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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Maybe your perception of the comments is dishonest.

A lot of people ITT are using religion as a dogwhistle for Islam, in particular. Even if they don't particularly care for others like Christianity, the context of many of the discussions is rooted in a belief against the good/bad of Islam
And ? Criticizing Islam in particular is still not the same as saying "muslims are a mistake", which is the direct equivalent of the examples you posted.
oooh saucy, let's throw a pinch of scottish nationalism into this whole thing to liven things up

I know numerous people in Manchester who, as no fans of the Tories, support the idea of Scotland bailing out of the UK and trying to rejoin Europe. Heck I know some who've joked about moving there and wanting to leave too.

It's one thing to be a nationalist, but it's another thing to laugh at dead children because they're English.


Look on twitter and put his name in. There are people talking about him standing for election etc before his disgusting post.

You are going to have to back this up with facts, he isn't a sitting MP, MSP or councillor. 54/56 MPs are fighting to keep their seat so it is highly unlikely he is standing for Westminster.


I know numerous people in Manchester who, as no fans of the Tories, support the idea of Scotland bailing out of the UK and trying to rejoin Europe. Heck I know some who've joked about moving there and wanting to leave too.

It's one thing to be a nationalist, but it's another thing to laugh at dead children because they're English.

I'm joking, I have no real views either way on independence, this guy's clearly fucking insane


You are going to have to back this up with facts, he isn't a sitting MP, MSP or councillor. 54/56 MPs are fighting to keep their seat so it is highly unlikely he is standing for Westminster.

Only saying what I read. He could be just a low tier guy in the SNP, but then he is still part of the SNP. Guys Facebook has been closed so he knows he has fucked up.


BREAKING: US officials: British authorities have identified suspected Manchester suicide bomber as Salman Abedi.


Radical Islam must be neutralized means that every mosque or imam that preaches violence against the west must be eliminated or curtailed. This must be done to prevent the radicalization of young muslim men be stopped.

Also all muslims must learn to embrace secularism. There should be no support for Sharia law or any religious doctrine in the legal system. This is how religious intolerance was removed from western countries although there are still problems with christian radicals in America and Ireland.

Next, and this is probably the hardest step, but Western war profiteering must end. No doubt western bombing of middle eastern countries is a major contributor to the spread of radical islam. It creates the West is at war with Islam perception and leads to a never ending cycle of retaliation that harms both the West and the Middle East. It's good for no one but the war profiteers.

This is my leftist solution to the problem of radical islam.
I'm joking, I have no real views either way on independence, this guy's clearly fucking insane

I didn't think you were doing anything more than going 'Jeez, yet another hot button topic getting brought up'. I was just making the point, for those that don't know, that Manchester is probably one of the more understanding parts of England when it comes to cause of Scottish nationalists. Which makes statements like his even worse for me than if this attack happened somewhere that regularly voted Tory, or that voted to leave the EU.


I turned off after a while, it's just gratuitous misery porn now, endlessly repeating the same stuff over and over. Doesn't make anyone feel any better and doesn't actually provide much insight. The news coverage of recent atrocities has been pretty abhorrant.

Yeah, news is a shit show. They should have a ticker at the bottom saying new updates will be reported when they come in and a summary every hour while reporting on all other news. It's pointless coverage otherwise and only amplifies the attack.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Are we sure? ISIS have taken responsibility sure, but what reporting I have heard officials are still looking into it and figuring out if that is the case.

Also I assume you don't mean to imply that all forms of religions are bad.

All forms of religion are definitely bad. Of course not all are equally bad.

When your world view and path to knowledge are faulty, that leads to faulty conclusions.

Religious moderates also provide cover for extremists. All point to same holy books and faith and revelation as paths to truth. That's a problem
Radical Islam must be neutralized means that every mosque or imam that preaches violence against the west must be eliminated or curtailed. This must be done to prevent the radicalization of young muslim men be stopped.

Also all muslims must learn to embrace secularism. There should be no support for Sharia law or any religious doctrine in the legal system. This is how religious intolerance was removed from western countries although there are still problems with christian radicals in America and Ireland.

Next, and this is probably the hardest step, but Western war profiteering must end. No doubt western bombing of middle eastern countries is a major contributor to the spread of radical islam. It creates the West is at war with Islam perception and leads to a never ending cycle of retaliation that harms both the West and the Middle East. It's good for no one but the war profiteers.

This is my leftist solution to the problem of radical islam.

Please take this over to the other thread.

Thank you.


The name "losers" for these people is one thing I'll actually agree with Trump on. Tragic, and needless loss of life, many affected being younger than I am, from what I gather. I would say to people right now having feelings of fear, and paranoia, don't feed into it. It's the exact reaction scum like this want. Chaos, and instability. Don't give them it. They will never win.

There's been a bombardment with press on it at the moment, so I'll ask here. Has the motive been discovered yet? Been a lot of assumptions, naturally, but not seen anything that confirms this. Not that it matters with disgusting shit like this, just want to be correctly informed.


Only saying what I read.


BREAKING: US officials: British authorities have identified suspected Manchester suicide bomber as Salman Abedi.

We'll that is the problem with Fake News. One easily duped person reads something, then reports it elsewhere without thinking or checking the accuracy of the news.
Only saying what I read. He could be just a low tier guy in the SNP, but then he is still part of the SNP. Guys Facebook has been closed so he knows he has fucked up.


BREAKING: US officials: British authorities have identified suspected Manchester suicide bomber as Salman Abedi.

Known to police. As usual.
Seeing pictures of a few of those who were killed, an 8 year old girl among them, fucking hell man, how evil of a human being can you be? Tears in my eyes reading about the victims, RIP.


Unconfirmed Member
Seeing pictures of a few of those who were killed, an 8 year old girl among them, fucking hell man, how evil of a human being can you be? Tears in my eyes reading about the victims, RIP.
Yeah, man, it's brutal.

But this is particularly shitty, as it was a lot of kids simply going to have a nice night out and see their idol. It turned out shit and children suffered.

There us no good in the event, but sometimes shit events are turning points in bad processes. Perhaps, the misguided twats that get hooked on this mana of hatred might wake up a bit when they see what has happened, and actually realise that they are the bad guys, not the heroes fighting the oppressors. That they are child killers. And maybe the recruiting and the idiocy and the communities that foster this might stop.

I doubt it, but I can only hope.


Some anger in the UK that US officials are leaking details shared with them by UK police to the US media. It is rather disrespectful to be honest.


'On purpose' means that western coalitions knew that children would die in the attack, but went ahead with it anyway. They didn't need to specifically target children in order for the attack to be on purpose.

Here is just one's example where loss of life was very high and included women and children.

There are hundreds of articles and images online that depict families weeping over their dead children after U.S. airstikes.

Link doesn't go anywhere, but assuming it's a drone strike. Similar to how a doctor must cut into healthy tissue to get a cancer before it spreads and does more damage. Things like chemotherapy are unfortunately the best option out of a lot of bad options.

There's no comparison to hacking off limbs to cause fear and gain political advantage. This would seem absurdly obvious but there are a shocking percentage of people who make these sorts of moral equivalences.

Sure this man beheaded random innocent people on TV, raped women, killed children in various bombings all to make some religious point and look cool in front of his buddies. But you killed the people he purposefully surrounded himself with in an air strike. he knew that at least if there was casualties people would make an equivalence that you're the same. So you're the same.


This incident once again bring something to light which I tend to avoid, which is my own subconscious bias in valueing western lives more than those in the ME- I have found myself more upset at this than however many many hundreds die in attacks in Syria. In fact, I almost feel ambivalent to the latter whereas I fall into depression with incidents like this.

I'm not sure if it's right or wrong, when you feel closer to something you care more about it. If we were talking about election results it would go without saying that GAF as a whole cares more about the US than Iran. When it comes to the killing of people that point can become uncomfortable. Even moreso when you consider instances where Western governments are in part the reason for the destabilisation of nations that then fall apart and became engulfed in violence.

I wouldn't say I'm ambivalent, it does sadden me to hear about the atrocities that happen in countries far from me but I accept I'm going to care more about deaths in Manchester and indeed so does GAF as a whole.

Kud Dukan

I was watching CNN last night and Don Lemon had a women call into his show who's daughter was missing. It was pretty terrible to listen to...was there any word on if she was found safe or not?


Known to police. As usual.

Really conflicted what to do about this problem.

I'd say focus more on prevention but i'm not sure that's enough.

Intelligence services can't guarantee 100% safety and are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of suspects.

I don't think locking people with known terrorist ties up is the optimal way too go but i think at some point the decision will be made to lock them up for public safety.
So you're not a moderator, then? Please refrain from telling others where to post.

Thank you.

It was a polite request.

It would be nice if the discussion was kept separate. That's literally the be all and end all of my post. But sure, I can't stop you from compounding my grief today. So knock yourself out and keep ranting about how we need to eliminate Imams and stuff.
I was watching CNN last night and Don Lemon had a women call into his show who's daughter was missing. It was pretty terrible to listen to...was there any word on if she was found safe or not?
She is still missing.

It's sad to say but I'm pretty certain anyone who is still missing will be amongst the deceased.
Really conflicted what to do about this problem.

I'd say focus more on prevention but i'm not sure that's enough.

Intelligence services can't guarantee 100% safety and are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of suspects.

I don't think locking people with known terrorist ties up is the optimal way too go but i think at some point the decision will be made to lock them up for public safety.

Share those concerns with the community and try to see if they can reach out the individual? I'm not sure what steps are already done beyond trying to monitor the individual...

But I doubt we've already got the best things in place, acknowledging that no solution will be perfect.


This is tragic. I could barely sleep last night, I had followed the whole story until 3 am and then I woke up with my heart beating out of my chest.

This world makes me sick. Sometimes I just feel like giving up. I don't know.

RIP to the victims.


Piers Morgan‏

BREAKING: Manchester suicide bomber was Salman Abedi, 23.
A British man of Libyan origin.
- US officials.

8:29 AM - 23 May 2017

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
There's only one person named Alister Craigie on the electoral roll, and you have to be on the open one as someone running for political office IIRC. He lives in Dundee. None of the SNP councillors in Dundee or related districts are called Alister Craigie. At most, he's an ex-SNP candidate, but I think much more likely is that that is a (pretty disgusting) piece of fake news.
Mike Cernovich‏

Manchester terrorist Salman Abedi was the son of Libyan refugees.

8:53 AM - 23 May 2017

Mike Cernovich is the son of two probably very embarrassed parents. At least I hope they're embarrassed by him.

Fuck him.

There's only one person named Alister Craigie on the electoral roll, and you have to be on the open one as someone running for political office IIRC. He lives in Dundee. None of the SNP councillors in Dundee or related districts are called Alister Craigie. At most, he's an ex-SNP candidate, but I think much more likely is that that is a (pretty disgusting) piece of fake news.

Whether he's real or not, someone wrote those words. Whether they think them just, funny, or get off on being provocative, that person needs to do some major soul searching.


There's only one person named Alister Craigie on the electoral roll, and you have to be on the open one as someone running for political office IIRC. He lives in Dundee. None of the SNP councillors in Dundee or related districts are called Alister Craigie. At most, he's an ex-SNP candidate, but I think much more likely is that that is a (pretty disgusting) piece of fake news.

Damn, sorry for falling for it.


Share those concerns with the community and try to see if they can reach out the individual? I'm not sure what steps are already done beyond trying to monitor the individual...

But I doubt we've already got the best things in place, acknowledging that no solution will be perfect.

That's what i'm talking about regarding prevention.

Problem is this only works so much. I'd guess there are still people that will get radicalized.

When you have more than 400 people who returned from iraq and syria to fight for ISIS that doesn't seem enough.

Here in germany you need 8-15 intelligence officers to keep tabs on one suspect and the sheer amount we have is just too high.
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