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50/60hz on the PAL Wii U eShop - Discussion Thread


they gave us the french/english 50hz release even though the 60hz release has french/english too!

No one can defend this. NO ONE.


I'm a bit divided on this. I want to try it out and see just how different it is with 50 Hz on the Wii U...but I also don't want to give them my money if it turns out it's utterly terrible. I have already seen a Miiverse post from someone saying that it doesn't feel any different from when they played it in the 90s...but that's just one person's memory.


I'm trying but I can't see this frame doubling issue. Maybe my eyes are just busted...

Australian download if that helps.

...okay that does it. I'm trying it too (I'm also downloading from the Aussie eShop).

Edit: Actually on second thought, I'm still going to wait for more impressions!


I'm trying but I can't see this frame doubling issue. Maybe my eyes are just busted...

Australian download if that helps.

This is the thing I keep saying. It's not a universal truthfact of unplayability. It is a technicality that occurs but some might not even realize it's there. It's why I always bring this up whenever someone rages over it. The 50Hzness and ignorance towards teh obvious and straightforward solution does annoy me to no end but ultimately I'm not picking up torches and pitchforks every time.
You've outdone yourselves customer services:
As we have previously stated, as Europe is a PAL region, the majority of Virtual Console titles are released in the PAL version and the only PAL version of this game is in 50 Hz. We apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused to you.
Do they even know what a majority is?


Just bit the bullet and bought it. I was gonna buy it anyway sooner or later.

I can see the scrolling screen not being as smooth. Definitely noticeable if you're running around. Still very playable so far.


Okay, so I ended up buying it after all to test it out and add another opinion (please don't judge me! >_<).

I have to admit though, it's not that bad so far. The only thing that's really noticeable is that the scrolling is slightly jerky when running quickly across the screen (I tried as well with Rambi's super-charged sprint), but it doesn't distract from the gameplay. Still, wish it was the 60 Hz version. :/


I'm not having a go at anyone who bought it but

this is why Nintendo will continue to screw us over. sigh. I don't even care anymore. I'm obviously one of the very few who actually care enough to outright refuse to support their practices.


Are they not aware that PAL roms sucked or something?

I spent a month arguing legalities with Nintendo UK before they eventually restored my NNID onto my new Wii U.

they are without a doubt the worst customer service I have ever encountered in my entire life. Absolutely stunningly incompetent.


Nintendo couldn't restore my Wii purchase history to my Wii U because something weird happened and everything bought before Virtua Fighter 2 for Mega Drive was lost. I just gave up after a while it was so awful.

I'll just reinstall what I lost through other methods if I actually want to play them again.
Huh?...I was going to post in the DKC2 community to bitch about 50hz, but it seems you can now only post in the communities where you own the game.

The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if NoE nerfed my account because of 'excessive' 50hz critique lol.


I'm not having a go at anyone who bought it but

this is why Nintendo will continue to screw us over. sigh. I don't even care anymore. I'm obviously one of the very few who actually care enough to outright refuse to support their practices.

Yeah, that's why I was pretty reluctant to download it - my curiosity got the better of me in the end though. :/

I'll keep playing through it to see how the harder stages fare when it comes to timing jumps.


Huh?...I was going to post in the DKC2 community to bitch about 50hz, but it seems you can now only post in the communities where you own the game.

The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if NoE nerfed my account because of 'excessive' 50hz critique lol.

You can post without owning the game. Just go to All Posts rather than the default Player Posts.


Nintendo couldn't restore my Wii purchase history to my Wii U because something weird happened and everything bought before Virtua Fighter 2 for Mega Drive was lost. I just gave up after a while it was so awful.

you should have kept at it.

I happened to work as a supervisor for a large internet company call centre, so I knew what the procedure essentially was. Eventually they give in. Everyone gives in, providing you have UK law to back you up (and I did, my purchases were legally mine and Nintendo had no right to not give me access back as any EULA has no legal standing here).

but with Nintendo it took significantly longer than anyone else I've ever dealt with to apologize and admit that they were bullshitting me all along with the "sorry, can't do it. fuck off" responses. No, I had to threaten court action first.


Okay, so I ended up buying it after all to test it out and add another opinion (please don't judge me! >_<).

I have to admit though, it's not that bad so far. The only thing that's really noticeable is that the scrolling is slightly jerky when running quickly across the screen (I tried as well with Rambi's super-charged sprint), but it doesn't distract from the gameplay. Still, wish it was the 60 Hz version. :/

This is pretty much exactly my assessment/opinion. It's not as perfect as it should be but it's still absolutely playable. It's not like you're running without stopping all the time anyway.

If this is someone's only option of experiencing or reexperiencing this classic and the only alternative is not getting to play it, then I see nothing wrong with jumping on this regardless.


Are the DKC games back on Wii VC as well?
(I already own them on Wii, so I can't check for sure)

Aspect ratio.
But that probably isn't a change in the ROM of the game itself, but a setting for the emulator.

His question was about Super Metroid, though.
Yeah it was.

Do they even know what a majority is?
If they are referring to the whole VC sereis in Europe they are correct I think.
I haven't counted, but there must be more 50hz titles on Wii VC, than 60 hz on Wii, WiiU and 3DS combined.

I can see the scrolling screen not being as smooth. Definitely noticeable if you're running around. Still very playable so far.
Do you think there is dropped input?

Are they not aware that PAL roms sucked or something?
Wii U (and PAL-progressive on Wii) issues aside, PAL ROMs sucking is just an opinion.


It's not like you're running without stopping all the time anyway.

but...that's how you're supposed to play through DKC2. It's designed so you can fly through it as quickly as possible. I've been playing it that way for about 15 years now.


but...that's how you're supposed to play through DKC2. It's designed so you can fly through it as quickly as possible. I've been playing it that way for about 15 years now.

It's great either way, but yeah, I need to knuckle down and get good at flying through that hot air balloon level.


but...that's how you're supposed to play through DKC2. It's designed so you can fly through it as quickly as possible. I've been playing it that way for about 15 years now.

That's not what I meant. I mean literally running constantly. Even if you're really good you just have to stop every now and then or hop across enemies which is not a full-speed situation. But I realize that you are extremely bothered by this. I'm not addressing you with this anyway, just the normal people who are not as extreme about it (I mean no offense btw, sorry if it comes across like that).


I was hoping you'd say otherwise. I only revisit the game once a year but that hot air one is getting on my nerves.

I can usually time my jump at the section with three balloons in one screen (yours, one with a rat and one with a large kremling) so that I can clear about a screen and a half in one jump.

but thats kinda like, split second precision - I very much doubt I would be able to pull that off on the Wii U VC version.

richisawesome do you have any speedrun videos up?

nah, I've been meaning to do an any% run for some time though. Haven't really got any way to record it all either. I'll do a speedrun today or tomorrow and take a screenshot of the menu screen after - it'll be under an hour in total.


Virtual Console on Wii U is such a fuck-up. I gave up on the service a long time ago. And I'm not in Europe, but I empathize with your specific situation... Maybe we'll have better luck with VC on their next systems? But for that to happen they'd have to re-do everything from scratch again as well. sigh


actually, fuck it. I'm bored. I'm going to start my any% speedrun now and I'll post a screenshot of the time on the menu when I'm done with K Rool.


This is pretty much exactly my assessment/opinion. It's not as perfect as it should be but it's still absolutely playable. It's not like you're running without stopping all the time anyway.

If this is someone's only option of experiencing or reexperiencing this classic and the only alternative is not getting to play it, then I see nothing wrong with jumping on this regardless.

I've finished the first world without encountering any problems (and truthfully I'm already used to the scrolling issue), so yeah, playability is definitely no concern.

I can understand people still not wanting to get the game simply on principle though.

Ulysses 31

I've finished the first world without encountering any problems (and truthfully I'm already used to the scrolling issue), so yeah, playability is definitely no concern.

I can understand people still not wanting to get the game simply on principle though.

Given the choice I'd take the 60 Hz versions 100% of the time but so far I can't say the 50 Hz versions really are noticably less playable.
Virtual Console on Wii U is such a fuck-up. I gave up on the service a long time ago. And I'm not in Europe, but I empathize with your specific situation... Maybe we'll have better luck with VC on their next systems? But for that to happen they'd have to re-do everything from scratch again as well. sigh

What do you mean? All they'll have to do is pack in the 60hz version with releases that were previously 50hz only. Most of the VC titles on the European eShop are already 60hz.


What do you mean? All they'll have to do is pack in the 60hz version with releases that were previously 50hz only. Most of the VC titles on the European eShop are already 60hz.

It depends on if their next systems can actually run the Wii U VC games natively, first of all. Then there are other quality issues with Wii U VC games like the aggressive blur filter on NES games and the lack of any filtering besides nearest-neighbor on SNES games.

Then of course there are the darkened colors on NES games that have been present since the Wii, but are absent from NES VC games on 3DS.

GBA emulation seems to be the best on Wii U, but that's not even by Nintendo. M2 develops the GBA VC games on Wii U.
It depends on if their next systems can actually run the Wii U VC games natively, first of all. Then there are other quality issues with Wii U VC games like the aggressive blur filter on NES games and the lack of any filtering besides nearest neighbor on SNES games.

Then of course the constant issue with darkened colors on NES games.

GBA emulation seems to be the best, but that's not even by Nintendo. M2 develops the GBA VC games on Wii U.

Well, they are apparently using the Wii U architecture as basis for the next console (and handheld?), so the games just might run with very little work. I doubt even Nintendo is stupid enough to start over from scratch. AGAIN.

As far as filters go, I'd imagine those kind of modifications would be easy to make. It's the emulation itself that's the tricky part.


So how are the GBA ports? I'll probably want to play DKC2 eventually and that seems like the easiest option.

I've been goggling for a while and so far the only noteworthy differences seem to be the downgraded graphics and sound, some minor changes in the levels, and the GBA releases having some extra stuff. I don't really mind the audio-visual downgrade if the gameplay (controls, hit detection, physics...) is still the same or better.


just took a break. I'm at krazy kremland now.

Good luck with the rest of the way! Off to bed now myself.

So how are the GBA ports? I'll probably want to play DKC2 eventually and that seems like the easiest option.

I've been goggling for a while and so far the only noteworthy differences seem to be the downgraded graphics and sound, some minor changes in the levels, and the GBA releases having some extra stuff. I don't really mind the audio-visual downgrade if the gameplay (controls, hit detection, physics...) is still the same or better.

Well, I just had a look at some footage of it, and aside from making my eyes and ears bleed, I noticed that the bounce off of enemies looks a bit weaker.


finished. final time at the save point just before K Rool: 1:02.

damn. so close to under an hour.

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