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$4.99 games at Circuit City in store (YMMV)


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
Mine was pretty picked through, but I did get:

Defender of the Crown
Robotech Battlecry
Robot Alchemic Drive
Freestyle Metal X
Mobile Suit Gundam


I dunno if I should even bother going later today... I have a list of 4-5 games that I'd like to pick up, but would it be worth it the trip?
John TV: I snagged a copy of Boktai today. It's yours if you can track down any manga from Mikishiro Nagitoh that is not Black Mass vol. 1&2, or anything recent from Tsukasa Midoh, post Professor of the Cow God. Unless of course you'd feel dirty seeking them out. :D

Sorry Shouta, searched everywhere in CC. No Disgaea or Chaos Legion.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Damn it. Okay guys, I went back, sorry but no restock because they dont keep games in the storage area. Whats there is whats on the shelf. I did however find Red Faction II which I somehow missed yesterday.

Other games still their was Chaos legion, MGS2 Substance Xbox, and Morrowing GOTY and Okage. If you havent gone yet its probably too late.

6 out of the 13 games I wanted aint bad.
open_mouth_ said:
I dunno if I should even bother going later today... I have a list of 4-5 games that I'd like to pick up, but would it be worth it the trip?

\probably not. I wouldn't doubt its been picked clean by now. Seriously, in the span of about a day, my Circuit City games section went completely barren. Makes me wonder wtf CC is gonna do if they really had a promotion planned for later this month.


I severely underestimated the fact that I live in the midwest. The CC I went to has been CLEANED of all the good $4.99 games. I picked up Evil Dead, Die Hard Vendetta, and NHL Hitz Pro, but I'm going to have to go back next week for Panzer Dragoon Orta, Def Jam Vendetta, Dead or Alive 3, and Silent Hill 2 (here's hoping they get more stock in!).

I honestly didn't know how many people knew about this; where are people finding this out? There was a guy there with a list of games and his girlfriend was helping him load up a basket with all the games he wanted. There was also this old guy talking on his cellphone going "IT'S MOSTLY SKATING AND SURFING TYPE GAMES....UM..THERE'S A SHOOTING GAME." He was only looking in the bargain bin; apparently some people don't know they're not marked at all.

I wonder if they're still going to do this promotion when it was supposed to happen. I hope so; I didn't get the games I really wanted. :/
Wario: Rescue Heroes: Billy Blazes is also $4.99 for GBA.

I'm only plugging this as it's a Wayforward developed game, but more importantly, it features a cameo of Guppi from X-treme Sports! ^_^

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Went to check out the two local CCs today for some friends - completely cleaned out. It looked like a lot of games were pulled so I'm going to be checking back on Sunday.


Is Viewtiful Joe GC 4.99$? If so, would anyone be willing to pick it up and ship it to Quebec?

I'd send you the money for the game and pay shipping (Depending how much it costs), or we could even work out some other deal?


I really want Viewtiful Joe :(


Trucker Sexologist
Hey Wario64, thanks for the heads up! I just picked up Deus Ex, Dynasty Tactics, and Boktai for $15. I'm a budget gamer, and I always look out for deals, but I have never seen anything like this since the Dreamcast died. If they announced this in the paper there would be riots in the parking lot.

I don't think people should just buy games because they are worth a lot of money, though. That's what killed comic books. You should just buy what you or your friends want to play. EB games usually rips you off, and there is probably going to be too many EBay sharks out there to make much of a profit. That said, I'm looking for a copy of ICO if anyone is offering. If you haven't played it yet though I demand you open the box and beat it first. Peace out.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I wouldn't count on a restock. The chances of a restock is very low considering these games are being clearanced


mattx5 said:
Is Viewtiful Joe GC 4.99$? If so, would anyone be willing to pick it up and ship it to Quebec?

I'd send you the money for the game and pay shipping (Depending how much it costs), or we could even work out some other deal?


I really want Viewtiful Joe :(

I'll see what I can do.

edit: Sorry mate, my CC is all out. Gonna try to price match at Best Buy via a receipt, but no gurantees.


BuddyChrist83 said:
I'll see what I can do.

edit: Sorry mate, my CC is all out. Gonna try to price match at Best Buy via a receipt, but no gurantees.

Edit: No problem. Thanks for trying anyways :)


Wario64 said:
I wouldn't count on a restock. The chances of a restock is very low considering these games are being clearanced

The only chance of a restock I can figure is if they still have a bunch of these games stuck in regional warehouses or something that they'll be shipping out to stores for next week. And hopefully next week still brings MORE markdowns, then we'll have a whole new set of games to fight over. :p


That's ok, thanks for going out of your way to help me:)

Anyone else know if their store has some copies of VJ left?


Marched up to the cashier with Maximo, Aggressive Inline, Mad Maestro, and Tetris Worlds GC in tow. Tetris Worlds rang up for $19.99... :( It was the only one I actually wanted, the rest are just trade in fodder. So yeah, take Tetris Worlds GC off the list. :(


Just went today and bought Silpheed and Ape Escape 2. They had a few other things from the list, including Legaia 2, Monster Rancher 3, and Freaky Flyers.

I didn't really know anything about them though, so I didn't pick them up? Are they any good?

They also had a copy of Summoner 2 for Gamecube. I might go back and get it since I'm buying a Gamecube soon. How is that game? No Viewtiful Joe though, which is what I really wanted to pick up for my future GC.
dskillzhtown said:
You had to get one with the "Not For Resale" sticker on it.
i had them scan an MK for both the xbox and ps2.. then i relized neither had the promo sticker and i just ended up feeling dumb.

im interested in buying an xbox version if anyone is selling cheap
^For $5 you can't go wrong.


I went to three stores today and got quite the haul. Nothing spectacular, but some stuff. I'm going to post it in the trade thread because I want's a copy of VJ dammit!

EDIT: one store had a copy of the promotional Star Wars/Tetris Worlds for the Xbox...the clerk wouldn't scan it though to let me see if it was $4.99. Even though there was CLEARLY a price tag on the game, she said they can't sell it unless you're buying an Xbox.

PS - Obi-Wan for the Xbox has two versions...the "bargain" version with a special UPC sticker that isn't $4.99 and another. You might want to note this.


Unfortunately, Viewtiful Joe was devoured alive at any CC in the area. Only one in the state of florida with viewtiful joe in stock was CC in St Meyers. I left with Beach Spikers for GC and Shadow: Okage for PS2.

Golden Sun did not come up as 4.99 unfortunately. Even though I made out with two games I wanted, (not the ones I really X 100 wanted), it still sucked for me. I went to a Circuit City thats very hidden. Some place some people would never find or think about.

Unfortunately, the person I've been seeing for 3 months thought the same thing. That or the person I'm being cheated with lives near there. Still, they thought I'd never see them there.

"Good bye, I hope you remember me.....Filled with murderous RAGE!"


I'm a retard. On Saturday, there were tons of VJs. I somehow forgot to put any in my basket. Now, they're all gone.

Someone post Mr. Sad pic below.


marsomega said:
Golden Sun did not come up as 4.99 unfortunately.

Got my Golden Sun this morning in South FL for $5.00. Maybe you picked up Golden Sun Lost Ages by mistake. The boxes look a lot alike.




Alright, just returned from another run to CC. Yeah, I decided for $5, what the hell, and even then, there's a chance trade-in on some of it just might be over $5.

Monster Rancher 3 for PS2 rang up as $19.99 for me though, not $4.99. It had a different cover from the one pictured on EBgames and Gamestop's webpage though, so maybe there's a difference of some kind I don't know about.

Anyway, here's what I've ended up with, those with asteriks are games I probably won't even consider trading in, since I know I want to play them:

Summoner : Goddess Reborn*

Ape Escape 2*
Super Bust-A-Move*
Freaky Flyers
Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Robotech: Battlecry
Legaia 2
Wipeout Fusion*


Party Pooper
a friend of mine is checking out south jersey CC's and telling me how wiped out they are...

i've only got one close one in Peoria, and i'm not about to drive 45 minutes to Bloomington to hope i get lucky

i'll see if my local one is wiped tomorrow when i get my damn car back.

Seth C

The guy at one of the store's I went to said to check back later this week. According to him, they get videogame shipments in every weekday from the warehouse. So if they have any stock left they'll send them at that point. The first shipment would be on Tuesday. They aren't getting one today because of the Holiday.
Seth C said:
The guy at one of the store's I went to said to check back later this week. According to him, they get videogame shipments in every weekday from the warehouse. So if they have any stock left they'll send them at that point. The first shipment would be on Tuesday. They aren't getting one today because of the Holiday.
what do you figure would be the best time to show up? right when they open or sometime in the afternoon?

Seth C

crawlingpeter said:
what do you figure would be the best time to show up? right when they open or sometime in the afternoon?

Hard to say. I don't think they'd do much stocking during store hours, so I doubt most of the stuff they get on Tuesday would be on the shelves until Wednesday morning, but you never know. The strategy is a bit different from normal though. Normally I'd suggest going to stores where no one goes, but for this you should go to the busiest CC in your area, since that's the one they'd re-stock most heavily.


Hmmm maybe I should try going back Wed......

I do wonder how many people actually knew about this, though. There can't be THAT many CAGs out there and the ones that do would be wise not to tell their friends until they already went...and even then, it just seems that random people know about this deal. Of course, the numbers could be heavily skewed in a situation where you don't have a lot of people coming in, but one or two greedy folks coming in and snatching up 95% of the games.


works for Gamestop (lol)
This list is posted on every bargain deal site out there, there's a shitload of people who know about the sale already


Even on non-gaming deal sites? That's kind of lame. I could hope that at least the people taking advantage of this are those that actually play games and not just e-bay jockeys looking for a quick buck.

Seth C

Belfast said:
Even on non-gaming deal sites? That's kind of lame. I could hope that at least the people taking advantage of this are those that actually play games and not just e-bay jockeys looking for a quick buck.

Most are Ebayers, unfortunately. I saw one fill up an entire cart with games to resell. I know it's on Anandtech Hot Deals, FatWallet, and CheapAssGamer.


yah ebayers are what killed the metro cc's. people were just having the entire stock scanned to see what was on sale and buying it all up.

Musashi Wins!

Seth C said:
Most are Ebayers, unfortunately. I saw one fill up an entire cart with games to resell. I know it's on Anandtech Hot Deals, FatWallet, and CheapAssGamer.

It's on GameTab and many other sites as well. Consider yourself lucky if you got a few decent titles to begin with.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
I love watching Ebayers who screw people who actually want the product get screwed themselves when they're the 100th person with a copy of a game no one wants. Final bid: $2.00. Haha.


Any word on copies of Viewtiful Joe? It's not sounding good, is it?


If anyone could find a copy..... I'd pay the cost and shipping, and maybe even a little extra.



Btw, it just occured to me, as I was walking into CC I saw some guy walking out with a piece of paper in his hand, which he was glancing at as he left. I wonder if it was the list of games. He left empty handed, anyways :p

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Mine was raped yesterday according to the employees....I just found out about this a few hours ago... :(
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