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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)

Jesus Chris, its horrible that anyone could be convinced to do something like this.

I understand the calls for deportation but if we take precedent of these kind of things they tend to be UK citizens, that's not deportation but exile. Its well and good to invoke ideas of 'deportation' but there is an implication behind this which is that the people aren't British but from some far flung place but this is often within our own house and we need to work together to make this country safe, on both sides and with all opinions. Its just horrible that this has happened and to see people at each other's throats in this thread as this is likely what families, friends, etc... will feel like for the next few weeks. At least we don't have any demagogues running for power who have been spreading fear of terrorism.

Anyway, knackered at work today because I couldn't take my eyes off this last night, as I'm sure many of you couldn't as well.


Cretinously credulous
I feel it's more important than ever in today's world to control emotions every time an act of domestic terrorism happens instead of overreacting and spewing nonsense, and then trying to normalize it. If that makes me the bad guy so be it. Yes it's fucking horrific that someone suicide bombed a concert with tons of teenagers. It's unacceptable. But the desire to jump to conclusions and to react by wanting extreme retaliation without regards to proper due process is dangerous thinking that can no longer be responded to with "it's normal to feel this way" because it shouldn't be normal.

What is this childlike reaction, man! I see you being more emotional than others here. Thinking yourself as the fall guy and what not. Calm down my man.

Maximus P


Holy shit.

This could happen anywhere. There are no security checks outside the buildings and I'm to believe this happened outside the venue when the crowds started forming.

My daughter was really upset last week becuase she couldn't go to this concert. (we substituted our tickets for the little mix concert later in the year) My Wife and I were shocked when we found out about this.



This was very upsetting news to wake up to :( Checked around my usual outlets before coming to GAF and I can see that (understandably) some of the discussion is getting quite heated. I know that everyone's heart is in the right place, though - nobody wants to read news like this.

RIP to the victims and all my love to the people of Manchester.


will learn eventually
I think it's normal for people to want to live somewhere safe.

How quickly people forget the nationalist threat of the 70s and 80s.

As long as the Middle East is not stable and intervention by foreign powers are funding wars or occupying land, this will continue. Stopping immigration or increasing the police state will not fix the root of the problem.
this is horrible, truly...

but we don't have to live in fear, that's exactly what they want! Go on with your life, enjoy what you have! Every day is uncertain, you can't live in the fear of something random happening to you...

Everyday people take their car, regardless of the fact that they have WAY more chance to die in a car accident than in a terrorist attack (in the western world at least)! Nobody tells you that you shouldn't drive, you know the risk but you know that there's little chance that this happen to you

why not have the same mindset for terrorist attack? (i don't say the governement has to let it happen, but it shouldn't affect you and lead you to extreme opinion and methods to deal with it)

yes it's still horrible and i feel for the family of the victims, but don't let that cloud your judgement
Horrific events. I hope all people involved in carrying out this attack will be found and locked up forever, and anybody thinking about even doing such a thing stopped. The authorities have done a good job so far in preventing attacks, seeing that it hasn't happened that much, but it's sad that it wasn't enough in this case.
Yes. So far besada has been doing good work, at least. Like usual.

Yeah but then you have Duckroll brining his political agenda in here and Shinra cracking jokes about deporting Canadians.

This isn't the place for either, as another poster stated this thread is for people trying to find out the latest details about the incident.
Why the hell would you target children? What the fuck will that ever accomplish?

Quite a lot, actually.

Fear, stress and outcry from adults. Conflict.

People scared to go to concerts anymore. People scared to let their children go to large events at all. Destabilizing the feeling of safety even further at large events. An attack on our entertainment culture, a big part of Western society.

And much more.


For some reason this hit me much harder this morning than the other recent attacks in Germany, France, and Sweden. I feel so sad for the victims and the situation. Absolutely horrible. :'(
Yeah but then you have Duckroll brining his political agenda in here and Shinra cracking jokes about deporting Canadians.

This isn't the place for either, as another poster stated this thread is for people trying to find out the latest details about the incident.

It's fine with me, as long as we all realise that sometimes we react in strange ways to these things, identify when we should stop and then act on it. I know that I've had to be told to chill and breathe from mods before and it's usually been appreciated. We lose our logic and perspective a little during these moments.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
My thoughts go out to the families of the victims. Targeting a children's gig is just despicable. Absolutely horrible. The poor souls.
I've been to that arena a fair few times. It's really, really shocking to hear.

Now I'm wary of the gig me and my girlfriend are going to this weekend which we've been looking forward to for a while. The absolute shit stains.


What is the end goal for these terrorist groups? I'm not quite sure I really understand what they are fighting for? Is it for the west to leave their countries and stop meddling? Is it just a general hatred of western values? I'm not sure I particularly get what it is they are trying to achieve?

(Just trying to learn here, so excuse my ignorance)

Edit: I guess my phrasing is bad for this as it hasn't been confirmed who has committed this act yet. So apologies, not trying to offend.

For the groups themselves? Probably all of those, plus recruitement. Every attack increases the ill feelings westerners have towards islam, which in turn helps to radicalize regular muslims, creating vicious cycle that keep feeding the groups new recruits and martyrs
What is the end goal for these terrorist groups? I'm not quite sure I really understand what they are fighting for? Is it for the west to leave their countries and stop meddling? Is it just a general hatred of western values? I'm not sure I particularly get what it is they are trying to achieve?

(Just trying to learn here, so excuse my ignorance)

Edit: I guess my phrasing is bad for this as it hasn't been confirmed who has committed this act yet. So apologies, not trying to offend.
If it was Islamic terrorism, it is just to create fear. These people are under the impression they are in a holy war with Western society. There is no real end goal here, other then to get rid of us. Even if all Western countries stopped all their contact with the Middle-east, this will not stop, seeing that most of these terrorist are growing up right here in Europe.


Truly horrific stuff. Sorry to those of you who have been affected by this in any way; this is the kind of shit that makes me scared to leave the house. But of course, that is the goal of terrorism I suppose, to frighten one into weakness, but it's hard not to be scared when news like this is becoming common place.
this is horrible, truly...

but we don't have to live in fear, that's exactly what they want! Go on with your life, enjoy what you have! Every day is uncertain, you can't live in the fear of something random happening to you...

Everyday people take their car, regardless of the fact that they have WAY more chance to die in a car accident than in a terrorist attack (in the western world at least)! Nobody tells you that you shouldn't drive, you know the risk but you know that there's little chance that this happen to you

why not have the same mindset for terrorist attack? (i don't say the governement has to let it happen, but it shouldn't affect you and lead you to extreme opinion and methods to deal with it)

yes it's still horrible and i feel for the family of the victims, but don't let that cloud your judgement

Well, people from Manchester have already been saying that their first instincts were to help people, and that all peoples were offering to help out...basically parents might be scared to let their kids go to concerts unsupervised for a while - despite this happening outside the purview of the organizers - but in terms of sowing discord and division....unless you were already that way inclined...not gonna happen.


I don't understand, though. Don't you have metal detectors (usually handheld ones) at the entrance of venues pretty much everywhere nowadays?
Well, people from Manchester have already been saying that their first instincts were to help people, and that all peoples were offering to help out...basically parents might be scared to let their kids go to concerts unsupervised for a while - despite this happening outside the purview of the organizers - but in terms of sowing discord and division....unless you were already that way inclined...not gonna happen.

that's good to hear at least!
The situation as known although I'm open to correction.

22 are dead including the murderer.
No group has claimed responsibility.
There is no released information on the ethnicity, religion or nationality of the bomber.

Despite this, there is discussion about mass deportations presumably to places where people are brown, about the need for denunciations, about the failure of brown people to integrate.


I don't understand, though. Don't you have metal detectors (usually handheld ones) at the entrance of venues pretty much everywhere nowadays?

It was outside of the entrance I guess. Plus it was after the concert was over and everyone was going thru exit hallway where bomb exploded.

Maximus P

I don't understand, though. Don't you have metal detectors (usually handheld ones) at the entrance of venues pretty much everywhere nowadays?

It happened outside the venue. The bastard set off the bomb as the crowds were forming outside the venue and were on their way home.

Patrick S.

Can't someone please invent a happy gas that will make people not feel hate and drop a huge canister of it on the world? This world is so fucked up :(


What the fuck

Just got to work not knowing anything and the first thing I on the Guardian is this? Bloody hell!

and its during a Live Gig. As someone who goes to a lot of them, I am shocked to hear that even entertainment and social gethrings that involves music is not safe. Fuck these people whoever they are.

I am going to 3 festivals this summer. I am starting to get worried now!


Yes red names are mods.

Yes. So far besada has been doing good work, at least. Like usual.
Yeah disappointed. Some seem awfully chipper considering what's happened. I know GAF is a US site, but I can't see myself cracking wise in a thread about dead children anywhere in the world, but I get that I'm a Lancashire lad and way too close to this to have meaningful discussion about the cause in this thread when all I can think about is folk waiting to find about their kids.


We drove past the MEN on the way home from work last night as the kids were queuing to get in. Just hundreds and hundreds of kids - mostly young teenage girls, some with family. Absolutely sickening.
My thoughts to all involved RIP. Been to the MEN arena a few times and the thought of that hall full of casualties is very upsetting. Heart goes out to all those involved


As long as the Middle East is not stable and intervention by foreign powers are funding wars or occupying land, this will continue. Stopping immigration or increasing the police state will not fix the root of the problem.

In all seriousness, and with much naivety, may I ask someone to please explain (like I'm five) just what it might take to end this madness?

Does the West simply have to stop meddling in Middle Eastern affairs? What's the end-game? Terrorists are hitting out against the West, yes, but to what specific purpose or end? What was this perpetrator trying to achieve, what might his 'message' have been?

I can't but feel there is no end to this, and instead, that this just continues on... and in a week or two we'll be in another thread having a similar discussion. So terribly sad, and it feels like a helpless situation.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
How quickly people forget the nationalist threat of the 70s and 80s.

As long as the Middle East is not stable and intervention by foreign powers are funding wars or occupying land, this will continue. Stopping immigration or increasing the police state will not fix the root of the problem.

And 90's. The Arndale was attacked in 1996 remember.

There will always be an excuse for terrorism. You can be the most tolerant nation and still you'll get people wanting to kill innocents.

Lurching to the right will solve nothing but frankly, whatever a nation does as a sovereign entity, someone somewhere will hate them for it. Be intervrntionslist and people will hate you for interfering, be isolationist and people will hate you for not helping innocents being oppressed by their regimes.

The only thing we can do as a society is show that we are not our governments, we are a pluralistic, tolerant and welcoming place and should never close our arms to anyone who needs us despite terrorists wanting us to.


Trump's doing a speech with the Palestinian president and made the comment that the people responsable for the attack are "losers in life" and that he wouldn't call them monsters because they would like that. Instead he will refer to them as "Losers".


A mother asking for her daughter to ring her, Theres family out there waiting hoping the phone to ring, just thinking about that makes me angry and sad. I don't think i can watch any more news.


This is unfortunate.

To those who perished, RIP.

I feel it's more important than ever in today's world to control emotions every time an act of domestic terrorism happens instead of overreacting and spewing nonsense, and then trying to normalize it. If that makes me the bad guy so be it. Yes it's fucking horrific that someone suicide bombed a concert with tons of teenagers. It's unacceptable. But the desire to jump to conclusions and to react by wanting extreme retaliation without regards to proper due process is dangerous thinking that can no longer be responded to with "it's normal to feel this way" because it shouldn't be normal.

Agreed; well said.
It's fine with me, as long as we all realise that sometimes we react in strange ways to these things, identify when we should stop and then act on it. I know that I've had to be told to chill and breathe from mods before and it's usually been appreciated. We lose our logic and perspective a little during these moments.

Yeah I completely understand that and agree. I can see Duckrolls comments probably just escalated due to the incident and previous comments by ankther poster and that I completely understand.

Shinra on the other hand posted once in this thread to crack a joke, and I think they should be made aware that's a pretty shifty thing to do.

Anyway, I'm just taking this thread further off topic so I'll leave it there.

My thoughts go out to all affected.


Holy shit.

This could happen anywhere. There are no security checks outside the buildings and I'm to believe this happened outside the venue when the crowds started forming.

My daughter was really upset last week becuase she couldn't go to this concert. (we substituted our tickets for the little mix concert later in the year) My Wife and I were shocked when we found out about this.


I think that's what is so terrifying about this. It could have happened to anyone. It's so indiscriminate in nature. I always (irrationally) think about how I don't fly too often or go to places this type of shit seems to happen. "Not in my backyard at least" type of mentality. I know that's a dumb line of thinking but it helps ease my fears. But, hell, a concert? If you can't go to a concert without fear of being blown up then damn. I recently bought tickets for an upcoming one in September. I know we can't cower in the face of this but it's terrifying. These zealots are just fucking evil.


In all seriousness, and with much naivety, may I ask someone to please explain (like I'm five) just what it might take to end this madness?

Does the West simply have to stop meddling in Middle Eastern affairs? What's the end-game? Terrorists are hitting out against the West, yes, but to what specific purpose or end? What was this perpetrator trying to achieve, what might his 'message' have been?

I can't but feel there is no end to this, and instead, that this just continues on... and in a week or two we'll be in another thread having a similar discussion. So terribly sad, and it feels like a helpless situation.

It's important not to forget that these bastards are not just attacking the west, they are causing doom and despair in the middle east as well. Innocent people are being killed on a daily basis there.

They make no distinction between westerners and others, they are monsters.
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