Still playing ACNL and chipping away at SMTIV. I have a quest that requires me going a place I don't know how to get to, so I might just look it up. I'm sick of fighting demons I can kill in one turn over and over again.
Just wrapping up Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies before flipping a coin over Bravely Default and Link Between Worlds. Last year was just non-stop Fire Emblem.
As a maybe slightly lapsed Phoenix fan, who loves the games and characters but feels they tend to drag a bit, I gotta say I'm really impressed by Dual Destinies. The characters, animations and story twists all went above and beyond and it blew me away. I'm playing the DLC side story now, having beaten the main story, and the final case was a really epic finale to the game.
If you used to like Phoenix Wright but thought maybe you don't need to play them anymore, I strongly recommend you get Dual Destinies. No part of it is phoned in. The 3D models are done so well that it actually looks even better than the old 2D art, and the animations and freak outs of witnesses are glorious. I was even on such a high from the game for a while there that I thought I would go straight from Dual Destinies to Layton vs Phoenix, but I realise now it would be smarter to take advantage of all the gameplay variety in my 3DS backlog. Good job Nintendo. I'll be playing 2013 releases for like the next 3 years lol.
Do you need to play the earlier wright games to enjoy DD? I think I stopped at the 2nd PW game but would like to jump back into the series
Etrian Odyssey III, yeah it's a DS game.
I think you sound like the type of person I had in mind. I love the older games but there is a point where it feel like a lot of stuff is recycled, like you're not having fun pushing through some of the long court cases and more obscure progress blockades. People say (and I agree) 2 is the worst..Though I still like it.
Dual Destinies is very beautiful and doesn't skimp on great new characters and bringing back old favourites, and it streamlines the court cases and investigations a lot, its harder to get stuck and bored. I say go for it. Your passion for the series may be rekindled and you might want to go through the older games after experiencing DD.
Awesome, much appreciated!!
It seems like Fire Emblem is the way to go. I really want OOT but it's too damn pricey for a game that I already own.
I got StarFox 64 3D recently for cheap, it's really fun and I love the 3D in this. So glad I bought it.
100%-ing Yoshi. Love this game, I don't get the hate.
Waiting for a price drop for Starfox 64 on the eShop. It will happen.
I'm also 100%-ing Yoshi. It's a great game. I think it gets all the hate from people just breezing through it and not getting everything out of it. This game would be only half as fun if I just raced through each level to the stage exit. Getting all the red coins, flowers, and finishing with 30 stars really makes the game shine. Don't get the hate either.
Etrian Odyssey III, yeah it's a DS game.
I'd be playing Yumi's Odd Odyssey if it wasn't for EO tho.
I'm at a crossroads. I'm pretty much done with Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon. Steadily trucking in Zelda ALBW. I'm getting into Kid Icarus, but not totally absorbed. I started Rune Factory 4 to see if it'll hook me. All are great games though, I'm in heaven over here