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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Fucking hell what news to wake up to.

RIP to the victims. My thoughts are with their families today.

Hang in their ManchesterGAF.

In connection with last night or with the evacuation this morning?

Man arrested in connection with attack

Posted at 11:51

A 23-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the Manchester bomb attack, Greater Manchester Police said.


edit: See below, police apparently saying they think its unrelated.




I'll be charitable... I know how you could interpret "purpose" in my post as meaning "the US military knew kids would die in the attack, and they did it anyway". Fine, I agree. They've launched strikes knowing kids would die, when they needed to do so to kill other military targets.

But I was very literal in the way I used the word purpose. As in, the primary goal of an operation. The purpose of the operation.

I maintain that America/West has never launched an attack with the main purpose being child death. But the main purpose of targeting a 23 year old pop singer's concert is specifically to cause child death for purposes of shock/retaliation.

If you can think of examples where the West did target children in such a way... I'm always open to hearing it.

i understand where you're coming from - but i don't see how there's a big difference.
The primary goal of this attack wasn't to "kill children", i think. But to cause terror, fear and hatred. - "XYZ confirmed dead children" isn't the end goal. The aftermath is.
The attacker wilfully sacrificed the lives of children to assassinate the spirit and sense of security of members of western countries.
Drone attacks sacrificed the lives of children to assassinate key figures in the war against terror.

Also, even if we were to be nitpicky about "on purpose", does it make a difference if i punch you in the arm, or if i flail my arms wildly while walking towards you? One's on purpose, the other is consciously accepting the pain in your arm as collateral damage.

I don't think either is more morally just than the other.


23-year-old man arrested in South Manchester by police investigating terror attack. It's believed more arrests & raids will follow.


This is why they do not release names 'early'. They'll be going after his circles of contacts/family/friends, or if he's on a watchlist anyone else in the area on it.

The one in South Manchester was at the Morrisons in Chorlton, right where I live. It popped up in my FB feed about half an hour ago with masked armed police piling out of a Mercedes and grabbing some guy.

That's not the Arndale one then? As it has been cleared as looking unrelated.


The one in South Manchester was at the Morrisons in Chorlton, right where I live. It popped up in my FB feed about half an hour ago with masked armed police piling out of a Mercedes and grabbing some guy.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Id argue it doesnt matter whether children were specifically targeted or not, the loss of young innocent lives whether through a targeted attack or through malpractice or apathy. Both are terrible and inexcusable and the west have destroyed millions of peoples ways of life through their middle eastern intervention. of course people are going to be angry at our countries governments.

Oh I think it matters a great deal.

There is a big sadistic, desperate, unthinkable difference between killing kids on purpose for reasons of terroristic political motivation, and doing it by accident in the name of neutralizing enemies.

Intention matters greatly. I want to know if people are really acting in self-defence, killing thugs who want to kill them and accidentally killing the kids that surround them, or trying to kill kids as a primary goal to illicit a negative psychological response in the population. BIG difference.

It of course doesn't make attacks like this OK, attacks like this are despicable no matter who or why its been done. but by ignoring why these things happen we will never fix this cycle we seem to be in and we will forever make the same mistakes.

I agree. We shouldn't ignore why these things happen. I think that's why we're talking right now. Why did this happen? I'm obsessed with "why??"!

But the answer isn't "it's always the West's imperial aggression promoting self-defence". That's a simple dogma that just doesn't hold up under the light of day.

Western Imperialism is an offensive giant that occasionally steps on the toes of innocent Islamic society... but Islamic society also contains a dangerous, primitive, ancient set of tendencies which constantly leads them to attack Western powers because they are the challengers to their presumed pre-eminence over world thought.

The correct answer to this conundrum is "both are bad". But there is a kind of disturbing irrational fanaticism to the Islamic fanatic which is not present in the merely callous and self-interested Western imperialist.


"Hello 40,000 Yazidis about to be murdered and enslaved by ISIS, this is NATO. Unfortunately we cannot do anything, things would be some much worse if we got involved. Please try to make your deaths and enslavement proceed as smooth and don't fight back as or the terrorists win."

If you think bombs are the only solutions to conflict as peace then you have an incredibly narrow worldview.

Obviously there are other ways to help. Diplomacy, trade, conversation, political agreements, peace keeping forces, etc. or how about maybe take some refugees instead? I'm sure people would appreciate that solution much more than being bombed in the name of peace and liberation

No idea why this conversation is in this thread.


If you think bombs are the only solutions to conflict as peace then you have an incredibly narrow worldview.

Obviously there are other ways to help. Diplomacy, trade, conversation, political agreements, peace keeping forces, etc. or how about maybe take some refugees instead? I'm sure people would appreciate that solution much more than being bombed in the name of peace and liberation

No idea why this conversation is in this thread.

How do you have a conversation with someone who wants to see Islam as the global religion, with all non-believers either being killed or put into slavery? How does that conversation play out?


Oh I think it matters a great deal.

There is a big sadistic, desperate, unthinkable difference between killing kids on purpose for reasons of terroristic political motivation, and doing it by accident in the name of neutralizing enemies.

Intention matters greatly. I want to know if people are really acting in self-defence, killing thugs who want to kill them and accidentally killing the kids that surround them, or trying to kill kids as a primary goal to illicit a negative psychological response in the population. BIG difference.

Not to the families of those killed there isn't a difference. They aren't going to think "oh my kid died so they could get the baddies. Thats OK"

I agree. We shouldn't ignore why these things happen. I think that's why we're talking right now. Why did this happen? I'm obsessed with "why??"!

But the answer isn't "it's always the West's imperial aggression promoting self-defence". That's a simple dogma that just doesn't hold up under the light of day.

Western Imperialism is an offensive giant that occasionally steps on the toes of innocent Islamic society... but Islamic society also contains a dangerous, primitive, ancient set of tendencies which constantly leads them to attack Western powers because they are the challengers to their presumed pre-eminence over world thought.

The correct answer to this conundrum is "both are bad". But there is a kind of disturbing irrational fanaticism to the Islamic fanatic which is not present in the merely callous and self-interested Western imperialist.

Of course both are bad. I'm not trying to handwave the attack or its motivations. I'm not saying anyone affected by the attack deserves it. I want to discuss what a long term solution to these attacks would be. because as much as people want revenge, that is not the solution. A proper solution probably involves helping middle eastern countries back into stability, aka fixing the mess we started, which is where my ranting of western intervention and imperialism comes from.
If you think bombs are the only solutions to conflict as peace then you have an incredibly narrow worldview.

Obviously there are other ways to help. Diplomacy, trade, conversation, political agreements, peace keeping forces, etc. or how about maybe take some refugees instead? I'm sure people would appreciate that solution much more than being bombed in the name of peace and liberation

No idea why this conversation is in this thread.
Pretty hard to negotiate with terrorists in this case. Peace keeping forces are soldiers, who shoot when someone attacks. And to get them in, you first need to drive the terrorists from the land.

And taking refugees? So we should just accept these terrorist are driving people from their homes and say: sucks for you, guess you should leave and live here now.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Not to the families of those killed there isn't a difference. They aren't going to think "oh my kid died so they could get the baddies. Thats OK"

Yes, there's a difference.

You are going to treat me differently if I ran over your child by accident, or intentionally stabbed her.
Yes, there's a difference.

You are going to treat me differently if I ran over your child by accident, or intentionally stabbed her.

Erm no, just no if you kill someone's child they are not going to give a shit whether it was intentional/unintentional or whether it was an accident/on purpose. All they are going to care about is you killed their child and they will hate you for it.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Not to the families of those killed there isn't a difference. They aren't going to think "oh my kid died so they could get the baddies. Thats OK"

Specifically to the families, sure, but there still is a difference.

.......so if you accidentally kill someone's child are you expecting them to be like "Well, it was an accident...." what is this...

I'd think slightly different about them. Especially if it was my kid running into traffic or something. I'd still be destroyed, but I wouldn't hold as much vitriol towards the person.


Neo Member
How do you have a conversation with someone who wants to see Islam as the global religion, with all non-believers either being killed or put into slavery? How does that conversation play out?

You don't have a conversation with those people, you have the conversation with the people they want to convert before they get to them. You don't just wipe out the group as it will only work to create a successor group. A group based entirely on warfare and mass-murder-suicide terrorism is not sustainable if it can't recruit more members.


I live in Manchester, a few people i know were working as security at the concert. I spoke to one of them and he said there were bodies all over the floor.

Poor kid is only 18, him and his friends that were working there are all quite traumatized


i understand where you're coming from - but i don't see how there's a big difference.
The primary goal of this attack wasn't to "kill children", i think. But to cause terror, fear and hatred. - "XYZ confirmed dead children" isn't the end goal. The aftermath is.
The attacker wilfully sacrificed the lives of children to assassinate the spirit and sense of security of members of western countries.
Drone attacks sacrificed the lives of children to assassinate key figures in the war against terror.

Also, even if we were to be nitpicky about "on purpose", does it make a difference if i punch you in the arm, or if i flail my arms wildly while walking towards you? One's on purpose, the other is consciously accepting the pain in your arm as collateral damage.

I don't think either is more morally just than the other.

So we call it even then? This equation is exactly the same one the brainwashed morons that blow themselves up in the name of religion will do. Fucking disgusting.


Pretty hard to negotiate with terrorists in this case. Peace keeping forces are soldiers, who shoot when someone attacks. And to get them in, you first need to drive the terrorists from the land.

And taking refugees? So we should just accept these terrorist are driving people from their homes and say: sucks for you, guess you should leave and live here now.

Another western invasion doesn't do shit and will have the same effects as it had with afghanistan and iraq.

The ME problem will never be solved until arab nations (especially saudi arabia and the other gulf states) step up and take care of the problem themselves.

As someone who made a tour in afghanistan i can tell you the problem will never be over until there is a collective backlash against wahabism.
Unfortunately the Saudis will not step up until the west finally starts to pressure them instead of selling them arms.

We can send another million soldiers to the ME but it won't solve the problems.


Specifically to the families, sure, but there still is a difference.

I'd think slightly different about them. Especially if it was my kid running into traffic or something. I'd still be destroyed, but I wouldn't hold as much vitriol towards the person.

There is also something very different between a traffic accident and dropping bombs and killing civilians in the process.

a traffic accident has no intent to kill people.

You drop bombs to kill people, there is a completely different intent, you can't drop bombs, kill multiple innocents in the process and say "oh I'm sorry you were in range of the bomb". The onus is on the attacker to make sure that doesn't happen.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
There is also something very different between a traffic accident and dropping bombs and killing civilians in the process.

a traffic accident has no intent to kill people.

You drop bombs to kill people, there is a completely different intent, you can't drop bombs, kill multiple innocents in the process and say "oh I'm sorry you were in range of the bomb". The onus is on the attacker to make sure that doesn't happen.

For sure, I disagree with his analogy completely. Just not that I wouldn't feel any different in those two proposed scenarios. Which is, admittedly, a useless point given the context of the conversation.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Erm no, just no if you kill someone's child they are not going to give a shit whether it was intentional/unintentional or whether it was an accident/on purpose. All they are going to care about is you killed their child and they will hate you for it.

.......so if you accidentally kill someone's child are you expecting them to be like "Well, it was an accident...." what is this...

Is there yet a concept called "discussion creep" where the topic eventually devolves into people having to defend points that are far from what they were originally talking about? :p

So yeah if you want to talk about that.... families will forgive an accidental death to their loved one more than an intentional one. Like... duh. It happens all the time that a family feels bad for the person who accidentally ran over their daughter, to a greater degree than a family forgives the intentional murderer of their daughter.

But that is NOT the point being discussed here, and don't you dare think it is. The comparison is between the merits of this terrorist attack meant to kill innocent children on purpose, and a western attack that is meant to kill military targets but will kill innocent children as an unfortunate necessarily. Huge moral difference. And one does not justify the other.

It's more like running his child over in order to also run over the criminal behind it.



But that is NOT the point being discussed here, and don't you dare think it is. The comparison is between the merits of this terrorist attack meant to kill innocent children on purpose, and a western attack that is meant to kill military targets but will kill innocent children as an unfortunate necessarily. Huge moral difference. And one does not justify the other.

It's pure whattsbouttism, and it has no place in this thread.

If someone wants to talk about that they should kindly gtfo out of this thread and start another one.


How do you have a conversation with someone who wants to see Islam as the global religion, with all non-believers either being killed or put into slavery? How does that conversation play out?

By diplomacy and negotiation, pressuring state actors to stop supplying ISIS or assisting others with domestic anti-terrorism efforts would definitely have an effect. Just think it through.

Erm no, just no if you kill someone's child they are not going to give a shit whether it was intentional/unintentional or whether it was an accident/on purpose.

A judge will.


For sure, I disagree with his analogy completely. Just not that I wouldn't feel any different in those two proposed scenarios. Which is, admittedly, a useless point given the context of the conversation.

sorry for getting so worked up. I shouldnt be concentrating on the effect on international politics. I'm just scared at where things are going because of attacks like these.

I am truly saddened for those affected by this.
Another western invasion doesn't do shit and will have the same effects as it had with afghanistan and iraq.

The ME problem will never be solved until arab nations (especially saudi arabia and the other gulf states) step up and take care of the problem themselves.

As someone who made a tour in afghanistan i can tell you the problem will never be over until there is a collective backlash against wahabism.
Unfortunately the Saudis will not step up until the west finally starts to pressure them instead of selling them arms.

We can send another million soldiers to the ME but it won't solve the problems.
Agreed. But considering the Middle-east countries can't get their shit together also, there will always be that call for the West to stop in when things go wrong. Look at Libya and Syria. Do we let them murder each other, or try to at least protect some people there. It's an impossible task either way.

The solution needs to come from within, but that is going to be a very hard if not impossible process at this rate.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's pure whattsbouttism, and it has no place in this thread.

If someone wants to talk about that they should kindly gtfo out of this thread and start another one.

I probably should have said that like an hour ago ;P
How do you have a conversation with someone who wants to see Islam as the global religion, with all non-believers either being killed or put into slavery? How does that conversation play out?

It doesn't. You can only maintain a certain amount of civility when they're cutting your head off because you don't believe in their bullshit.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
sorry for getting so worked up. I shouldnt be concentrating on the effect on international politics. I'm just scared at where things are going because of attacks like these.

I am truly saddened for those affected by this.

No no, it's completely fine. These types of threads it's expected to see emotions flaring. I was getting into it last night.


How do you have a conversation with someone who wants to see Islam as the global religion, with all non-believers either being killed or put into slavery? How does that conversation play out?

They should be imprisoned for hate speech and incitement of violence. imo

No no, it's completely fine. These types of threads it's expected to see emotions flaring. I was getting into it last night.

We all want the same thing at the end of the day.

El Topo

Could we please focus on the events in the UK instead of these unrelated discussions (e.g. about air strikes)? It's an important discussion to be had, for sure, but this doesn't seem like the right thread for that.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Anyone have a rundown of any new information that happened overnight? I was keeping up until around 11pm EST.

Could we please focus on the events in the UK instead of these unrelated discussions (e.g. about air strikes)?

Tell a mod. It's a large thread, and there's branching discussions. If they find it to be out of hand, I'm sure they'll step in.


Agreed. But considering the Middle-east countries can't get their shit together also, there will always be that call for the West to stop in when things go wrong. Look at Libya and Syria. Do we let them murder each other, or try to at least protect some people there. It's an impossible task either way.

The solution needs to come from within, but that is going to be a very hard if not impossible process at this rate.

This might not be the most popular opinion for people in the west but unless the gulf states step up the wests best bet would be western friendly(or atleast neutral) strongmen(Like Gaddafi or Sadam) who atleast can keep their countries stable. Of course people will scream about human rights and our democratic values but i think we should abandon the idea that every country necessarily has to be a western democracy.


What a terrible and heartbreaking incident for those involved directly, for those in the area now living in fear and for humankind as a whole. My heart goes out to all those families who are morning a loss of a loved one this morning or are currently still missing in all the chaos. To the users in the area, please stay safe and use caution.


This might not be the most popular opinion for people in the west but unless the gulf states step up the wests best bet would be western friendly(or atleast neutral) strongmen(Like Gaddafi or Sadam) who atleast can keep their countries stable. Of course people will scream about humand rights and our democratic values but i think we should abandon the idea that every country necessarily has to be a western democracy.

It's an inconvenient truth that brutal dictators (particularly secular ones like Saddam and Gaddafi) helped keep rogue terrorist organisations in check. Sure they caused the West some minor bother, but they weren't ever a threat to our daily way of life. Better the devil you know, I guess...
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