater Manchester Police:

Treating it as terror attack, working with UK intelligence already.

19 dead and 50+ treated in 6 local hospitals.

Avoid the area, report anything to terror hotline.
What's wrong with the first post? The people of Manchester coming together?

How dare we point out how diverse and unified Manchester is. How dare we point out that much like Boston did after the Marathon Bombing, Manchester will rally together, and do all it can for the families of the victims, while ensuring that the people behind this know without any doubt, that they did not undo one stitch of the unity that the people of Manchester exhibit no matter their gender, race, religion, or sexuality.
I only caught the end of that statement. Did they say anything new?

Nothing more than the essential details that have already been reported: 19 dead, 50 + injured, police treating it as a terror attack, and calls for any information to the terrorist hotline.


Time ta STEP IT UP
You don't think Radical Islamic terrorism hurts Muslims more than anyone else?

President Trump made that pretty clear when he addressed Saudi Arabia / Mideast on Sunday actually.

But the amount of Islamic terror attacks in the West have gone up steadily since 9/11 too. Here's a list of attacks in USA alone: http://politicalscience.osu.edu/faculty/jmueller/since.html

Every time I travel to a major city for an event with major crowds, I always have the thought in the back of my mind that some idiot will be there to blow himself up. I would like to live in a society where that is not the case.


God damn ghouls on Twitter trying to drum up RTs by pretending they have friends missing in the attack.

President Trump made that pretty clear when he addressed Saudi Arabia / Mideast on Sunday actually.

But the amount of Islamic terror attacks in the West have gone up steadily since 9/11 too. Here's a list of attacks in USA alone: http://politicalscience.osu.edu/faculty/jmueller/since.html

Every time I travel to a major city for an event with major crowds, I always have the thought in the back of my mind that some idiot will be there to blow himself up. I would like to live in a society where that is not the case.

You will never live in a society truly like that no matter where you go or in what period of time. Just depending on what period of time it is depends on how aware you probably were of what was actually happening in the world.


Wtf is wrong with you guys. Can you stop using a terror attack in which 19 likely young girls and their parents were dead to politicize things or try and pat yourselves on the back. You don't know what has even happened or how the city will react. But instead rather than thought towards the victims, talk about the attack, you want to talk about possible increase in voter turnout for a local election.
The first guy was just saying this will likely bring the city together rather than divide them. What's wrong with that?
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