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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


So sad, reading on BBC that 59 people were taken to Hospital.

Yeah 59+ according to all local ambulance services. More probably could have gotten attention, but probably went home as soon as possible. It was immediate 19 dead, 59+ injured. Good thing UK hospitals have stronger guidelines on not violating patient confidentiality. Last thing we need is injury pictures leaking.

Guarantee MI5 and US CIA and NSA London field offices already have dispatched tactical units to anyone and everyone connected with this guy. His friends, family, neighbors all being taken in right now. Don't want to alert anyone if it is a cell or faction that this person gone, keep channels open, look at his cellphone or emails or computer contacts.
Listened to Don Lemon talking to a mother of a girl who is apparently missing, pleading for her daughter to come home.. pretty sad stuff.

And yeah, Hannity gonna Hannity.😪


God this is awful.

My thoughts are with everyone effected.

It's nice seeing reports of people opening up their homes and businesses to people disconnected from family.


Even if there was no religion in the world that would not stop people like this.

This has been the sentiment from others replying to that poster, and yeah, you're not totally wrong.

But while lone wolf crazies will always be a thing we just have to deal with, they are not usually united under a common banner or supported by so many like minded individuals.

This particular brand, suicide bombing, is really only doable when someone has a belief in a hereafter. Convincing non-religious people to carry out similar acts is almost impossible.

I just hate how people react to these attacks as if religion shouldn't be considered a factor and isn't important to studying why it happened.
I'm sickened by this. People can't even enjoy their time at a concert without having to worry about shit like this. Most of the crowd appeared to be pretty young, too. Really feel for those affected by this heinous act. RIP to all of the victims.
Can someone explain how all these US outlets are confirming stuff before the UK?

Same thing happened when a shooter got inside the Canadian parliament.
US news had the name of the attacker while Canadian news were still sorting through all the fake news like numerous shooters sighted here and there.
The local authorities don't share information with the media, but they share with the US agencies who then freely share the info with the American media.


It takes a really special kind of evil person to do something like this is kids. It makes me sick that people have this much hate that they think that this is the way to deal with their frustration. So sad for all those young people that lost their lives tonight.
It takes a really special kind of evil person to do something like this is kids. It makes me sick that people have this much hate that they think that this is the way to deal with their frustration. So sad for all those young people that lost their lives tonight.

Kids were killed? No sympathy for the attacker. Prayers for all those affected and hope more of those missing will be found alive.


This has been the sentiment from others replying to that poster, and yeah, you're not totally wrong.

But while lone wolf crazies will always be a thing we just have to deal with, they are not usually united under a common banner or supported by so many like minded individuals.

This particular brand, suicide bombing, is really only doable when someone has a belief in a hereafter. Convincing non-religious people to carry out similar acts is almost impossible.

I just hate how people react to these attacks as if religion shouldn't be considered a factor and isn't important to studying why it happened.

Did Japanese Kamikaze believe in the after life?


Same thing happened when a shooter got inside the Canadian parliament.
US news had the name of the attacker while Canadian news were still sorting through all the fake news like numerous shooters sighted here and there.
The local authorities don't share information with the media, but they share with the US agencies who then freely share the info with the American media.

Because they cannot. A local UK cop can tell his police chief what happened. That chief tells his boss who shares intel with US authorities and intelligence officials. Those intelligence officials are in constant contact with US media, journalists and diplomats. Whereas BBC reporters in the ground, they aren't being told much by anyone. Don't have relationship to US officials and UK officials don't want to go on record or share something they cannot. Third party sources become pretty far removed.
This has been the sentiment from others replying to that poster, and yeah, you're not totally wrong.

But while lone wolf crazies will always be a thing we just have to deal with, they are not usually united under a common banner or supported by so many like minded individuals.

This particular brand, suicide bombing, is really only doable when someone has a belief in a hereafter. Convincing non-religious people to carry out similar acts is almost impossible.

I just hate how people react to these attacks as if religion shouldn't be considered a factor and isn't important to studying why it happened.

IF religion was a factor here (and it quite probably is) I don't think we should ignore it when trying to figure out how this happened and developing strategies to try and prevent it happening again. Studies into trying to figure out how people in the west born to loving, integrated parents, are getting radicalized, are imperative and need to continue.

Labelling this 'Islamic' before we know who did it doesn't do anything to fight terrorism. But the anti Islamic rhetoric I'm seeing on my social media feeds does, as we know, tend to cause problems for innocent Brits who are unfortunate enough to look 'Muslim' to any yobbo.

That's my issue. This insistence on always using that label doesn't solve the problem of these terrorist groups we're currently facing, not one bit I don't think. But it compounds another problem.

And blaming religion on the whole is, I think, unfair. Who can say how many angry and suicidal types were convinced not to go through with similar plots due to the moral guidance and social support structure that being in a religion tends to afford?
Really guys? These kids haven't been dead 12 hours and you're turning it into an argument about the relationship between religion and terrorism? Come the fuck on and have some respect. People died. You should be ashamed trying to use their deaths as ammunition to support your political or non-political ideologies. You're just as bad as that deadbeat comedian already making hacky jokes.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
This has been the sentiment from others replying to that poster, and yeah, you're not totally wrong.

But while lone wolf crazies will always be a thing we just have to deal with, they are not usually united under a common banner or supported by so many like minded individuals.

This particular brand, suicide bombing, is really only doable when someone has a belief in a hereafter. Convincing non-religious people to carry out similar acts is almost impossible.

I just hate how people react to these attacks as if religion shouldn't be considered a factor and isn't important to studying why it happened.

people depending on your situation, SES etc can be easily manipulated when there is a purpose or cause behind it. Again it doesnt have to be religion strictly as long as there is an endgame to the plan and something you can easily brainwash people with you have a product for destruction. The fact that people will believe hey if you blow yourself up in the name of Allah this awaits you when you die could also be ttranslated to any other ideology and tarnish the name of what it stands for. The fact that people are manipulated this easily is what concerns me, not the religion behind it. Hitler is a good, (well I wouldnt use the words good obviosuly) example of what a few people can do with the power of speech, ideas and how easy it is to influence people to doo terrible things
Did Japanese Kamikaze believe in the after life?

Yes, Japanese kamikaze pilots were told that a suicide attack in war would bring glory in the afterlife to them. They would also have elaborate ceremonies prior to their assignment where they were given military medals and praised in front of their families.

People always ask "why is THIS labeled a terrorist attack but random attack by crazy person not?" Well, its in the definition of the word. A terrorist attack is an attack on civilians with a political purpose. It inspires other people to perform their own attacks later, or inspires people to join a larger group (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, Neo Nazis, etc).

The difference is meaningless to the victims and their families but is important to intelligence communities, governments, the terrorist organizations, etc.
Just knowing how much worse it could've been if the bomber got inside the arena gives me shivers. Regardless, it was still bad no matter how you look at it. The fucker was determined to kill.


Been following this all night and would just like to say RIP to the victims, many of whom were so very young.

Like I said earlier, we'd been so long as a country without a terrorist incident and now we've had two in the space of a few months. It's really hard to take.


Did Japanese Kamikaze believe in the after life?

They considered the Emperor a God, and that their family name would be honoured with their sacrifice.

Fanatical belief prioritising death over life, both the Kamikaze and suicide bombers of today share that in common.
Really guys? These kids haven't been dead 12 hours and you're turning it into an argument about the relationship between religion and terrorism? Come the fuck on and have some respect. People died. You should be ashamed trying to use their deaths as ammunition to support your political or non-political ideologies. You're just as bad as that deadbeat comedian already making hacky jokes.

So when I see people throwing out anti Islamic rhetoric, using those deaths as justification, and slurring the good name of the city that was just attacked tonight... what should I do?


In light of everything, it's been heartwarming to watch Twitter come together and help these families and friends find their missing children and friends. Obviously not everyone is going to get the answer they want.. but a lot of people's fears have been alleviated and their loved ones found.


Really guys? These kids haven't been dead 12 hours and you're turning it into an argument about the relationship between religion and terrorism? Come the fuck on and have some respect. People died. You should be ashamed trying to use their deaths as ammunition to support your political or non-political ideologies. You're just as bad as that deadbeat comedian already making hacky jokes.

This discussion is based on how future incidents of this nature be prevented. It's too late to save the kids who died tonight but perhaps we can save future victims of terrorism.

We need to come up with good policies that address the link between religion and terrorism. Otherwise we'll live in a society of fear ruled by authoritarian governments.
So when I see people throwing out anti Islamic rhetoric, using those deaths as justification, and slurring the good name of the city that was just attacked tonight... what should I do?
Don't engage in conversation with them aside from telling them to shut the fuck up and have some sympathy for those waiting to hear from loved ones. There's a time and a place right now in this thread isn't it.
This discussion is based on how future incidents of this nature be prevented. It's too late to save the kids who died tonight but perhaps we can save future victims of terrorism.

We need to come up with good policies that address the link between religion and terrorism. Otherwise we'll live in a society of fear ruled by authoritarian governments.

Er... what is this shit?

Don't engage in conversation with them aside from telling them to shut the fuck up and have some sympathy for those waiting to hear from loved ones. There's a time and a place right now in this thread isn't it.

They didn't take well to being told to fuck off.
In light of everything, it's been heartwarming to watch Twitter come together and help these families and friends find their missing children and friends. Obviously not everyone is going to get the answer they want.. but a lot of people's fears have been alleviated and their loved ones found.

Agreed, and not just online, the amount of people and businesses in the city centre lending every bit of help they can is heartwarming, from shepherding people to safety, to offering shelter, to supplying the victims and emergency services. There is no silver lining in a terrorist attack, but it's times like these where you can be reminded with how many good people are only a breath away from you when you need them.


( ≖‿≖)
Really guys? These kids haven't been dead 12 hours and you're turning it into an argument about the relationship between religion and terrorism? Come the fuck on and have some respect. People died. You should be ashamed trying to use their deaths as ammunition to support your political or non-political ideologies. You're just as bad as that deadbeat comedian already making hacky jokes.

Don't engage in conversation with them aside from telling them to shut the fuck up and have some sympathy for those waiting to hear from loved ones. There's a time and a place right now in this thread isn't it.

These are the exact same posts that people make after any US mass shooting event in response to people that bring up the issue of gun control. Do you feel the same about those posts?


Just woke up to see the casualty number and the fact it's suspected terrorism.
Infuriating and saddening.

I hope we get all the answers, right now I'm thinking how did the explosives end up inside the arena, last time I was there a few months back you were searched upon entering, all bags checked and everyone patted down.
Just woke up to see the casualty number and the fact it's suspected terrorism.
Infuriating and saddening.

I hope we get all the answers, right now I'm thinking how did the explosives end up inside the arena, last time I was there a few months back you were searched upon entering, all bags checked and everyone patted down.

They didn't. This was in the foyer between the arena and Victoria. The device was set off as people were flooding out of the concert.


It takes a special kind of fucked up evil to target children. Rot in hell you miserable piece of shit (whoever is behind it).
Just woke up to see the casualty number and the fact it's suspected terrorism.
Infuriating and saddening.

I hope we get all the answers, right now I'm thinking how did the explosives end up inside the arena, last time I was there a few months back you were searched upon entering, all bags checked and everyone patted down.

It's been covered a couple of times in the thread, but to keep everyone updated I'll repeat it here; the explosion took place right outside the arena next to Victoria Street station at the end of the concert, when people were leaving. There would have been no need to check for a bomb there, as it's still public space, which seems to have been the bomber's plan.


Really guys? These kids haven't been dead 12 hours and you're turning it into an argument about the relationship between religion and terrorism? Come the fuck on and have some respect. People died. You should be ashamed trying to use their deaths as ammunition to support your political or non-political ideologies. You're just as bad as that deadbeat comedian already making hacky jokes.
The similarities to how US conservatives treat the latest mass shooting incident to how leftists treat the latest Islamic terrorist attack cannot be overstated. It really is striking. Obfuscate, kick the can down the road ("now isn't the time!"), pretty much do anything to deny that there is a problem.
The similarities to how US conservatives treat the latest mass shooting incident to how leftists treat the latest Islamic terrorist attack cannot be overstated. It really is striking. Obfuscate, kick the can down the road ("now isn't the time!"), pretty much do anything to deny that there is a problem.

In both instances I like to get the facts nailed down before starting to trumpet my pet cause.

And banning guns is a lot more practical than banning a religious belief... although I don't advocate for either.


Er... what is this shit?

It's peoples genuine fear?

I mean let's face it Brexit happened because of people's fear of immigration and the possibility that some were terrorists.

If more and more and more of these attacks happen, people will want further action, but I don't exactly know what else we can do as a country, we've already withdrawn from Europe, so what's next?

More security? More freedoms diminished to keep us safe?

Certainly more fear, suspicion and division though.

If you think these sort of attacks can carry on and people won't continually make increasingly alarmed choices to try and stop them then I don't know what to tell you.
This particular brand, suicide bombing, is really only doable when someone has a belief in a hereafter. Convincing non-religious people to carry out similar acts is almost impossible.
Suicide bombing isn't any different than mass shooters who end their life afterwards. They plan to kill lots of people knowing they will die when it is done.

We've had tons of mass shooters who were either athiest or Christian. So no it's not nearly as impossible as you think. Religion can be a motivator but so can wanting to be infamous.



Wow what?

What makes this attack Islamic? What's Islam got against Ariana Grande fans?

A radical attack? Sure. Could they be muslims too? Yep. That doesn't make it religious terrorism. Though I know that's a popular buzzword these days but correlation does not imply causation.

A West vs Middle-East terrorism? Sure, I could see that with what's been happening the last few decades.

That's not really about religion is it. Not a popular discussion topic in the west though (hardly surprising given their involvement in destabilising the ME).

Much easier to just blindly blame Islam, make some jokes about virgins etc.
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