To add context to AB's post, primary school age in the UK is from 5 to 11 years old.
Its an 8 year old girl.
To add context to AB's post, primary school age in the UK is from 5 to 11 years old.
I mean, I can see why. Anything ISIS do today pales in comparison to the Crusades. ISIS is a small minority of religious extremists. The Crusades were fully endorsed by the Christian faith who promised eternal life in heaven to any soldiers who fought in the middle east, forgiving them for all past AND future sins, thereby endorsing murder, torture, and rape, all in the name of God. It was terrorism from an entire religion rather than ISIS being a small minority of gosh darned cunts. They definitely want to remind people of that as much as possible, even though it doesn't make sense when the Christian faith today is completely different and so many of us aren't even religious.The word "Crusaders" is used for anybody that isn't ISIS? Is that supposed to be about the Christian crusades from eons ago? OK then. Plenty of people hurt in the attack probably couldn't care less about religion or actual crusaders from way back when in the first place. But I get it. ISIS needs to use labels and that's their go to one.
Attacker 'either British or from Britain'
Danny Shaw, home affairs correspondent, says...
Danny Shaw
BBC Home Affairs Correspondent
It is understood the attacker is either British or from Britain, although this has not been confirmed from official sources.
More arrests and raids are expected to follow the arrest of a 23-year-old man in south Manchester.
No. It kills them. Stop trivializing the willful murder of innocents so that we can kill a few ISIS fighters.
I can't imagine the compartmentalization going on in your head. Blowing up kids is ok in some instances but not in others?
As long as our motives are 'pure' fuck em. Right? You need help bud.
From what I just said about being born in the country of the attack
Not confirmed totally just yet, but I won't be surprised.
All they "need" is a bullet to the head.For fucks sake, the language used in that just shows how delusional these people are. Calling themselves soldiers while killing little children and calling them "crusaders". This is mad. These people need to join us in the current year and stop with this insanity about their imaginary vicious higher forces.
The Tories were always going to win regardless of current events.
All they "need" is a bullet to the head.
Yeah, because those ISIS fighters intend to kill children. Including Muslim children in Muslim countries. If we weren't killing ISIS, they would've killed lots more than they have. Potentially spreading, and taking over more territory than they have. Leading to lots more children's deaths.
You people do realise what it means to willingly take responsibility for a terrorist attack? There is literally no point in doubting their claim.
I expect a second or third generation immigrant. Seems to be the pattern in these things.
It'll likely be some young man, who was a loner, radicalized by online propaganda, most likely.
That seems to be the profile these days.
BBC News
Article on the community response, usually overlooked in favour of being right on the internet about anything other than what actually happened to real people.
The Arndale? My girlfriend is working there today, fuck.
What makes you think that? Usually they're involved in some capacity, even if it was just inspiration.ISIS are attention whores, they claim responsibility for everything.
You people do realise what it means to willingly take responsibility for a terrorist attack? There is literally no point in doubting their claim.
Definitely male. It's pretty much always males. I personally feel not enough focus goes on to why that is, with everyone focussing more on the doctrine, faith or ideology the attacker lines up with. I gave my thoughts earlier as to some reasons I think it is, but I'd like to see the Government/Police forces talk more openly about the gender and ideas/concepts around that as to why. I know they do behind the scenes, but it's not always addressed much in public.
I don't know enough to talk about the channels of propaganda, and while online/social media will be a big influence, I still think local communities/local preachers (imams/priests or w/e your ideology calls a prominent speaker) play a massive part. It's not just about focussing on those with the aptitude to actually act out/attack, it's also about looking at radicalization of minds. The hardest thing to deal with, as by in large we cannot and do not restrict peoples freedoms for thought-crime. Said "thought crime" spreading through hundreds of men, many of whom fantasise about their lives having meaning, such as god and their people idolising them as warriors/soldiers, will end up leading to some of them going from simply thinking something, to actually acting it out.
It's worth remembering that ISIS themselves have repeatedly stated that the primary reason they do these things is that we are not Muslim, and that foreign intervention is always secondary.
It's difficult to stomach but this is the new normal now, unless geopolitics allows for a complete and total obliteration militarily.
I expect a second or third generation immigrant. Seems to be the pattern in these things.
It'll likely be some young man, who was a loner, radicalized by online propaganda, most likely.
That seems to be the profile these days.
It's normal for religion. Every religion ever. History regularly repeats itself but at least this time it's a minority of a religion instead of enforced by the religion as a whole (like the Christian Crusades). Fanaticism and belief in doctrines often leads to bloodshed.I cried today, the posts on twitter are heartbreaking.
What kind of mentality must you have to hurt innocent people and bring religion into it?
Terrorism will always win. It's just too damn effective.
But they kill more muslims than christians. Living in Turkey, I witnessed this first hand.
I think they only do that if it's someone who has been tasked with an attack or made some kind of video loyalty pledge.
English Amaq statement:
BBC News
Article on the community response, usually overlooked in favour of being right on the internet about anything other than what actually happened to real people.
Erm no, just no if you kill someone's child they are not going to give a shit whether it was intentional/unintentional or whether it was an accident/on purpose. All they are going to care about is you killed their child and they will hate you for it.
Do we forget the murder of MP Jo Cox so quickly? Home grown terrorism from the far-right.
But they kill more muslims than christians. Living in Turkey, I witnessed this first hand.
The recent cases I've followed have generally seen people withdrawing from the local community rather than being inspired by it. I will be shocked and deeply saddened if there is a local preacher who played a part here...
Because that isn't the Manchester I know, and I lived in one of the bits that was the most Muslim. I was just back in Longsight last October, and every one I interacted with was friendly and welcoming. That's my Manchester. That's the place I called home for five years (and would likely still call home if not for falling in love with an American).
I expect a second or third generation immigrant. Seems to be the pattern in these things.
It'll likely be some young man, who was a loner, radicalized by online propaganda, most likely.
That seems to be the profile these days.
BBC News
Article on the community response, usually overlooked in favour of being right on the internet about anything other than what actually happened to real people.
Pure fucking evil. Whoever did this does not even deserve the dignity of a funeral.
Not immigrants if they're generations in, but I understand you meant of minority ethnicity.
Not immigrants if they're generations in, but I understand you meant of minority ethnicity.
BBC News
Article on the community response, usually overlooked in favour of being right on the internet about anything other than what actually happened to real people.
Let's kill children to keep ISIS from killing children.Yeah, because those ISIS fighters intend to kill children. Including Muslim children in Muslim countries. If we weren't killing ISIS, they would've killed lots more than they have. Potentially spreading, and taking over more territory than they have. Leading to lots more children's deaths.
It's a morbid reality that deaths of innocent people is collateral damage. ISIS is an international threat, and without necessary suppression, they could eventually become a real danger to society as a whole.
Indeed, feed him to some animal for their dinner.
These guys need to slowly give away power to their people, so the institutions and society can adapt to it. We didn't go from kingdoms to democracy in one go in Europe also. It went slowly, with setbacks and fights. But it is now at least relatively stable because the people are used to it.
Yeah, because those ISIS fighters intend to kill children. Including Muslim children in Muslim countries. If we weren't killing ISIS, they would've killed lots more than they have. Potentially spreading, and taking over more territory than they have. Leading to lots more children's deaths.
It's a morbid reality that deaths of innocent people is collateral damage. ISIS is an international threat, and without necessary suppression, they could eventually become a real danger to society as a whole.
Let's kill children to keep ISIS from killing children.
ISIS would have never existed weren't it for a unwarranted Iraq war that created a power vacuum. There is plenty of historic proof that you can't really bomb away this problem.
Kill off ISIS and another group will form as long as there is a power vacuum in the ME that is tolerated and sometimes even encouraged by western powers in cooperation with the Saudis.
Update from the ambulance service
Posted at 13:35
Twelve children under the age of 16 were among the 59 casualties taken to hospital after the terror attack at Manchester Arena, says medical director of North West Ambulance Service David Ratcliffe.
Eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos from Leyland was killed in the Manchester suicide attack, Lancashire County Council has said.
Chris Upton, headteacher at Tarleton Community Primary School, said: "News of Saffie's death in this appalling attack has come as a tremendous shock to all of us and I would like to send our deepest condolences to all of her family and friends.
"The thought that anyone could go out to a concert and not come home is heartbreaking.
"Saffie was simply a beautiful little girl in every aspect of the word.
"She was loved by everyone and her warmth and kindness will be remembered fondly. Saffie was quiet and unassuming with a creative flair.
"Our focus is now on helping pupils and staff cope with this shocking news and we have called in specialist support from Lancashire County Council to help us do that.
"We are a tight-knit school and wider community and will give each other the support that we need at this difficult time."
ISIS would have never existed weren't it for a unwarranted Iraq war that created a power vacuum. There is plenty of historic proof that you can't really bomb away this problem.