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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Your ignorance of this isn't evidence of anything but your ignorance. Time to move on to a different subject.

Came to post this.

Also, doesn't help that the UK media tends to not care/write/pick up anything whenever there's a significant condemnation or a gathering from UK Muslims who condemn these despicable acts. Stories/articles about batshit UK Muslims supporting terrorism or BS statistic/poll is more appealing to them.
I don't interact with any Muslims, maybe ex Muslims actually. But the ones in the inner cities? No not really.

It's not about growing up just fine. It's thinking about stuff as to how peoples world view gets cultured.

I know it's a bad comparison but we see how articles on Facebook etc are there to target and reinforce your own bias world view. Because we live in bubbles.

Don't a lot of Muslim communities predominantly stick together in the boroughs? What media do they consume that makes them snap?

It's about the impressionable teetering on the edge of rational behaviour. In terms of domestic terror that is. As it's not just Muslims that are going through that.
Yes, all those things happen and are explanations. What I am trying to say, is that while I see those things happening, they shouldn't. Same as everyone else who live in a safe European country where most of their needs are provided for and you can go and make something out of your life. Yes, it is harder for some and sometimes unfairly so. But to translate that into actual hatred for the society you grew up in to such a point that you actively want to kill others for it is not something I can ever understand. Just take that terrorist from Brussels who has a decent job, but still went out and committed a terrorist attack.

They are not part of the wars in the Middle-east. They have not suffered death and destruction. So I can't really see why because of the events there they get to the point they want to kill others in the country they themselves are living in and have grown up in.


Okay, so you're happy to apply this to everyone right?

The next time a white supremacist kills a black guy, decent white people everywhere should come out and condemn his actions because his actions negatively impact their reputation right?

Well, an least in Germany, we do exactly that with Demonstrations, public candle marches and so on. As by the way did muslim organisations numerous times in the past. This whole accusation (by the original poster, impying muslims don't speak out against such actions) is just completely misinformed.
Again I don't want to sound like a terrorist sympathiser.

But I'll guarantee you during this "war on terror", we've killed more kids total.

I don't want to talk about shit callously like a fucking KDA ratio but I'd put a lot of money, and I mean a lot on the fact our countries have murdered thousands more kids. Easily.

Doesn't make it right I get that. But we're talking about why they are doing it etc. It's just bloodletting and attrition at this point.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Again I don't want to sound like a terrorist sympathiser.

But I'll guarantee you during this "war on terror", we've killed more kids total.

I don't want to talk about shit callously like a fucking KDA ratio but I'd put a lot of money, and I mean a lot on the fact our countries have murdered thousands more kids. Easily.

Doesn't make it right I get that. But we're talking about why they are doing it etc. It's just bloodletting and attrition at this point.

How many kids were killed on purpose by "us"?

Might be less than this single act today killed kids, clearly on purpose.

I mean unless the bomber didn't really know who'd be at an Ariana Grande concert...
Again I don't want to sound like a terrorist sympathiser.

But I'll guarantee you during this "war on terror", we've killed more kids total.

I don't want to talk about shit callously like a fucking KDA ratio but I'd put a lot of money, and I mean a lot on the fact our countries have murdered thousands more kids. Easily.

Doesn't make it right I get that. But we're talking about why they are doing it etc. It's just bloodletting and attrition at this point.
Tons of countries and organisations have killed a lot more kids throughout history. I don't see the relevance to these events.


Again I don't want to sound like a terrorist sympathiser.

But I'll guarantee you during this "war on terror", we've killed more kids total.

I don't want to talk about shit callously like a fucking KDA ratio but I'd put a lot of money, and I mean a lot on the fact our countries have murdered thousands more kids. Easily.

Doesn't make it right I get that. But we're talking about why they are doing it etc. It's just bloodletting and attrition at this point.

The terrorist will almost certainly be British though. And I disagree that that's why they're doing it. I'm pretty sure Wahabbism came first.
How many kids were killed on purpose by "us"?

Might be less than this single act today killed kids, clearly on purpose.

I mean unless the bomber didn't really know who'd be at an Ariana Grande concert...

President Trump did authorize that raid in Yeman that resulted in women and children being killed.
Tons of countries and organisations have killed a lot more kids throughout history. I don't see the relevance to these events.

Because they want to take away what we have taken from them. It's bloodletting. Do you think they make the distinction over there?

"Oh they drone striked that wedding but they didn't mean to hit any kids tho it just happened that's ok"

"Oh that yemen raid where those seals came in and shot our kids dead, whhopsie daisey but they didn't mean to"

You think that rationality hits these people like that? Or are they like "destroyed, I will destroy".


Yes, all those things happen and are explanations. What I am trying to say, is that while I see those things happening, they shouldn't. Same as everyone else who live in a safe European country where most of their needs are provided for and you can go and make something out of your life. Yes, it is harder for some and sometimes unfairly so. But to translate that into actual hatred for the society you grew up in to such a point that you actively want to kill others for it is not something I can ever understand. Just take that terrorist from Brussels who has a decent job, but still went out and committed a terrorist attack.

They are not part of the wars in the Middle-east. They have not suffered death and destruction. So I can't really see why because of the events there they get to the point they want to kill others in the country they themselves are living in and have grown up in.

Look at how it is often males. Nearly exclusively. Radicalised teachings of doctrine mixed with martyrdom that promises to make a man a hero, mixed with whatever nonsense is also peddled about God rewarding. It's a complex undergoing to study and understand it all, but a large part of it is a virus of the mind. Unless you are radicalised yourself you take for granted your brains critical thinking faculties to automatically throw out garbage states of mind such as "a higher power will reward me for killing the infidels". When you truly believe that and have radicalised groups/imams or whoever is feeding you, your mind is liable to act in ways which carry out your beliefs.

The human body and mind is still very resistant to dying, which is why suicide attacks can fail and many with radical views still do not manage to carry them out. However, with radicalisation and minds genuinely being convinced of martyrdom/rewards/doing the just thing in the eyes of a God you'll always get a percentage of people fully going through with attacks. It's why radicalisation and preaching is so destructive. Not everyone involved will carry out attacks but they'll continue to spread the ways of thinking and eventually someone involved will act. Even if it's not directly a suicide bomb these people know they are going to be killed by the police. They know they will be killed, or hunted down and eventually caught. To which they often respond by fighting to death and not being taken alive.

There is a lot of unpacking and realities surrounding the brain and ways the mind thinks. It isn't a coincidence it is nearly exclusively men that carry out these attacks. Most radicalised doctrines speak directly to them, and push the fantasy narrative that it is them who will be rewarded directly for martyrdom.


Yeah all the french and belgians of maghrebi origins implicated in european attacks had to grow up watching "their home countries" get bombed on the daily, right.

Wasn't specifically talking about those attackers, but since you bring that up: no, they didn't see their countries bombed, BUT in light of the recent history that ties francophone countries to countries like Algeria (where islamism is on the rise, where they still keep the "colonial" language, where the cultural/economic divide between arabs and french is widening), do you really not see how some feeble-minded individuals could get radicalized by ISIS?
If ideas are stronger than bombs, then I guess they're convinced they've seen their culture under siege pretty much ever since they've been born.

EDIT: also, I'm fairly sure some of them referenced the "senseless death" of their brothers under bombs in countries that are not indeed maghrebi. But if they feel bombs in the middle east are a direct attack to them because of religious reasons even though they've been in Europe all along.. what's the use of your argument?
I mean, it's obvious there's a correlation between the way we're handling middle east affairs and the terrorist attacks in Europe. I'm not even sure what you're trying to argue here.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
President Trump did authorize that raid in Yeman that resulted in women and children being killed.

It always sounded like a pretty shitty raid that I don't want to defend... but I'm sure it wasn't a Yemeni Children's Festival or whatever the equivalent of an Ariana Grande concert might be.

It matters whether the child fatalities are unfortunate liabilities of taking down a criminal, or prime targets.


Again I don't want to sound like a terrorist sympathiser.

But I'll guarantee you during this "war on terror", we've killed more kids total.

I don't want to talk about shit callously like a fucking KDA ratio but I'd put a lot of money, and I mean a lot on the fact our countries have murdered thousands more kids. Easily.

Doesn't make it right I get that. But we're talking about why they are doing it etc. It's just bloodletting and attrition at this point.

Yes we have killed between 112,000-123,000 civilian non combatants during the Iraq war alone. No this is not the appropriate place to bring this up.


Muslims pretty much always come out against these sort of attacks. This was after the recent London attack.


Shit like this always gets ignored or over-shadowed.

People here saying Muslims should come together to rally against this.

Wanna know how I as a Muslim feel?

You want me to say "Hey, we are against these terrorist scum bags. It should be obvious already but you need an express statement from me? How many times? Forget the fact that ISIS have killed mostly us Muslims and the fact that this indiscriminate attack could have killed us Muslims, or that we Muslims are at the front lines fighting ISIS, you want me to tell you that we aren't terrorists."

Its fucking infuriating. I went on LBC radio to denounce the Boston bombings trying to tell everyone "hey we are against this". Why teh fuck wouldn't we be??? Do you know so little about us that you need an express statement from us to say we believe that the killing of innocent people is wrong and we are against it?

But then part of me is conflicted because clearly people are fucking thick and need to obviously spoon fed to them.

So yeah, OF COURSE Im fucking against this. Heck, I'll go on a rally to drill that obvious fact to you. Yes it wont surprise me if it largely gets ignored because it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME and has been for years.

Countless lectures, countless times the Muslim community have reached out, countless times we cry, bleed, fight and die for this message but somehow it all gets lost when some utter cunt does this in the name of our faith.

Its just fucking tiring....every since 9/11 its the same old shit. Fucking draining as fuck.

Believe me, if the majority of us Muslims could have gotten a hold of this cretin who committed this digusting vile and inhumane act, you don't wanna know how our anger would translate into our actions. We are angry too believe me. And on top we have our faith besmirched by this guy.
Because they want to take away what we have taken from them. It's bloodletting. Do you think they make the distinction over there?

"Oh they drone striked that wedding but they didn't mean to hit any kids tho it just happened that's ok"

"Oh that yemen raid where those seals came in and shot our kids dead, whhopsie daisey but they didn't mean to"

You think that rationality hits these people like that? Or are they like "destroyed, I will destroy".
I really doubt that is the thought process behind it. Like I said, most of these terrorist in Europe have nothing to do with the events in the Middle-east. They use it as an excuse to fight their little holy war that they have in their heads.

Even if all foreign powers would remove everyone from the region there, this would not fix it.


Tons of countries and organisations have killed a lot more kids throughout history. I don't see the relevance to these events.

It's very much relevant when you see dozens of comments "Why, why did they do this? Why especially target kids and women" as if people can't figure out a connection.
Rather than individually condemning this stuff they should unite behind a unified organisation that is very publicly visible. They need to take back control before sinister organisations spin the narrative and demonise the entire religion.

Thing is, there's no specific organization or authority for Islam. There's no control to take because there's no organization. And because it's not as simple as "Muslims", we're not an entity.

There are different branches within Islam, with different dogmas and tradition depending on the region, country and sometimes even villages.

There's also the fact that Muslims dont live their life the same way. There's no one big block, one big entity known as "Muslims" which thinks, behave and live the same way.
I really doubt that is the thought process behind it. Like I said, most of these terrorist in Europe have nothing to do with the events in the Middle-east. They use it as an excuse to fight their little holy war that they have in their heads.

Even if all foreign powers would remove everyone from the region there, this would not fix it.

Yeah I think its a multi layered multi nuanced situation that would require a massive academic thesis to go over it all.

We're on a forum trying to keep things short and concise.
In terms of domestic terrorism and foreign terrorism there are differing factors at work there. I don't disagree with that.

I just wonder whether people in cloistered Muslim neighbourhoods are consuming a different type of media than we are. Like the Fox News for the isis side of things. Gently pushing the conservative to the extreme.


Again I don't want to sound like a terrorist sympathiser.

But I'll guarantee you during this "war on terror", we've killed more kids total.

I don't want to talk about shit callously like a fucking KDA ratio but I'd put a lot of money, and I mean a lot on the fact our countries have murdered thousands more kids. Easily.

Doesn't make it right I get that. But we're talking about why they are doing it etc. It's just bloodletting and attrition at this point.
What about the french and belgian terrorists of maghrebi origins ?
Hell, what about the terrorist attacks in other muslim countries ? Is it still vengeance against the big bad west when Boko Haram makes sex slaves out of nigerian teen girls ?
I'm not saying the political context in the Middle-East had zero impact on the rise of terrorism, but I think it's pretty naive to think these people are killing civilians because of it.

Wasn't specifically talking about those attackers, but since you bring that up: no, they didn't see their countries bombed, BUT in light of the recent history that ties francophone countries to countries like Algeria (where islamism is on the rise, where they still keep the "colonial" language, where the cultural/economic divide between arabs and french is widening), do you really not see how some feeble-minded individuals could get radicalized by ISIS?
If ideas are stronger than bombs, then I guess they're convinced they've seen their culture under siege pretty much ever since they've been born.
Recent ? The algerian war ended nearly 60 years ago. These people have never known war, hell, their parents have never known war. I do see how ISIS can use the context to recruit more people, but arguments about how they see their "home country" being bombed everyday are nonsense.


My point is that is should be more public and it should be more organised. If there was a united organisation of Muslims against ISIS or something like that then it would be a lot clearer to the rest of the public and it would be harder for racists to spin their narrative if there was an organisation with millions of Muslims members publicly condemning the action in a more organised way.

I'm not saying Muslims don't care, I know that they do, I just think it would be beneficial for there to be a united organisation that was more public so that it was clear for all to see...

I mean in the UK/US/EU etc.
Im not saying they should go and fight or anything like that, I'm saying that they should unite under one organisation specifically set up to express their dissatisfaction and vocalise their condemnation of Muslims Extremists.

So western living muslims need to found and join an organisation (the racists will LOVE that) for the sole purpose of saying "we don't condone what ISIS are doing?"

That's fucking stupid.
They're already saying that by living their lives peacefully, same as I'm implicitly not condoning what Anders Breivik did in the way I'm living my life.

People who say shit like you're saying right now only contribute to alienating normal muslims and making them feel Other.


If ideas are stronger than bombs, then I guess they're convinced they've seen their culture under siege pretty much ever since they've been born.
Agree, combined with the local problems they cope with.

If a person is happy, has people around him who he cares for, has children and the probability of a good future ahead of him, he wouldn't commit terrible acts like these.

It's people who are frustrated, fed with anger, living in their extremist news bubble and being convinced that the only way they can change it is by "helping" fight the injustice they perceive with these acts of terror who are dangerous.


Lol at anyone expecting all Muslims to be somehow obligated to expressly condemn every ISIS/AQ inspired atrocity. Just as most Christians don't comment on atrocities by the Lords Resistance Army (or have even heard of them) I don't expect Muslims to have to speak out on such attacks.

I do expect however for authorities to begin a crackdown on Mosques and Madrassa's teaching Wahhabist propaganda to young Muslims.
Thing is, there's no specific organization or authority for Islam. There's no control to take because there's no organization. And because it's not as simple as "Muslims", we're not an entity.

There are different branches within Islam, with different dogmas and tradition depending on the region, country and sometimes even villages.

There's also the fact that Muslims dont live their life the same way. There's no one big block, one big entity known as "Muslims" which thinks, behave and live the same way.

And even while Christianity is itself fractured, it at least has really prominent figures in the likes of the Pope for people to defer to, even if they're not Catholic.

Also for those wanting a public response from someone:



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The way this thread is going you'd think there was confirmation this terror act was performed by a Muslim.

I agree it's jumping the gun.

But if it turns out that this were a non-Islamic attack, would it really invalidate the discussion about Islamic terrorism? It's kind of an established pattern, even if this isn't an instance of it.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Where are the calls for high profile Christians to denounce the terrorist acts of White Supremacists?

You clearly aren't from the UK.

During the troubles it was not exactly a bundle of fun for the Irish community every time an IRA bomb went off.

In fact if anything it was worse as instead of calls for them to denounce the IRA many, especially the media just lumped all of them in with the IRA anyway. It has taken years just to get close to healing the wounds from that conflict and the UK and Ireland are pretty strong allies, N.I excluded.


I get the point you're trying to make but c'mon.

Well, looking at the attack on the BvB team bus in germany a short time ago, it's always good to wait for official confirmation (hint: in the end it came out that the attack wasn't carried out by a muslim and had nothing to do with islam at all).


The way this thread is going you'd think there was confirmation this terror act was performed by a Muslim.

Yeah, we don't know yet but I think people are just generally talking about that sort of extremism.

I do wonder if different people are more susceptible to extremism or that's not really comparable. Is it the message, fake reward that makes them snap more rather than their daily life and is it even more?
Well, looking at the attack on the BvB team bus in germany a short time ago, it's always good to wait for official confirmation (hint: in the end it came out that the attack wasn't carried out by a muslim and had nothing to do with islam at all).

Yup its often best not to jump to conclusions based on bias.
Again I don't want to sound like a terrorist sympathiser.

But I'll guarantee you during this "war on terror", we've killed more kids total.

I don't want to talk about shit callously like a fucking KDA ratio but I'd put a lot of money, and I mean a lot on the fact our countries have murdered thousands more kids. Easily.

Doesn't make it right I get that. But we're talking about why they are doing it etc. It's just bloodletting and attrition at this point.

This thread sure has it all.


I'm not saying the political context in the Middle-East had zero impact on the rise of terrorism, but I think it's pretty naive to think these people are killing civilians because of it.
So you think it's just some widespread mental illness or.. ?
They obviously feel like they're part the wider "islam" group, so a bomb in their actual country of origin or in the middle east is probably the same to them, as long as it fits their west vs east agenda.

Recent ? The algerian war ended nearly 60 years ago. These people have never known war, hell, their parents have never known war. I do see how ISIS can use the context to recruit more people, but arguments about how they see their "home country" being bombed everyday are nonsense.

They see their fellow muslim brothers fall under bombs in other countries they strongly care about. This is witnessing war. Specifically, war against their ideology.

Also, you should also read about what happened after the end of the algerian war, especially as far as the economic relations between maghrebi countries and France go.

To top that, it's not like they live as kings in France, either. Banlieues aren't exactly the best place to live in.


Not in the sense that God promised Europe to them, no. The early idea of Islam was that it was an "update" to Judeo-Christianity, and it was a foregone conclusion that Judeo-Christian lands would eventually adopt this update in the form of Islamic Empire. You can read more about this in the book The Shade of Swords: Jihad and the Conflict between Islam and Christianity.

Of course many Muslims today wouldn't presume that Islam has a claim to Europe. That's only because the expansion was stopped in 732 at the Battle of Tours.

Religion has carried these dreams to modern people. There are no Caesarists or Napoleanists around interpreting and re-interpreting the wild ideas of conquest pursued by these men. This is different than your examples.

Let's be clear here: I don't think this is the only way to interpret Islam or that most Muslims do. But let's also be clear that Islamic extremists have a rich Islamic history from which to draw the assumption that Islam should rightfully have dominion over the old world. It was the mission of the first 100 years of the faith.

Again, I disagree with your first part. There was never a sense of promise from god that the whole earth belonged to Muslims. There is nothing in the Quran, nor the Ahadeeths, and you are basing all of this on a book (which I haven't read, I presume) that a person interpolated a a belief in the religion itself and belief in god will help them win a battle with some that inherently make them presume that the world belongs to them.

Are you Muslim by any chance? Because, there are a lot of Muslims with bad beliefs that doesn't represent anything, and you would know if you were instead of looking through lenses of others. Books have been written, but I assume that none of them actually go in depth that a lot of these Muslims are just believing in something that is just nonsense. Again, there nothing in the religion that promises anything in this world, but propel will say and, as I said, use that as an excuse to do bad, fucked up things.

I will stop here, since I won't change your mind in anything you believe we are, especially since I don't know any books that will help make my point
How many kids were killed on purpose by "us"?

Might be less than this single act today killed kids, clearly on purpose.

I mean unless the bomber didn't really know who'd be at an Ariana Grande concert...
This is staggeringly naive. Of course we've killed thousands of children on purpose.

*it's sad I have to feel like I need to qualify that I condemn this attack and my heart aches for the those who will now face the unimaginable hell of losing a child. The people who did this are monsters.
My 9 yr old boy cried this morning when he awoke to this news. He loves music and has been going with his mum to see his favourite singers , groups and even you tube stars at venues around the city for a few years now.
It's one of the things he loves most, a seemingly safe and fun thing to do. In his mind its so simple.His dad drops him and mum at a venue , goes home for a couple of hours and is there to pick them up at the end .
He told me he no longer wants to go. Because of some fucking murdering coward he is frightened to do what he loves and no amount of reassurance will change that anytome soon im sure.
How do you tell a child that not going is letting them win ? How do you explain that to a 9 yr old ?
My heart is breaking for those families and the thought that had this happened in March he could have been there makes me feel sick.
I'm so very sad today, so sad for the victims of this barbaric act .


Yeah, we don't know yet but I think people are just generally talking about that sort of extremism.

I do wonder if different people are more susceptible to extremism or that's not really comparable. Is it the message, fake reward that makes them snap more rather than their daily life and is it even more?

As I said above it tends to be exclusively males. It also involves all religions. The Catholic Church has been rife with power abuses by men, especially on children. All religions tend to operate on a patriarchal basis. Mainly because they all plagiarised each other in their creations.

However, the levels of power enforced by men are on different scales between the religions. Islam does still tend to abuse women and restrict them far more than modern day Christianity and Catholicism. Largely due to reformation in those texts. However, Catholicism still sits on a pedestal of power controlled by men from the Pope to all of the Vatican and priests.

Going a bit off topic with religious theology, but it is important to consider. Christopher Hitchens was largely right with saying a massive role in trying to eradicate extremism is the empowerment and freedom of women and their bodies. The West largely stumbles with how to do that. It's not an easy task and will take many years, but often we struggle with calling out mysoginy and male abuses as we do not want to stand on religious beliefs.

Anyway, in regards to terrorism directly, it's nearly always men, and of those men a majority who believe in martyrdom and that they are carrying out tasks a God will reward them for. Possibly about time more start focusing on it being males.


completely depraved and barbaric. nothing else to say really. Islamic extremist terrorists will lose in the end, but i fear it will take many decades and that this is just what Europe is like now for the time being..

i wanted to go to London for the first time this summer, to go see Tom Petty with my gf, perhaps the last chance to see him play on this continent. yeah.. definitely not going. it's in Hyde Park, large outdoor area with thousands of people. just nope. i would be in a constant panic attack.

You should still go. Letting events like this scare you off doing stuff you enjoy is letting them win, don't put your life on hold just because of a few tossers


Shit like this always gets ignored or over-shadowed.

People here saying Muslims should come together to rally against this.

Wanna know how I as a Muslim feel?

You want me to say "Hey, we are against these terrorist scum bags. It should be obvious already but you need an express statement from me? How many times? Forget the fact that ISIS have killed mostly us Muslims and the fact that this indiscriminate attack could have killed us Muslims, or that we Muslims are at the front lines fighting ISIS, you want me to tell you that we aren't terrorists."

Its fucking infuriating. I went on LBC radio to denounce the Boston bombings trying to tell everyone "hey we are against this". Why teh fuck wouldn't we be??? Do you know so little about us that you need an express statement from us to say we believe that the killing of innocent people is wrong and we are against it?

But then part of me is conflicted because clearly people are fucking thick and need to obviously spoon fed to them.

So yeah, OF COURSE Im fucking against this. Heck, I'll go on a rally to drill that obvious fact to you. Yes it wont surprise me if it largely gets ignored because it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME and has been for years.

Countless lectures, countless times the Muslim community have reached out, countless times we cry, bleed, fight and die for this message but somehow it all gets lost when some utter cunt does this in the name of our faith.

Its just fucking tiring....every since 9/11 its the same old shit. Fucking draining as fuck.

Believe me, if the majority of us Muslims could have gotten a hold of this cretin who committed this digusting vile and inhumane act, you don't wanna know how our anger would translate into our actions. We are angry too believe me. And on top we have our faith besmirched by this guy.

I think many muslims relate to what you have just written, thank you. It's ridiculous that people expect every muslim to come forward and apologize or condemn this act publicly.


So you think it's just some widespread mental illness or.. ?
I think it's widespread extremist religion before having anything to do with the West's involvement in the Middle East.
I see the goalposts are moving from "they see their home country being bombed" to "some Muslim countries somewhere are being bombed" and "they're not treated super nice". Well sure, I don't disagree with that I suppose.
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