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4 Drafts of Trump White House Exec. Orders Leak: 'Muslim Ban' and end of 'DREAMer'

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Beat EviLore at pool.
He doesn't have his whole team in place yet. He has like 4 so far, and its not even the worst of his picks. I fear what he will do with all of them in place.

It is not even a full week yet either. Just wait until Lady GaGa performs at the Super Bowl he will be calling for her head on twitter.


The fuck are you on about?

How is deproting educated and productive members of society protect American jobs?

That's a Trumper for you, only care about the stupid jobs. They don't care about civil rights being destroyed or science/facts eliminated.
LOL of course. Omnibus everything because they've been itching to for 8 years.

Get some absolutely abhorrent stuff through in the first few months.
Censure Trump (or he may even quit).
Install Pence.
Repeal one or two things to slightly less abhorrent levels (that are still pretty god awful).
Bask in the goodwill and set up for election.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Or depending on his mood, he'll just sue her or order a drone strike.

Don't think he will go crazy and do a drone strike. I would be more worried about a Tweet. Once one person speaks out on a nationwide event he will be butthurt. If Fox News says they shouldn't be able to speak up and we might be in oh shit moment. Don't forget Oscars are next month as well.


Loving the immigration stuff. Protect American jobs.

Yeah, lets shrink the demographic pool, that'll really go over well to help grow the country.

At one point in time, I was proud to be in the military, even with its faults. I loved this country.

Now, I loathe it. This country has gone to shit, and I'm ultimately fed up with it. I really, really wish I could move out.

Fuck Donald Trump and the people who voted for him. Congratulations, you guys have power, but what good will that power be when there isn't a country anymore.
Everyone who keeps saying that liberals should get over it and he won should have to watch as children as forced to leave the only life they've know.

Of course, they won't care. Because fuck anyone who isn't white, right?

Yup, as a DACA recipient that was brought here by my parents when I was 7, I'm gonna have to leave the only home I've ever known.

All good though, fuck trump and everyone of his supporters. Idgaf anymore.


Civil War was necessary. Trump is just whitelash

Even though white people sit on all the power and all the money, they're still so fragile and sensitive that any form of uproar, even a single cry for justice and equality as seen in BLM and elsewhere, is met with deliberately voting in a fascist to fuck over each and everyone, except the rich and white. It's unbelievable.
They really, really hate non-whites, and it serves as a perfect scapegoat to rile up the anger of their base while they continue running off with all the money. "You're poor because of brown people" says the billionaire, and ignorant white people believe him. "I will help you by getting rid of them" he says, and ignorant white people cheer, not realizing that this will do absolutely nothing to improve their personal situation. The exploitation of ignorance and bigotry (which is, in itself, a form of ignorance) for personal gain is the hallmark of these greedy fuckers. And, yeah, it's just mustache-twirling villainy at this point.
Well put, these people so blinded by hate of skin color they don't realize the real battle is class warfare.


The fuck are you on about?

How is deproting educated and productive members of society protect American jobs?
That's a Trumper for you, only care about the stupid jobs. They don't care about civil rights being destroyed or science/facts eliminated.
9 / 12 of my friends are DACA with master degrees. They're about to go from making 70k - 120k a year to being jobless
And because I said it in another thread and it needs to be reaffirmed again...

Just think of all of the new jobs for REAL Americans that will be freed up once that happens.
(Yes, this is the way this madman thinks. He considers this to be JOB CREATION.)
JOB CREATION! These are the jobs Trump thinks he's creating.
Purging the infidels to create jobs for the true Americans.



immigration isnt taking american jobs, automation is. so get ready for that.

No need to even reply to people like that. I have never been denied a job because an Immigrant took it. They didn't take factory jobs. Those are going the way of the dodo anyway.

And like the above poster said. This is what they think job creation is. Get rid of those brown people that have jobs so they can be given to you. But that's not how any of this works. It's hasn't even been a damn week and I'm wondering what 6 months will look like.


My wife's job, her current college education she's currently been working on for the past 3 years.... all about to be gone, in addition to the added stress of worrying about deportation. This is very stressful and depressing.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say ol boy probably isn't even qualified for some or most of these jobs

Yup, I had more to say, but what's the point? Talking to trumps people is like screaming at the moon. Plus I don't wanna get banned.

When I get booted from my house and kicked out of he USA for something I had and have no control over, at least I'll have Gaf.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Loving the immigration stuff. Protect American jobs.

I really hate this attitude. What the hell are "American jobs?" Why are Americans entitled to jobs simply because of their citizenship. Seriously, what is so special about merely having been born in this country?

This may not apply to you, but I imagine much of Trump's base are also the same type of people to absolutely hate affirmative action. And yet they are probably like you and support prioritization of giving jobs to Americans based not on merit, but on the simple fact that they were born here. It's bullshit and helps no one and certainly not our economy.

The country was founded on and prospered thanks to immigrant labor. To reject that history is just ridiculous to me.
The first one is dumb but not *too* damaging, it's good he backed down from the really dumb all Muslim ban to just a general specific national one. It's still super unnecessary though, restricting countries like Iran basically purely on politics. Generally against.

The second is just bad and dumb.

The third I'm not completely sure of yet, and I think I'm generally in favor of the first part of the fourth and against the second part.


My wife's job, her current college education she's currently been working on for the past 3 years.... all about to be gone, in addition to the added stress of worrying about deportation. This is very stressful and depressing.

Why hasn't she filed for a green card yet? I have a friend that got a green card after DACA.


Loving the immigration stuff. Protect American jobs.

Really? how fucking ignorant can you get man. Read the fucking thread. Fuck your jobs when innocent peoples lives are on the line. Or do you only care about your own behind? Jesus Christ people man..


Why hasn't she filed for a green card yet? I have a friend that got a green card after DACA.

It is very time-consuming and expensive to get a Green Card.

It's taking me years with a PhD and AFTER proving over the course of a year that there were no americans that could do my job.

It's even harder for DACA recipients.
Trump's POTUS handle on twitter has a background photo of Trump signing an executive order in the Oval Office, surrounded by his senior advisors. All are White men.
That photo was selected specifically for the message that conveys. Theyve come to take the country back.


Why hasn't she filed for a green card yet? I have a friend that got a green card after DACA.

We're in talks with a lawyer already to get that process going and complete ASAP. But like Hawk said, it's very time consuming. I'm hoping it's not too late with all that's going on.


That's not how it works bud, all of us DACA recipients would jump on that shit if it was given to everyone.

A friend of mine a DACA recipient, married his girlfriend after Trump started making headway in the race and now is a permanent resident. If you can't get a green card via marriage after DACA, then I don't know how the hell he pulled it off. The poster I'm replying is in a similar position I assumed.

We're in talks with a lawyer already to get that process going and complete ASAP. But like Hawk said, it's very time consuming. I'm hoping it's not too late with all that's going on.

It's not too bad, I got mine in less than 4 months after filing as an F1 student. Start now and good luck to you.


A friend of mine a DACA recipient, married his girlfriend after Trump started making headway in the race and now is a permanent resident. If you can't get a green card via marriage after DACA, then I don't know how the hell he pulled it off. The poster I'm replying is in a similar position I assumed.
I'm guessing they got the green card because of the marriage though, not DACA.

The poster I was replying to is married and I assume is an American. He should be doing everything he can to help his wife.
Ah alright didn't see they were married


A friend of mine a DACA recipient, married his girlfriend after Trump started making headway in the race and now is a permanent resident. If you can't get a green card via marriage after DACA, then I don't know how the hell he pulled it off. The poster I'm replying is in a similar position I assumed.

Unfortunately it's a very complicated process. For example, if someone came here with a visa and they stayed past the expiration point, and they have proof, then yes, they could file for one. It's recommended to do it with a lawyer, which is just a bitch in fees of course.

But if they came here through other undocumented means, they would have to leave the country for a few years and then come back in a legal way unless they can show that them leaving would be a huge burden on the other person, and no, loneliness and depression wouldn't be good enough.

Yes, it's incredibly stupid.


The poster I was replying to is married and I assume is an American. He should be doing everything he can to help his wife.

Yes, we are married and I am doing everything I can to help her and get this situated.

Unfortunately it's a very complicated process. For example, if someone came here with a visa and they stayed past the expiration point, and they have proof, then yes, they could file for one. It's recommended to do it with a lawyer, which is just a bitch in fees of course.

But if they came here through other undocumented means, they would have to leave the country for a few years and then come back in a legal way unless they can show that them leaving would be a huge burden on the other person, and no, loneliness and depression wouldn't be good enough.

Yes, it's incredibly stupid.

This is what i fear the most. That we would actually have to do that. No idea where we'd go and how we'd even survive down there. Don't have the money to not work for a potential few years or more. She'd most likely have to stay while I continue working here in LA and send her money and visit as often as I can. The whole thing is complicated.
Everyone who voted for him that ever used a phrase similar to "oh he won't do that". Should have their right to vote permanently revoked.

I'm a tolerant guy, but I have no tolerance for stupid people. So many stupid people allowed this fuckwad to become president. Being THAT stupid should be illegal.


"Both sides are the same."

"My Vote doesn't matter. "

"I'll just lay low and focus on my issues right now."

Pick your apathy poison. It makes me sick to my stomach that people think this way.

"Protest voting because both sides!"

Don't forget that one. I know someone who, despite being married to a Native American and having Native American children, chose to protest vote by not voting for a presidential candidate. Despite her being very involved in the DAPL protests and despite me pointing out to her before the election that Trump would resume the pipeline and green light another one that's in the works because he has shares of one of the companies involved.

This is a awful... I've got family members who'll likely be deported once this goes through.

Caja 117

Why do you guys take bait from a dimwit ...
Yeah, I noticed him from my ignore list, since Nov 8 it have grown a lot.

I actually was shedding tears reading the wall of GAF poster that are recipient of DACA, as an imigrant I cant even imagine their situation, at least i have a home and friends and family in Dominican Republic waiting for me , most of these people are just going to be sent back to a country they dont know or have anything while been separated from their families,

I tthink this is a proccess that will slowly roll out to otther type of situattions. Until America is white,Fuck Trump and To those that still support his facist shit, Fuck you too.


This is what i fear the most. That we would actually have to do that. No idea where we'd go and how we'd even survive down there. Don't have the money to not work for a potential few years or more. She'd most likely have to stay while I continue working here in LA and send her money and visit as often as I can. The whole thing is complicated.

If worst comes to worst, a bun in the oven would most likely keep you two together. Definitely get a consultation from an immigration lawyer.
Why do you guys take bait from a dimwit ...

This is truth. The nitwit in question is obviously a burner account. Take it from someone who just came back from a ban for following around a pretty prominent shitposter who outed himself as shamelessly using a sock-puppet; they ain't worth it.

Do something to make this world better, IRL: Punch a Nazi.
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