Team Filler
For worst stretch I'm going to say all of the Dana Walsh bullshit is a strong contender. So bad.
Season 8 improves so much after the halfway point. Hang in there. The second half is one of the greatest runs 24 ever had.
Season 6 is considered to be the worst.
Keep watching, you're almost there. From episode 15 onwards it's pretty much the best 24 has ever been.
Yeah, it's always sadder when a character is taken out not by death, like in the case of Audrey. If she was just "dead in China" that would have been lame, but having her physically there but unobtainable for Jack was heartbreaking. If Curtis was the one who got his eyes blown out instead of Doyle, it would have been horrible because we knew him so well. With Doyle, even though I kind of liked the character, when he got blinded it was just like "Welp, looks like he's going to be another one of the single season characters. Oh well..."
The only benefit to Curtis's death was the short term emotional impact it had. You were still shocked that they took out such a likable guy and before you could even recover, the nuke goes off and that's another punch in the gut, shock wise.
The other weird thing about Curtis was his character arc. When we meet him we question his professionalism with the stuff with Marianne, but then we see that even though he's human, he approaches it in a very level and professional way, and stays professional for the rest of season 4 and season 5. Then in season 6 he just throws all that away and takes a suspect hostage out of nowhere. It was just a bummer.
I wish season 6 never happened. So much nonsense. No serious repercussions for Jack in China either.
Am I talking spoilers too much? I feel bad for anyone who's coming in here hearing about the new season and reading spoiler city, but it HAS been a long time since this stuff aired.
During a rewatch I have to say that I really liked season 4. You had the best cast of characters there: Jack, Tony, Michelle, Bill, Chloe, Curtis, and nary a Kim to be seen.
Season 4 is awesome man. Habib Marwan, best antagonist in the series. Always one step ahead.
Season 4 is awesome man. Habib Marwan, best antagonist in the series. Always one step ahead.
I've continued watching season 3 a bit more and it has gotten better. I will keep watching and if I notice myself slowly watching less and less I'll probably skip the rest of it. So many shows lose me during the third season, I have free time and I just use it on something else, then never come back. I'm really hoping for more 24 like season 2. It was really great.
Cool. Thanks chaps, I'll stick with season 8 then. I'll need to rewatch episode 13 though, I nodded off after five minutes and slept through the rest of it.
OK,Jack just nicked the helicopter.
I assume this is where things start to get good, because the first two thirds of this season have been shitter than shitbiscuits. The only fun so far has been laughing whenever Jack spots imaginary beetles scuttling around the room, which is pretty much every time there's a close-up of his face.
you're pretty much there. That's where things start to pick up and go into beast mode.
Heh, that's not Kate Warner... but the resemblance is definitely there. I'd take Yvonne, personally.It pleases the heart to see that Kate Werner is still a goddess on Earth, with no discernable signs of desperate cosmetic surgery. She's aged like the finest of wines.
The three best 24 gals all in one picture.
The three best 24 gals all in one picture.
The three best 24 gals all in one picture.
Shes also known and has admitted to going commando on a regular basis.It pleases the heart to see that Kate Werner is still a goddess on Earth, with no discernable signs of desperate cosmetic surgery. She's aged like the finest of wines.
The three best 24 gals all in one picture.
Rewatching the series and currently early into season 5,
I didn't really feel this way at the time but now I really feel thatwas a huge mistake.killing Palmer
Yeah lolIt's like when that happened, it just nailed home that they keep trying to one up the insanity of presidential conflicts and now you hilariously got a US country that can't maintain a president worth a damn! lol
Rewatching the series and currently early into season 5,
I didn't really feel this way at the time but now I feel thatwas a huge mistake.killing Palmer
Heh, that's not Kate Warner... but the resemblance is definitely there. I'd take Yvonne, personally.
The three best 24 gals all in one picture.
Yeah, in S5.replace chloe with mandy
also wasn't kate mara on 24 before? or am i imagining that
Enjoyed the last third of season 8 very much. Bauer went badass.
Is season 7 (the only one I haven't seen yet) any good?
i thought she was the most likable of jack's gals aside from connie britton. jack's taste in women is definitely his least admirable trait though.
Jack slept with Renee Walker, which renders your opinion is irrelevant.
gag reflex :X
It's pretty good, one of the most entertaining seasons in my opinion. A bit unrealistic at times, but if you have no problem suspending your disbelief you will enjoy it.
Just finished rewatching all seasons, my ranking is:
In lieu of the fact there's been no news apart from what's been posted since I was banned two weeks ago, I will instead offer a neat fact I worked out by chance yesterday:
The premiere date is 05/05/14. 5+5+14 = 24.
it could be a coincidence, given that the series will keep the same time slot previously had when was a running serie...but anything is possible
Of course it is. It's just a neat coincidence.
On a similar note, I've rewatched all of 24 now whilst off work with the flu for the last week and a bit. One thing that really struck out to me was how detatched seasons 1 and 2 feel to the rest of the series - they both share the same cheap film stock with ridiculous grain, the same very dark cinematography based around shadows, long stretches of slower paced exposition, and some real ghetto tech (CRT's, black and white PDAs, tape based recorders, FM transmitter video).
In comparison, Season 3 is faster, introduces the cutting edge tech that the series becomes known for, feels more "expensive", is shot a lot more like a high budget film and the entire production feels a step up. From then on, Seasons 4-8 have a real consistency of their own, probably due to Howard Gordon taking over as showrunner.
Either way, it's odd watching the first two again. 2 very much feels like a pure continuation of 1 whereas I really didn't get that feel with 2 moving to 3.