I am so tired of this genre of game getting such short shrift from critics.
Look, just because there are not ten billion games like this one every year, doesn't mean that every game that comes out needs to be labeled a Zelda rip off.
It is really ridiculous that FPS games don't get this treatment just because they all ripped off Halo's shield recovery and the grenade, melee, and shooting triumvirate. Those are all clearly inspired by Halo, but because a billion games have ripped them off, apparently it is totally cool now and doesn't need to be complained about simply because it is has been borrowed so much that it is now a a feature of the "genre."
Meanwhile, if only two or three games copied" then it is a sin. Why should reviewers even care about the idea of "who made the game" when reviewing it? Does game suddenly become more fun because it is made by the company that made the other "Zelda" games? Why the hell does it matter who made it when it comes to the play experience? Why does the title on the box matter? If Epic literally made the game called "Halo 2" by copying what Bungie did in the first game and merely called it something different, would it suddenly be a terrible game because "they just copied Bungie's Halo"? Whereas since Bungie made it, it suddenly is a super awesome sequel?
Lawyers for these multimillion dollar companies have concerns over stuff like copyright. Your job as a reviewer has nothing to do with defending these companies. It is even more ridiculous when there is clearly no law being broken but you still feel the need to "defend" the intellectual property of a big company due to some twisted moral principle. Stop acting like a goddamn shill for big company's IP. Your job is to play games and talk about how good they are regardless of what label is on the box or what company made it. Is the game really good? Then that is all that is important. If you just keep privileging the company's whose game is influential and act like only they really have the right to employ the concepts that worked well/were influential, then you are basically helping to create a monopoly where only four of five companies are morally allowed to make games. Stop this shit.