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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)

Whelp, I hate to be that guy, but I think this just won the Tories the election, and Brexit got a bunch of new supporters.

RIP to those lost in this tragedy.
It's an inconvenient truth that brutal dictators (particularly secular ones like Saddam and Gaddafi) helped keep rogue terrorist organisations in check. Sure they caused the West some minor bother, but they weren't ever a threat to our daily way of life. Better the devil you know, I guess...

It's just not sustainable in the long term. Because dictators can at some point, turn mad. Or say if the next Saudi King, turned into Joffre.

Without checks and balances, these dictatorships ultimately collapse on themselves eventually, I don't know many dictatorships that don't either become a massive problem, or exist on a timeline that is extremely shaky in contrast to the rule of law and democracy.

Sadam wasn't what kept the terrorist organisations in check, it was the governance, the control. When he was removed, they didn't erect a power structure capable enough of keeping the terrorists in check. We created a vacuum and they took over in those ungovernable spaces. This isn't just the mid east that happens. Think about all those warlords in Africa. They exist because of ungoverned space.

Mr Git

Grim horrible news, only just been catching up with it for the last couple of hours. Horrendous in any scenario but a gig primarily filled with kids and young people, fuck. Thoughts to those affected. Got a lot of friends and family in Manchester - Mancunians are a hardy bunch, they're not letting these cunts get to them.
Yes, there's a difference.

You are going to treat me differently if I ran over your child by accident, or intentionally stabbed her.
You need a dictionary. Nothing about knowingly blowing up children is 'accidental'.

Let me make this plain for you since you're having trouble.

The west knowingly kills children. Thousands of them.


I wouldn't take that as much. I feel IS will claim any attack they can even if they are not directly involved. It furthers their cause this way. If they were really responsible they wouldn't have waited to see if someone else had claimed it.

It was either ISIS or AQ.

No one else uses suicide attacks against soft targets.

Even if it's some loon radicalized by ISIS via the internet it is an ISIS attack.


It's pure whattsbouttism, and it has no place in this thread.

If someone wants to talk about that they should kindly gtfo out of this thread and start another one.
It's not whataboutism if people ask for the reasons behind these attacks. The US and their allies have killed thousands of civilians, often they are anticipated collateral damage, which still makes them "on purpose", but there have been leaks of double tap attacks that target civilians spezifically.

Even if these would not have happened it's understandable people get very angry if we destabilize and bomb their country purely out of greed and lust for power.

Does that in any way justify an attack on kids? Of course not, no one said it was not a cowardly deplorable act. But until we realize these are reactions to our own governments atrocities, we will continue to have these attacks. I am glad to see though, that more and more people realize that, this thread would have looked a lot different a few years ago.
Agreed. But considering the Middle-east countries can't get their shit together also, there will always be that call for the West to stop in when things go wrong. Look at Libya and Syria. Do we let them murder each other, or try to at least protect some people there. It's an impossible task either way.

The solution needs to come from within, but that is going to be a very hard if not impossible process at this rate.

Of course it is, since the most powerful country in the world likes to touch fancy light orbs with the biggest exporter of radical Islam in the middle east.

Forget peace there as long as one of the biggest western allies in the Middle East is co-responsible for this mess, sprinkle some US interventionism on it, and you got yourself terror organisations picking up the slack of the last one for decades to come.


Don't they normally give the name, if it's a directly connected attack? They used to do that afaik.

I think they only do that if it's someone who has been tasked with an attack or made some kind of video loyalty pledge.

English Amaq statement:




It was either ISIS or AQ.

No one else uses suicide attacks against soft targets.

Even if it's some loon radicalized by ISIS via the internet it is an ISIS attack.

ISIS will claim responsibility for anything that instills fear in western countries.

The interesting thing will be if its an isis inspired attack or if this was directly planned by isis themselves.

It doesn't matter that much. If you're assigning yourself to be "fighting on behalf" of a radical terrorist movement, you are part of it. Even if you haven't been spoken to directly from some terrorist sitting at "ISIS HQ". The message sent out from radicals is all people who align themselves with the cause and act out are one and the same.

These terrorists are largely homegrown. They haven't been born in war-torn countries and have a direct "bone to pick" with the Western countries they end up in. They are often born here and through indoctrination/reading/preaching and getting involved in fundamental circles, they radicalise and then act out, often for the cause of martyrdom. The trends being an overwhelming majority of males, which I've said a few times. However, the trends as of late also often being born nationals, rather than people coming into the country from abroad. However, sure, their families/parents or even a lot of the preachers and radicals in their circles may well have been born abroad. Sometimes though, they are born abroad and sickeningly use the migrant crisis as a way to get into countries.

Males being radicalised and the concept of martyrdom are two things that really need to be focused on. Like it or not in terms of doctrine, the concept of martyrdom itself is largely spread throughout the Islamic world. Becoming a warrior or fighter for the cause of God, and sacrificing one's self for a promise of reward. A lot of widespread terrorism uses guns and bombs to kill, but actual suicide bombing is often almost exclusively linked to one kind of radical terrorism.
This might not be the most popular opinion for people in the west but unless the gulf states step up the wests best bet would be western friendly(or atleast neutral) strongmen(Like Gaddafi or Sadam) who atleast can keep their countries stable. Of course people will scream about human rights and our democratic values but i think we should abandon the idea that every country necessarily has to be a western democracy.

It's an inconvenient truth that brutal dictators (particularly secular ones like Saddam and Gaddafi) helped keep rogue terrorist organisations in check. Sure they caused the West some minor bother, but they weren't ever a threat to our daily way of life. Better the devil you know, I guess...

It's just not sustainable in the long term. Because dictators can at some point, turn mad. Or say if the next Saudi King, turned into Joffre.

Without checks and balances, these dictatorships ultimately collapse on themselves eventually, I don't know many dictatorships that don't either become a massive problem, or exist on a timeline that is extremely shaky in contrast to the rule of law and democracy.

Sadam wasn't what kept the terrorist organisations in check, it was the governance, the control. When he was removed, they didn't erect a power structure capable enough of keeping the terrorists in check. We created a vacuum and they took over in those ungovernable spaces. This isn't just the mid east that happens. Think about all those warlords in Africa. They exist because of ungoverned space.
These guys need to slowly give away power to their people, so the institutions and society can adapt to it. We didn't go from kingdoms to democracy in one go in Europe also. It went slowly, with setbacks and fights. But it is now at least relatively stable because the people are used to it.


this is the first attack i've read about that has hit pretty close to home. first victim identified lived not so far away and one of my friend's sister's is treating injured in a hospital :/ my condolences go out to all of those effected and i hope to god those injured can pull through


Fuck them. Also, they also claimed the Brussia Dortman team bombing which turned out to be a loner trying to profit from trading shares. So I doubt it, they are trying to stay relevant now that Iraqi forces are hunting them down. Cunts

ISIS actually never claimed that attack but the actual perp made a fake statement claiming to be ISIS


It was either ISIS or AQ.

No one else uses suicide attacks against soft targets.

Even if it's some loon radicalized by ISIS via the internet it is an ISIS attack.
Please wait for investigators to conclude on any connections and affiliations the attacker might have had before jumping to conclusions.


A few friends on my Facebook are plastering my timeline looking for information on a certain person that they know that hasn't been in contact since last night. This is someone who's very social media-oriented (always Snapchatting, Instagramming etc.) , he even snapchatted mid-concert, and they haven't heard anything.

Not looking good but I hope he's okay.
These guys need to slowly give away power to their people, so the institutions and society can adapt to it. We didn't go from kingdoms to democracy in one go in Europe also. It went slowly, with setbacks and fights. But it is now at least relatively stable because the people are used to it.

Yeah but they don't wanna right? And you can't have revolutions like that anymore, technologically speaking, it's just not possible without massive collateral damage.

I was shocked, my mid east lore isn't so great. I didn't realise Iran was an actual democracy... we should be supporting them more than the fucking Saudis. Billions of guns to the saudis, that'll get filtered down towards who knows who.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
You need a dictionary. Nothing about knowingly blowing up children is 'accidental'.

Let me make this plain for you since you're having trouble.

The west knowingly kills children. Thousands of them.

You're saying that any attack on a terrorist/militant was wrong because it happens to endanger the civilians/children around him?

And you're making a moral equivalence to people like in Manchester who intentionally target random children unconnected to a personal threat to them?

I feel bad for you actually. This looks bad.
ISIS will always claim responsibility even if they were unaware of the attack, because their propaganda tells people in countries like UK, France, Germany, Sweden, etc to carry out attacks on their own will. ISIS doesn't know of all the attacks being planned, but will claim it for furthering propaganda.


Un Rama
It always works as distraction, atleast when it happens in the west. Thats about it.

Pretty reductive considering the effects it has on political legislation in regards to immigration as well as the individual hatred of groups it stirs up.

It keeps happening because it works. And everytime both political entities and individuals play right into it...which I mean it's difficult not to.

Still, waiting for the facts to emerge on what this actually was but the narrative around Muslim involvement has already started forming.
Do you also avoid crossing busy roads? Have you stopped driving? Have you stopped flying?

I see where you're coming from but it's completely the wrong mentality to have. You're letting the terrorists win. We can't live our lives in fear.

yes i avoid crossing busy roads when possible, why wouldnt i? and yes i quit driving years ago, i only do it if i'm forced to, like once per year or less. flying.. dunno, i dont fly anyway, once a decade or so maybe (it is scary as fuck though).

it's easy to say we can't live our lives in fear, if you have the ability to just ignore the very real risks. i kind of can't, death is too real for me, having almost died myself (ICU for 2 weeks), and working in a hospital where i see what happens to people in traffic/accidents etc. it's just an inescapable part of my psychology, death is on my mind all the time basically.


A few friends on my Facebook are plastering my timeline looking for information on a certain person that they know that hasn't been in contact since last night. This is someone who's very social media-oriented (always Snapchatting, Instagramming etc.) , he even snapchatted mid-concert, and they haven't heard anything.

Not looking good but I hope he's okay.
Even if he's amongst the injured he could be without access to post that he's ok. Hope he turns out to be ok.
Yeah but they don't wanna right? And you can't have revolutions like that anymore, technologically speaking, it's just not possible without massive collateral damage.

I was shocked, my mid east lore isn't so great. I didn't realise Iran was an actual democracy... we should be supporting them more than the fucking Saudis. Billions of guns to the saudis, that'll get filtered down towards who knows who.
That is why it needs to go slow. Right now, if you hold elections, they vote in religious parties that will restrict the rights of a ton of people again.

Iran is not really a democracy in the Western sense. I guess it is better then Saudi Arabia, but it is far from what we are used to in the West. Problem in Saudi Arabia is probably, if you don't have a strong king at the top, these guys will go back to tribalism like we saw in Libya.

You're saying that any attack on a terrorist/militant was wrong because it happens to endanger the civilians/children around him?
No. It kills them. Stop trivializing the willful murder of innocents so that we can kill a few ISIS fighters.

And you're making a moral equivalence to people like in Manchester who intentionally target random children unconnected to a personal threat to them?

I feel bad for you actually. This looks bad.
I can't imagine the compartmentalization going on in your head. Blowing up kids is ok in some instances but not in others?

As long as our motives are 'pure', fuck em. Right? You need help bud.


Fuck them. Also, they also claimed the Brussia Dortman team bombing which turned out to be a loner trying to profit from trading shares. So I doubt it, they are trying to stay relevant now that Iraqi forces are hunting them down. Cunts
I don't think they officially claimed that, did they? There were letters found but those were placed there by the loner to lead the investigation on the wrong track.

afaik has isis been rather consistent with only claiming responsibility for attacks they were involved in to at least some degree.

You're saying that any attack on a terrorist/militant was wrong because it happens to endanger the civilians/children around him?

And you're making a moral equivalence to people like in Manchester who intentionally target random children unconnected to a personal threat to them?

I feel bad for you actually. This looks bad.

The guy you are talking to appears to have engaged maximum dafty mode.


I think they only do that if it's someone who has been tasked with an attack or made some kind of video loyalty pledge.

English Amaq statement:



The word "Crusaders" is used for anybody that isn't ISIS? Is that supposed to be about the Christian crusades from eons ago? OK then. Plenty of people hurt in the attack probably couldn't care less about religion or actual crusaders from way back when in the first place. But I get it. ISIS needs to use labels and that's their go to one.


I think they only do that if it's someone who has been tasked with an attack or made some kind of video loyalty pledge.

English Amaq statement:



For fucks sake, the language used in that just shows how delusional these people are. Calling themselves soldiers while killing little children and calling them "crusaders". This is mad. These people need to join us in the current year and stop with this insanity about their imaginary vicious higher forces.
A few friends on my Facebook are plastering my timeline looking for information on a certain person that they know that hasn't been in contact since last night. This is someone who's very social media-oriented (always Snapchatting, Instagramming etc.) , he even snapchatted mid-concert, and they haven't heard anything.

Not looking good but I hope he's okay.

Hope he is okay.
This is so sad. Honestly, you try and live your life as best you can but it sucks that the small thought of something horrific like this happening at any moment is rooted into my brain. I wish these events would just stop but it doesn't seem to be the case.
That is why it needs to go slow. Right now, if you hold elections, they vote in religious parties that will restrict the rights of a ton of people again.

Iran is not really a democracy in the Western sense. I guess it is better then Saudi Arabia, but it is far from what we are used to in the West. Problem in Saudi Arabia is probably, if you don't have a strong king at the top, these guys will go back to tribalism like we saw in Libya.

Yeah, it's just weird because it kind of seems like they are trying to embrace reform as incrementally as they can. And they have capitulated to the nuclear deal, so we must have political capitol with them to get them to negotiate with the West on terms that are extremely good for everyones safety. I don't know why we're selling guns to saudis and spitting on iran.
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