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4 Drafts of Trump White House Exec. Orders Leak: 'Muslim Ban' and end of 'DREAMer'

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We've failed, not even a week in and all this disgusting stuff is already happening?! I really fucking hope this is a huge motherfuckin' lesson to all of us and not underestimate demagogues.


I know it's ridiculous to expect any sort of decency out of Trump or his administration, but I don't even understand how going after DACA seems like a just thing to do. It doesn't even have the "BUT TERRORISTS" excuse that he uses to justify most of the other policies.
So Middle East Christians and other minorities only, I wonder how he is going to tell them apart tho, I hope isn't something stupid like eating bacon.
I'm hoping that Cali will stay strong during this and come up with a plan, I have a few friends in the DACA program and I'm worried what they'll do.

Let's be honest, those are the ones that Republicans want to see gone the most. Those are the people who would least likely vote for them.

It's scary to me how people don't see that they're putting party over country. They should be tried as traitors, not have ultimate power.

Those can work, but are you sure they can vote?
It's kind of amazing how much the abortion issue has solidified them. Literally you don't have to be a "Christian" in any way shape or form at all as long as you're against abortion.

Yep. That's the only way I can figure it out.
The college I went to ( a Southern Baptist university) just posted a thing today about how abortion is the most important social issue there is. I have my own opinions on it, but I believe that taking care of the poor and oppressed is way more important. We're called to serve and love, not to judge. They're so focused on stopping abortion, but don't give a crap about the child or mother after it's born.

Sigh. I think that's why I find myself doing more volunteer work outside of the church lately. I just want to help, not be a huge hateful jerk to everyone who's not a straight white christian person. :(


As a white Christian I can't believe the things my fellow Christians are ok with. Trump is pretty much the opposite of everything I believe. It dumbfounds me to see people that I respected while growing up talk about Trump as if he's this amazing moral man.

Little secret. If they think he is a moral man, then they aren't either.


Everyone who voted for him that ever used a phrase similar to "oh he won't do that". Should have their right to vote permanently revoked.

I'm seriously curious, has America ever done something as self destructive as electing Trump?

I know this one guy who thinks like this and I hated him instantly.


Those can work, but are you sure they can vote?

They can't but having a work permit allows them to have a way to maintain themselves here while they ultimately become a citizen. Either through something like marriage or a path that would open up in the future.

This ensures starving them out and not allowing them to be in the way of the Republican party.

I think the Reps know that they're a dying party and they'll have to do everything in their power to ensure that they keep winning elections through any other mean other than hard numbers.


Everyone who keeps saying that liberals should get over it and he won should have to watch as children as forced to leave the only life they've know.

Of course, they won't care. Because fuck anyone who isn't white, right?
Man, Obama has got to be having the worst holiday.

Honestly, I think Trump & the republicans are trying to force through as much of this crap as possible, as fast as possible... before the blowback hits critical levels.


Posts from fellow Gaffers from the other DACA thread right after Trump won:

I am a DACA recipient, and have lived in the US for 27 years.

As soon as I got approved, I immediately got a job, promoted twice, employee of the month, I pay taxes etc etc.

I've already started planning moving back, I believe trump will revoke DACA in January so I am already planning the packing process.

lol I can't believe I'm about to be forced to move away from my parents and family.

Fucking shook right now.

I feel like a third class human being. Just feel like complete shit, wish I wasn't born.

I am a DACA recipient as well. I'm definitely going to be affected by this election. Trump said he's going to get rid of all the "unconstitutional" executive orders.
There's a lot of people here saying "your life wont be affected, it's just 4 years of the same." But that won't be the case for me. I am legitimately scared of the future. On day 1 I may end up without a job and the government will have all my info to come knocking at my door with a deportation notice.

I've been living here since the age of 5. Studying hard, obtaining good grades, graduated with my Bachelors thanks to the DREAM Act,have no criminal record, and have a decent job where I pay my taxes. But all my hard work and dreams seem to be disappearing right before my eyes.

I feel like this country truly doesn't want me here. I had never felt that more than now.

I am also a DACA recipient, and guys, I am scared.

I'm also a DACA recipient....

I just can't believe this is happening...

I'm attending one of the best universities in the United States on a full scholarship, and if he removed DACA I could simply be deported...all my hard work will be erased

Not to mention my whole family who might be deported too....ugh why did this have to happen :(

I'm so scared right now, more depressed than I have ever been. I wish I was ignorant so I wouldn't have to deal with the worry & anxiety.

Some tried to cheer me up at school, I'm trying really hard to smile and laugh with them but I feel numb inside, trying to hold back the tears at the thought of not seeing my friends again.

I don't even know how Mexico is like, hell I barely know how to speak Spanish. I was 4 when I arrived here, I'm 24 now in college and a job. I am so scared for my life right now. I wish I could just disappear.

DACA recipient here. I came to the conclusion that I have lost everything in this past 12 hours thanks to all this bullshit. I'm a college graduate computer engineer with his future in shambles. Fuck the world and fuck Trump and fuck everyone of you motherfuckers who voted for this piece of yellow shit.

The moment the DACA gets revoked I hope that some shit goes down really bad. I'm talking about Warsaw Ghetto Uprising bad. If I get killed I don't fucking care anymore.

I am a DACA recipient too. I am currently working on a non-profit that works with the LGBTQIA+ community doing medical case management for HIV+ individuals. We also have a food bank and a workforce development program that I've been helping facilitate.

I was offered a full time position for next year. Additionally, I'm working on a demonstration project for the Department of Health and I am also a Community Health Worker for a Health Clinic in my area. I did IT work for a large company in my city, and I've been volunteering in community health clinics since High School. I am trying to save up for my bachelors in Cybersecurity with a minor for Public Health. I pay taxes and I get no benefits. My dreams were to work in cybersecurity/get clearance and public health in the government/private sector and start my own business...

I had so much dreams and now I won't be able to do anything because according to Trump I am a threat to national security and a criminal :(

Telling my current employers that I might not be here next year and to hold on to the position they were gonna give me, was the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm in tears right now.

I am so sad... so sad and depressed I don't know what to do.

I feel so bad for all of us as well. :(

Don't take this as a "I'm going to kill myself" post but waking up this morning, I really felt like I lost the will to live, I've never felt this scared about the future. Last night someone was firing off fireworks while I ponder a future where I will have to uproot myself to a country that I don't know anything about.

And that's just the first page with me skimming through it


9 / 12 of my friends are DACA with master degrees. They're about to go from making 70k - 120k a year to being jobless

I'm sure those jobs will go to those economically anxious Trump supporters..

Looks like Osama will really win out in the end. 9/11 planted the seeds for our self-destruction.


semen stains the mountaintops
As someone who has a work permit thanks to DACA, I really don't know what my future is like in America. I've lived here since I was 7, I consider myself American and have no ties to Mexico, and now my country is removing all the rights I have.


I see Lime posted what I said in the DACA thread.


The H1B thing might not be horrible if it is true that the Visa system was gamed by outsourcers like Wipro and Infosys.


i honestly thought they'd leave DACA alone, worst case scenario they get around to it after midterms or something.

what purpose does this serve other than being a mustache twirling villain. i try to keep in mind politics isn't always black and white but its like a cartoon at this point


i honestly thought they'd leave DACA alone, worst case scenario they get around to it after midterms or something.

what purpose does this serve other than being a mustache twirling villain. i try to keep in mind politics isn't always black and white but its like a cartoon at this point
I honestly though orange turd would use it as leverage to get something else but not only is he an idiot, he is a heartless turd mother fucker.
Ok, let's ruin the lives of thousands if not millions by this completely idiotic decision. Really making America great again. You moron.
Someone has to stop this shithead. He's going to get millions of people killed and millions of others will have their lives ruined.
i honestly thought they'd leave DACA alone, worst case scenario they get around to it after midterms or something.

what purpose does this serve other than being a mustache twirling villain. i try to keep in mind politics isn't always black and white but its like a cartoon at this point

They really, really hate non-whites, and it serves as a perfect scapegoat to rile up the anger of their base while they continue running off with all the money. "You're poor because of brown people" says the billionaire, and ignorant white people believe him. "I will help you by getting rid of them" he says, and ignorant white people cheer, not realizing that this will do absolutely nothing to improve their personal situation. The exploitation of ignorance and bigotry (which is, in itself, a form of ignorance) for personal gain is the hallmark of these greedy fuckers. And, yeah, it's just mustache-twirling villainy at this point.


Junior Member
The H1B thing might not be horrible if it is true that the Visa system was gamed by outsourcers like Wipro and Infosys.

Intl studying in us here . This and the opt impact me . From what I read on vox he reduced the opt extention from 24 to 17 so it's back to 12+17 for stem instead of 12+24 months . If it's reduced to 12 that's bad cause it's too short a processing time often . If it's 12+17 guess that's fine I'm told companies try to keep you in opt as long as possible before shifting you .

The h1 changes will probably benefit me as someone getting a degree here and who would be hired into the us workforce . But the. I wonder if it's unfair to others applying to work here . Think trump is saying replace lottery with highest pay guess that works on some but discriminates against non finance MBA it ppl ?

Anyway overall doesn't seem to be too drastic apart from if opt is reduced to 12 . I think the main thing on this is the daca part . Feel bad for all the gaffers.

They are also trying to remove the 3 year ban so even marriage may mean a wait I guess ? My best wishes and hopes with those effected , stay strong gaf.
Man, Obama has got to be having the worst holiday.

Honestly, I think Trump & the republicans are trying to force through as much of this crap as possible, as fast as possible... before the blowback hits critical levels.

LOL of course. Omnibus everything because they've been itching to for 8 years.


As someone who has a work permit thanks to DACA, I really don't know what my future is like in America. I've lived here since I was 7, I consider myself American and have no ties to Mexico, and now my country is removing all the rights I have.


I see Lime posted what I said in the DACA thread.

I've sort of known you for years and never knew you were a DACA recipient. I hope things somehow work out for you dude.


Gonna have to push through my Green Card application then. He doesn't seem to have come for family based green cards yet, but at this rate who knows.


Gonna have to push through my Green Card application then. He doesn't seem to have come for family based green cards yet, but at this rate who knows.

As long as you're white, you'll probably be okay. If not, good luck!


Fuck I have many Indonesian immigrant friends who were under the DACA. I cannot believe this is actually happening.
I'm curious to know what they'll end up trying to do with the H-1B program. The abuses by companies like Cognizant, HCL, Wipro, and Tata are flagrantly against the spirit of the law and are creating huge rifts in the IT industry.
They really, really hate non-whites, and it serves as a perfect scapegoat to rile up the anger of their base while they continue running off with all the money. "You're poor because of brown people" says the billionaire, and ignorant white people believe him. "I will help you by getting rid of them" he says, and ignorant white people cheer, not realizing that this will do absolutely nothing to improve their personal situation. The exploitation of ignorance and bigotry (which is, in itself, a form of ignorance) for personal gain is the hallmark of these greedy fuckers. And, yeah, it's just mustache-twirling villainy at this point.

Well, at least a lot of "foreign" high-potentials are going to make Canada great again. Or Europe. Well, except for the UK because they went stupid before the USA did. Maybe they'll come around now that Trump is beating them at it though.

Good luck everyone.
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