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3DS owners, what are you currently playing?


It is an enjoyable game, and i like the deep 3D effect it really immerses you. The framerate drops though break the immersion a little bit.
Good racing game overall.

I don't even mind that RR3D is only 30fps (not counting framerate drops) because the 3D effect is so good. I love the tracks made for this game as well as Rage Racer's Union Hill District (Overpass City in the original PS1 version) and Mythical Coast. The only track I really miss is Lakeside Gate / Parkway.


I'm back into Animal Crossing: New Leaf. When I got it in September I convinced my wife to become mayor in hopes that she'd get more invested and we could work on the same town together. This didn't happen -- the game totally failed to hook her** -- and the town seems to stagnate if the mayor never logs in. So after months of not playing it I gave her the boot, re-rolled the town and took over. This game is great!

(**side note: I don't understand! She played the heck out of Professor Layton's London Life, and isn't that basically the same thing? Argh, anyway)
Finally got back into my Nuzlocke run for Pokemon X.
Still not enjoying Pokemon as much as I used to anymore, but I need to see through this til the end.
Been playing a ton of AC and ALBW recently. Just switched my 2DS out for an XL recently and I'm adoring the 3D effect in Zelda. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it makes the world that much more interesting. Great game.

Oh, and Animal Crossing is the usual crack. Isabelle owns my ass.
I'm playing through Luigi's Mansion 2 at the moment. If I'm honest it's getting more than a little repetative now (I'm at the Treacherous Mansion) but I'm still enjoying it enough to finish it. Next up is Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

Felt the same way bout Luigi's Mansion. Got through the first three mansions put it down and have yet to go back. Charming as hell but it got repetitive really fast imo.
ahaha i said i have nothing to play but I just looked over and saw an unopened fire emblem awakening

completely forgot about it


Finished A Link Between Worlds (it was... good, I guess)

Thats exactly how I felt about that game. I'm gunna go through it again one of these days though. Maybe I was distracted.

I'm playing Mario and Luigi right now and MAN this thing is boring me to tears.
The Bravely Default Demo is doing the same. Real disappointing

Not Spaceghost

Okay well this thread popped up again and I finished Ecco, thought it was absolutely lovely, hard as hell and surprisingly dark and spooky. Incredible atmosphere.

Right now I am playing a DS game on my 3DS, Castlevania Order of Ecclesia, this game is addictive as hell, and much harder than you would expect! I just got the double jump stone and I am really starting to see the game open up it's exciting.

I love the glyph system, game is really cool.


I just got a 3DS XL about a month ago and since then my Ps4 has been gathering dust. Got the Zelda edition, so came with ALBW which I already beat (wonderful game btw).

Now I am on Fire Emblem, and I got a paycheck today and am thinking about picking up Pokemon X or Y (I have not touched that series since Ruby on GBA, even though Blue is my most played game ever). But I like to play one 3DS game at a time, and am not sure how much I have left in Fire Emblem. I don't want to look it up either because of spoilers, I am liking the story way more than I expected I would.

So if anyone can tell me
how much more I have to go in that game after Basilio dies at the hands of Emperor Walhart in the cutscene
please let me know whether I should buy Pokemon today or if it is safe to wait two more weeks, considering I play my 3ds roughly 8-12 hours a week.


After being finishing (but not being quite satisfied) SMTIV I'm going to tackle SteamWorld Dig next. Let's see what's all the fuzz about.
Since I have to turn the 3DS on to dl Four Swords, I figured I might as well make it a ALBW night. Hope I get some momentum going.


What's different in NG+? More story? New areas?

Story changes a little bit in dialogue, new areas in the third chapter that lead to other things, you get the Good End? (first playthrough is Bad End)

There is apparently a whole slew of new text that simply was not included in english (but is present if you can speak japanese and change the text to japanese). Look it up on gamefaqs after, some dude translated it.


at last, for christ's sake
Layton's final chapter, the Azran Legacy

yep it's Layton, but with a whole load of locations to travel to, new minigames and incredible 3D. Story hasn't picked up yet (I'm currently about to retrieve the
fourth egg
), but it's understandable since you basically have to do only one thing at this point . Presentation, music, puzzles and minigames are all usual top quality, but I'm glad the serie is taking a pause


Media Create Maven
Just finished Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. I was playing Resident Evil: Revelations just before that. I have that one last super hard prologue mission in Fire Emblem: Awakening now.
Been snowed in the last two days so I have been playing next to the fire. Good times.

Finished up Fire Emblem and Link Between Worlds. My god two very glorious games, both of which I plan to do a replay of when I thin my backlog out a bit. If for some reason you don't own these yet you must correct that immediately.

Started on Kid Icarus Uprising today. I am a lefty so it has been a challenge to say the least. Switched the controls around and playing with the stand so far. Glorious game though when the controls click with me, visuals are incredible and that music. I think this will be a game I will burn through a couple chapters at a time to save my hands from cramping bad.


Clocked roughly eleven hours of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate over the past three days on my 3DS. Pleasantly surprised by this game. Going to die when MH4 comes out and I can play online.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Legend of Zelda: ALBW - got two dungeons left plus the final dungeon
Fire Emblem: Awakening - I'm in chapter 13~ ?
Monster Hunter 3 U - A friend just got me this game. Am I doomed or what ?
Bravely Default coming soon !!!
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Another friend wants to get me this game, it seems.
Ghost Trick - This DS game I got recently too. Slooowwwlyyy playing through it



Alternating between Devil Survivor Overclocked and SMTIV. Been fighting the urge to get Pokemon especially with Bravely Default in a week.



I play it every day while I have lunch at my local cafe. It's the favourite part of my day :)


So here are my options for what game to get next now that I'm done with ALBW and getting near the end of Fire Emblem, lemme know what you think, and feel free to add any suggestions I am in need of them:

1.Pokemon X/Y. Pokemon Blue is one of my favorite games of all time, but I haven't touched this series since Ruby on GBA. Thinking about getting back in.

2.Shin Megami Tensei IV. Never played an Atlus game before, and looking to correct that.

3.Mario 3d Land.

4.Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Another series I'd be new to. But I hear circle pad pro is a must?

5.Kid Icarus Uprising.

6.Animal Crossing.

7.Mario Kart 7.

8.RE Revelations

9. Rune Factory. (This one is my one friend really pushing me to play it, haven't heard of it outside of him).

10.A bunch of original DS games I've never played (never owned the original DS).

So ya....a few on this list I will absolutely play, it's just a matter of which one is next. My budget allows for around one 3DS game a month. Let me know what you think.


I really want to play Kid Icarus: Uprising, but am kind of apprehensive due to what I have heard about the controls. My hands cramp after playing just about anything on the 3DS, so I am not sure if Kid Icarus will be a good idea..


Pokemon Y

Have played through most of the games in the series, starting back with the original Blue. Never considered myself a pokefan though, would beat the Elite 4, clean up all of the legendaries and move on. There is something about Y that has me hooked in deep. I've been breeding for IVs, challenging the Battle Maison and actually trying to complete the Pokedex, something I have never had the urge to do. Y makes the mechanics just seem easier to grasp and I don't see myself putting this game down anytime soon.

Also waiting on Bravely Default, loved the demo.


A Link Between Worlds. Fantastic game. I kind of took a break from it for a few days, but I have started back playing it. I think I'm close to beating it.

After I beat that, I'm gonna move on to Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon.


Clocked roughly eleven hours of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate over the past three days on my 3DS. Pleasantly surprised by this game. Going to die when MH4 comes out and I can play online.
I went back and restarted too; I'd only put about 23 hours in, and that was back at launch so I wanted to start fresh. Can't wait to try online play, but I'm really enjoying the solo play, though I only really feel comfortable playing longsword. I'd love to play ranged or with the hunting horn but they seem primarily built for party play. :/


25 hours into Bravely Default and I can't put it down. Have almost rebuilt the village, and have several combinations of jobs and subclasses I still want to try before settling down on a team to progress with, and more keep popping up all the time.

It's just awesome, sod the story, my lot wake up in the morning and go 'today I'll be a piratical ninja, or maybe a singing Valkyrie!'

I think there might also be some background whole-world-in-danger plot that an annoying helper character keeps banging on about.


I really want to play Kid Icarus: Uprising, but am kind of apprehensive due to what I have heard about the controls. My hands cramp after playing just about anything on the 3DS, so I am not sure if Kid Icarus will be a good idea..

Get it. This game is absolutely incredible.


I went back and restarted too; I'd only put about 23 hours in, and that was back at launch so I wanted to start fresh. Can't wait to try online play, but I'm really enjoying the solo play, though I only really feel comfortable playing longsword. I'd love to play ranged or with the hunting horn but they seem primarily built for party play. :/

This is my first foray into the franchise, but I'm definitely enjoying myself. It's challenging, but it isn't so hard (yet) that I'm frustrated. I find that if I make mistakes, I know exactly what I did wrong. There's only been one time where I felt like the game was being cheap—I was pinned in between a wall and a monster—but often when I fail it's because I wasn't adequately prepared or because I'm not utilizing my attacks wisely.

As much as I am enjoying the solo stuff, it'd be SO much more fun if there was someone tagging alongside me as I progress through, or someone far more experienced helping me figure out combinations, upgrades, preparing for quests, etc. Really don't understand why they didn't figure out a way to include online play with the 3DS, especially given the disparity between install bases of the 3DS and Wii U. But I suppose in Japan it's a lot easier to find someone to play with locally than here in the States.

All in all, though, definitely having fun. Going to try and limit my play time to a few hour or so sessions this weekend, as I could easily spend an entire day on my 3DS.


Bought a 3DS for ALBW, which was fantastic. I played most of Luigi's Mansion 2 and now I have Pokemon X in the system, but I'm mostly playing my other consoles right now.
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