Jesus Chris, its horrible that anyone could be convinced to do something like this.
I understand the calls for deportation but if we take precedent of these kind of things they tend to be UK citizens, that's not deportation but exile. Its well and good to invoke ideas of 'deportation' but there is an implication behind this which is that the people aren't British but from some far flung place but this is often within our own house and we need to work together to make this country safe, on both sides and with all opinions. Its just horrible that this has happened and to see people at each other's throats in this thread as this is likely what families, friends, etc... will feel like for the next few weeks. At least we don't have any demagogues running for power who have been spreading fear of terrorism.
Anyway, knackered at work today because I couldn't take my eyes off this last night, as I'm sure many of you couldn't as well.