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50 Shades of Grey- The movie: Reviews

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*male gaffers everywhere watch porn on the regular, from hentai to cuckolding to incest*

*a movie specifically directed towards expression of female sexuality and common interests / fantasies including domination and a seasoned man with money and power gets produced, receives widespread interest*

female gaffer: "I'm going to go see this! It's great they finally made an erotic film specifically aimed at women!"

male gaffer: "You can't! Based on this handful of search results I got from desperately searching through Tumblr for counterpoints, 50 Shades of Gray demeans women! I mean, I get it's fiction, but what if it wasn't? It's one thing if I'm calling down airstrikes on giant monsters or playing Torture Simulator 2015, but a form of release that's not specifically geared towards male enjoyment? Hell, no! We can't have you guys being open about what you want! Then how am I supposed to brood about women being mysterious and not knowing what you all want?"

quoting just to say how fucking awful this post is. smdh.

The movie is gonna be mediocre but my SO wants go so whatevs. Gotta buy those tickets.


I do take BDSM super seriously-- because it can be dangerous. I take most dangerous activities seriously.

& yeah, there is absolutely nothing wrong with educating others about safety regarding potentially dangerous situations.

If you're going to dismiss this and then make some sort of absurd argument comparing BDSM to being fantasy porn (made up situation/scenario), then you don't seem to realize that BDSM exists in real life.
It depends on where you take it, it doesn't have to be dangerous at all, especially if you're doing it with a partner you're familiar with.

Now, if your argument is that people should be better educated about sex, sex toys, kinky stuff, roleplaying, bondage etc. I'm with you 110%, I'm just not sure you need to pin it on something like 50 Shades of Grey.

And I'm not comparing actual BDSM to fantasy porn, I'm comparing (light) fantasy porn for women to fantasy porn for men.


There's a lot of women who find that arousing, and you're telling them "no! no! that's irresponsible, that might lead to unhealthy relationship and gagball injuries!".
Do you apply the same standards to the porn you're watching?
Are you like midway through go "no, wait, isn't that milf is in position of authority over her babysitter? that is send the wrong message that you can threaten termination in order to get hot lesbian sex!".

Wow, you take BDSM like super seriously.
Not a criticism, whatever float your boat, just an observation. And I really don't think most people who get curious from watching this book will have to shadow a dom in order to get their freak on.

As everyone who practices it should. Wrong practice of BDSM can lead to (permanent) injuries and even death.
I read Fifty Shades of Grey, and it just made me sad that so many people have such miserable sex lives that what is depicted between its covers was titillating or exciting to them.

Also, yeah, it's a really, really terrible portrayal of BDSM. And its sexual politics in general are shitty and gross.



I'm not sure what point you're trying to make anymore.

50 Shades of Grey is EXTREMELY popular. 50 Shades of Grey is about a BDSM relationship. BDSM, by nature, is potentially dangerous. Therefore, 50 Shades of Grey is, in many ways, being irresponsible about BDSM, because, among its problems, it does not address consent.

(Just because you're doing BDSM with someone who you know doesn't make it any safer if neither one of you knows wtf is going on.

As to address people being better educated about BDSM-- yes, one of those key things about BDSM includes consent.)

If your argument is that it's okay 50 Shades of Grey glorifies an unhealthy, abusive BDSM dynamic, we're not going to ever agree since most of the criticism is that 50 Shades SHOULDN'T have depicted an unhealthy and abusive BDSM relationship, and should instead have depicted a safe one... or, if depicting an unhealthy, "bad" relationship, should not have glorified it.

Basically what you are saying is that violence in movies influences people's behaviours. It's basically saying that people can't distinguish between reality and fantasy. We have been having this argument for like forever.


formerly Oynox Slider
Do you remember the debate about men saying things like, "but I knew she actually wanted to"? I hear it a lot-- "but I could just tell she wanted it." What happened? Rape. In these very forums I've had arguments with people about how "but I could tell she wanted it" did not translate into consensual sex, and I've had PMs from people sharing their experiences- how they were raped while being told that same line "I know you actually like this."

I do worry that this being super popular, especially among women, may end with some people taking away the notion that "most/many women want to be dominated," which in itself isn't harmful-- until someone doesn't realize that consent, first and before all, is required... since the books make no mention of how consent is the most important thing. & signing that contract wasn't even consent & knowledge, it was some sort of fucked up psychological power play.

edit: Just to emphasize something- many, if not most, people involved in power exchange (and ESPECIALLY total power exchange), in the BDSM community, are familiar with the burden and responsibilities of a dom. New doms are encouraged to shadow other experienced doms. Being a dom is considered a responsibility and a privilege, and part of that is to be sure that you know what you are getting yourself into, and that your partner is mentally aware of what is going on. I'm not talking about play parties with d/s dynamics, I'm talking about the honestly, somewhat risky business of TPE (which can be awesome). IF the book was a "real" relationship, Christian, being the "experienced" one, is supposed to be partially responsible for educating/discussing with his sub/partner, in a non-power-exchange environment, everything that he and his partner will be doing... to make sure he has her consent when she is not under duress.

You are much more optimistic than me.

*double edit: Let me be clear ... normally I like to laugh at my partner for being somewhat of a snobby elitist about things that I don't think matter-- like video games and music. Fuck, I listen to pop, I can sing along to most top 100 songs.. it's not "quality of art" that I care about.

BDSM isn't like a video game or a song. It actually has the potential to be physically harmful to others. BDSM isn't just something you read about in a book-- it is dangerous if done incorrectly. I am a snob about BDSM the way I am a snob about standards regarding food, architecture, and other things that-- if done improperly or are poorly regulated-- can result in great harm to others. My problem with 50 Shades ISN'T the writing quality, or whatever, just like my problem with fishing up some random tuna from a lake isn't with the "quality" of the taste-- it's about the dangers of the practice. It's about how eating raw fish that isn't properly prepared CAN lead to infections, worms, etc.. just like doing BDSM improperly CAN lead to injury, dis-figuration, and death.

Hey bunny. Thanks for your posts. Certainly things I'll bear in mind once I've seen it.



Read this, it explains perfectly what's wrong with the movies depiction of BDSM.

The problem is that Fifty Shades casually associates hot sex with violence, but without any of this context. Sometimes, Ana says yes to sex she’s uncomfortable with because she’s too shy to speak her mind, or because she’s afraid of losing Christian; she gives consent when he wants to inflict pain, yet that doesn’t prevent her from being harmed.

This is a troubling fantasy in American culture, where one in five women will be raped within their lifetime.
I think the hate against this is mostly because it is mainstream. I watched Secretary and that to me seemed like an abusive relationship and I don't see much difference between 50 Shades of Gray. People will always criticize what suburban moms are into even if it should be something that is liberating sex to the mainstream.


50 Shades of Grey is EXTREMELY popular. 50 Shades of Grey is about a BDSM relationship. BDSM, by nature, is potentially dangerous. Therefore, 50 Shades of Grey is, in many ways, being irresponsible about BDSM, because, among its problems, it does not address consent.
"Trust me, I'm an expert."

You're totally in the wrong here. There's a fine line between BDSM and outright abuse of a person. 50 Shades crosses it almost every single time. What the movie does or does not "address" doesn't really matter in the context of the entire plot and its meaning.

As for people getting upset that women are in a frenzy to go see it, maybe some have a White Knight complex and are losing faith in the opposite sex. Who knows. I will agree that of all the movies that are pushing the envelope in sex being all the more accepted in our society, this is a baffling choice. It's a poorly written Twilight fanfic taking cues from torture porn disguising itself as typical BDSM. That's just wrong, especially to younger women who are sexually naive and watch this thinking it's supposed to be more of a normal thing.



Yeah, It does kind sound like she is saying that 'consent' doesn't really mean anything because she didn't really want to do it.

In terms of the 1 in 5 statistic, maybe it really is that high, but there are other studies that get much lower numbers. The Bureau of Justice survey on victimisation (which covers over 30 years) never seems to get anywhere near that number. It even uses a similar methodology in the questions. They have a sample size of over 160,000 people (although it covers a number of crimes including rape).

I think the hate against this is mostly because it is mainstream. I watched Secretary and that to me seemed like an abusive relationship and I don't see much difference between 50 Shades of Gray. People will always criticize what suburban moms are into even if it should be something that is liberating sex to the mainstream.

I was thinking that. Things like sadomasochism for instance has been shown in so many movies over the years in a really bad light, but because they aren't mainstream nothing is ever said about them,

In fact I watched like a German underground movie the other year, It is basically about a BDSM couple that abuse some girl on a boat. The film is absolutely disgusting. The last scene of the movie is seriously fucked up. I have been trying to think of the name of the movie, but I can't remember it. It something like, "Journey to..." somewhere.

It's funny actually, the thing that really stuck in my mind from that movie was the soundtrack. The background music wasn't ever in any way sinister. The couple were on holiday on a boat trip, and the music sort of invoked the feeling they were on a 'grand adventure' having the time of their lives. I started thinking that, yeah, from their perspective this would be true. Abusing women was what they got off on. I found the idea rather unsettling.

If I can think of the name I will post it in this thread.


I'll never understand why something as terrible as 50 shades is a success and something so much better like "Story of O" goes ignored
I'll never understand why something as terrible as 50 shades is a success and something so much better like "Story of O" goes ignored

i'll never understand why "work that touches on most basic human interest" is a success and why "well-credited work of art" goes ignored.

we have been doing this song and dance for decades.


i'll never understand why "work that touches on most basic human interest" is a success and why "well-credited work of art" goes ignored.

we have been doing this song and dance for decades.
Shades is terrible lutterature, there's no redeeming qualities from a writing point of view and yes, I read all 3 books, they're beyond terrible.


I'll never understand why something as terrible as 50 shades is a success and something so much better like "Story of O" goes ignored

A fairly starved demographic latched onto one of the few things that caters to them and it spiralled out from there. It's not hard to se why it became so popular.

As someone in said demographic I ended up really disappointed in how terrible I thought it was.
Shades is terrible lutterature, there's no redeeming qualities from a writing point of view and yes, I read all 3 books, they're beyond terrible.

and the millions of women in line to see a movie about a "shitty" book means that some people don't think it's terrible.

A fairly starved demographic latched onto one of the few things that caters to them and it spiralled out from there. It's not hard to se why it became so popular.

As someone in said demographic I ended up really disappointed in how terrible I thought it was.

or maybe, JUST MAYBE, contrary to what some gaffers here believe women, just like men, like stuff that touches on their most basic of desires. Something innate.

Some people confused themselves, IMO, to thinking that just because women are "finally" having their interests met (whatever that means, and has been going on for ages IMO) and are shocked that this schlock of a movie is what strikes at the heart of the female fanbase.

Some expected that catering to women meant "tasteful" or "content that i find wholesome and empowering" by default. SURPRISE! in your very own words, they like stuff that you find problematic (in your opinion) and promotes a bunch of "what if" situations that either haven't occurred yet or not given enough time to form a valid opinion.

So in a deflecting stance, some immediately go to their safe corner, blaming it on men or "mansplaining". But don't worry. I'm sure women will eventually wake up from this garish nightmare of bad content and awaken to an utopia of movies and books that are empowering and totally fall in line with the gaf feminist ideal world view. When we can all see most criticism is varied and coming from some rather surprising corners (hint hint). So now the new target is women's tastes.

for your sakes i hope so. Because I don't like Michael Bae explosion-a-thons either. But they sell, by the millions. Which means that people like them. And people are being catered to. And not every movie has to be Citizen Kane. Nor does everyone want to be preached on on every aspect.

Our heroes do violent, despicable things to the enemies on screen. but we can discern that from normal behavior. Well most can. I was hoping the more "socially progressive" gaf would also give women the benefit of the doubt that they can discern the content from the reality of life. But....i won't hold my breath. And then people complain when the word "prude" gets thrown about...


If this film had generally favorable reviews, then I'd consider watching it. As it is, nope. I won't even go out of my way to see it on cable.


Asked my wife (who thought the book was terribly written) if she wanted to see this on V-Day. She said that she'd rather see Jupiter Ascending.. talk about a catch-22...


or maybe, JUST MAYBE, contrary to what some gaffers here believe women, just like men, like stuff that touches on their most basic of desires. Something innate.

Some people confused themselves, IMO, to thinking that just because women are "finally" having their interests met (whatever that means, and has been going on for ages IMO) and are shocked that this schlock of a movie is what strikes at the heart of the female fanbase.

Some expected that catering to women meant "tasteful" or "content that i find wholesome and empowering" by default. SURPRISE! in your very own words, they like stuff that you find problematic (in your opinion) and promotes a bunch of "what if" situations that either haven't occurred yet or not given enough time to form a valid opinion.

So in a deflecting stance, some immediately go to their safe corner, blaming it on men or "mansplaining". But don't worry. I'm sure women will eventually wake up from this garish nightmare of bad content and awaken to an utopia of movies and books that are empowering and totally fall in line with the gaf feminist ideal world view. When we can all see most criticism is varied and coming from some rather surprising corners (hint hint). So now the new target is women's tastes.

for your sakes i hope so. Because I don't like Michael Bae explosion-a-thons either. But they sell, by the millions. Which means that people like them. And people are being catered to. And not every movie has to be Citizen Kane. Nor does everyone want to be preached on on every aspect.

Our heroes do violent, despicable things to the enemies on screen. but we can discern that from normal behavior. Well most can. I was hoping the more "socially progressive" gaf would also give women the benefit of the doubt that they can discern the content from the reality of life. But....i won't hold my breath. And then people complain when the word "prude" gets thrown about...

You really got the wrong idea from my post. By being in the target demographic I meant that I am a woman with these fantasies. I wnet in expecting porn and I ended up getting terrible porn.


I found this pic and died laughing.


Wife really enjoyed the books, but I think this was her first venture into Erotica, as I am sure there are better, more steamy, ones out there.

She said the movie will probably be shit, but it might make her panties wet. So as a married man, I will take whatever advantage I get. Hopefully the movie isn't so shitty that it leads her to wanting to have sex even less than the one time per bloody vagina period that we have now.
"Trust me, I'm an expert."
Hey I know that Japan expert post was funny and all, but sometimes people do have more experience and knowledge than you, and just pointing out that they have that is not a negative. You dont need to whip out an old meme so you can insult someone for sharing in something they know about.


Here's the wacky thing that bugs me about the statistics: They're using this headline because injuries doubled since 2007, so four years before the book came out. They're also reporting that sex toys surged in sales since the book was published. So if you really want to find more convincing statistics wouldn't you start from 2011 (when the book was published), and then compare the ratio of toy sales to injuries since 2011 to the previous four years?


Edit- sorry, just to rant a bit (it's late). I sometimes detect a bit of that sneery, snobby tone to discussions about any popular female fiction, like those that enjoy it are infants who need to be guided to more elevated pastimes. It's really condescending and tiring. This isn't particularly directed at you, it's just something I often see. It's a bit lazy.

This. Every thread I've seen about this movie is the same thing. I accept Backslash's take and those within the BDSM community being concerned. That is fine criticism and they have a very specific reason for their problems with the story. But the utter contempt by others because a lot of women read and enjoyed the book and want to see the movie is irritating. There are plenty of movies that cater to men and I have no interest in them. But, I don't go into every thread about them bitching and bemoaning it's popularity to the opposite sex. Who fucking cares what other people want to see? Hell, I haven't read the book (and yes I've read Story of O thankyouverymuch) but I am going to see this movie with a group of women who are very excited about it. Maybe I'll hate it but there have been plenty of other popular things I've hated and it wasn't the end of the world.


This. Every thread I've seen about this movie is the same thing. I accept Backslash's take and those within the BDSM community being concerned. That is fine criticism and they have a very specific reason for their problems with the story. But the utter contempt by others because a lot of women read and enjoyed the book and want to see the movie is irritating. There are plenty of movies that cater to men and I have no interest in them. But, I don't go into every thread about them bitching and bemoaning it's popularity to the opposite sex. Who fucking cares what other people want to see? Hell, I haven't read the book (and yes I've read Story of O thankyouverymuch) but I am going to see this movie with a group of women who are very excited about it. Maybe I'll hate it but there have been plenty of other popular things I've hated and it wasn't the end of the world.


Just think of how many sexually charged films are aimed at men. Then ponder how many are aimed at women. 50 Shades of Grey might be rubbish, but females deserve 'sexy' films as much as men do. Maybe more. After all, what's wrong with being sexy?



Just think of how many sexually charged films are aimed at men. Then ponder how many are aimed at women. 50 Shades of Grey might be rubbish, but females deserve 'sexy' films as much as men do. Maybe more. After all, what's wrong with being sexy?

Exactly. Women deserve their crappy sex movies as much as men do.

Cake Boss

Going to see this with the gf because we already did our valentines thing 2 weeks ago and we have nothing to do on the Saturday. Our sex life is amazing and she barely read the book but were both interested into the sex and the BDSM aspect.

I hope GAF approves my descion.



Yes, it's an abomination of literature. No, it's not an accurate depiction of a BDSM lifestyle. Yes, the movie is basically porn.

I'm just sick of hearing about it period, BOTH sides.


at last, for christ's sake
oh God gaf, fiance got caught in the hype and wants me to take her to the cinema. I smell an incredibly boring shitefest I won't even be allowed to sleep through. Ughhhh



I'm not sure what point you're trying to make anymore.

50 Shades of Grey is EXTREMELY popular. 50 Shades of Grey is about a BDSM relationship. BDSM, by nature, is potentially dangerous. Therefore, 50 Shades of Grey is, in many ways, being irresponsible about BDSM, because, among its problems, it does not address consent.

(Just because you're doing BDSM with someone who you know doesn't make it any safer if neither one of you knows wtf is going on.

As to address people being better educated about BDSM-- yes, one of those key things about BDSM includes consent.)

If your argument is that it's okay 50 Shades of Grey glorifies an unhealthy, abusive BDSM dynamic, we're not going to ever agree since most of the criticism is that 50 Shades SHOULDN'T have depicted an unhealthy and abusive BDSM relationship, and should instead have depicted a safe one... or, if depicting an unhealthy, "bad" relationship, should not have glorified it.
I'm saying it's basically porn.
it's not meant to educate or glorify, it meant to get people aroused, and judging by its sales, it's pretty damn successful at that.

And again, porn depict a whole lot of unhealthy behaviors, a boss fucking an applicant with a promise of a job or a teacher fucking her student is a terrible behavior that can lead to serious emotional scarring, getting a blowjob while driving a car is a legit dangerous activity that can easily lead to death. Do I need to go on here?
Now if you want to make the case that this is all inappropriate that's fine, there's a whole lot of people who would agree with you (most of them are members of organizations that have the words "concerned" and "mothers" in them), but if not, explain to me what make this movie so different.
Hey I know that Japan expert post was funny and all, but sometimes people do have more experience and knowledge than you, and just pointing out that they have that is not a negative. You dont need to whip out an old meme so you can insult someone for sharing in something they know about.
There's nothing wrong with that, but I can't lie, some people in this thread come across as total sexual mall ninjas -
"Be careful young apprentice, for the nipple clamp is a dangerous ancient weapon. I have attained a latex black belt from the great Dominatrix of Berlin, I can teach you to master it, I can show you the ways of the Total Power Exchange, but it will be a long and perilous journey".

And listen, if you want to take it super super serious that's fine (again, I personally think people should lighten the fuck up about sex in general and BDSM in particular, but that's just me) but you act like someone who was unaware/not into it will come home after watching the movie and tell her husband "babe, I want you to tie me down, strangle me and fuck me while I'm shouting 'no, no, please stop, I forgot the safe word, this was all a mistake, I can't breath!!!".

I think most people at most will at most get some sex toys and spice their love life with a bit of light bondage and some playful spanking.

Is it possible that some people would take too far?
Sure, people kill themselves doing sexual actives all the time, but honestly, you can't judge a movie based on what the dumbest person in the world will be inspired to do after watching it, I mean sheeeeeit, some people saw superman and tried to fly out of the window.
Box Office prediction

The hotly-anticipated movie is virtually guaranteed to set a new high mark for President's Day weekend, and it could even top The Hangover Part II's record for biggest R-rated opening ever.

Meanwhile, Kingsman: The Secret Service could reach $30 million over its first four days, which would be a good result for this R-rated comic book adaptation.

As the movie's recent Super Bowl spot seemed eager to point out, Fifty Shades of Grey has sold over 100 million copies worldwide. That's a stunning number, and makes it a book phenomenon on par with the likes of Twilight, The Hunger Games and Harry Potter. The Super Bowl commercial also noted that the trailer for the big-screen adaptation has received over 250 million views, which is another truly remarkable figure.

Taken at face value, those numbers should pretty safely translate in to a pretty massive debut—$100 million or more, perhaps. In this case, though, it's not quite that simple. First, the book fits squarely in to the "erotic fiction" genre, and has a heavy emphasis on sadomasochistic behavior. There's some question as to whether those who read the book in private will feel comfortable joining hundreds of other people to watch some of the more risque material depicted on-screen.


I can't believe this...thing...is a success. I gave the book to my girlfriend, thinking it was just a "romance", because she likes to read these kind of books.

Two days later, she asked me to return it. "Why?", I asked. That never happened before. Then, she told me everything she could manage to read. What the hell?! I refuse to believe that women like to be submissive, owned by a male, just to be his sex slave, while suffering a lot of pain.

And now that the movie is out, everyone is talking about it again (mostly women, from my experience).

Sadism is now glorified in the western culture. Where have we failed?


So, what you're trying to say is, you don't care that the movie is a dangerous depiction of abuse masquerading as BDSM, and you don't know enough about BDSM to realize it is potentially dangerous in even little things like bondage and implement play, but dismiss the concerns of someone who actually is involved in the community and is knowledgeable about these practices.

.... okay. I think my exchange with you is done.

Violence and War are more dangerous than BDSM, what is your opinion on movies that depict them? Do you hold those movies to the same standards you seem to be holding 50 shades's depiction of BDSM?


I can't believe this...thing...is a success. I gave the book to my girlfriend, thinking it was just a "romance", because she likes to read these kind of books.

Two days later, she asked me to return it. "Why?", I asked. That never happened before. Then, she told me everything she could manage to read. What the hell?! I refuse to believe that women like to be submissive, owned by a male, just to be his sex slave, while suffering a lot of pain.

And now that the movie is out, everyone is talking about it again (mostly women, from my experience).

Sadism is now glorified in the western culture. Where have we failed?
What right do you think you have to tell women what they should and shouldn't find arousing?
So, what you're trying to say is, you don't care that the movie is a dangerous depiction of abuse masquerading as BDSM,
The only real negative I've seen so far with 50 Shades of Grey is that it that someone might end up getting into BDSM without any further research and break their twat bone. This is on the same level with the dangers of WWE and Extreme Sports movies, as in "Idiots may get hurt, who cares?"

anything else about it, that it's "A Rape Fantasy Disguised as BDSM" is just lol. As abusive and rapey the story is, dozens upon dozens of millions of women found it fucking awesome. You're seriously going to tell them that it's a moral outrage that they're into a rape fantasy?
Going to go see this shitty movie in two hours as a reprieve from work. I think this will be the nice place for a bit of eye-candy and falling asleep....


it's not such a rarity, and many men feel the same.
and it's not just a western thing.

Also there's a difference between immersing yourself in an erotic fantasy and what you really want in life.

Taboo was a huge deal back in the day, and yet no one fucked their mothers!


I can't believe this...thing...is a success. I gave the book to my girlfriend, thinking it was just a "romance", because she likes to read these kind of books.

Two days later, she asked me to return it. "Why?", I asked. That never happened before. Then, she told me everything she could manage to read. What the hell?! I refuse to believe that women like to be submissive, owned by a male, just to be his sex slave, while suffering a lot of pain.

And now that the movie is out, everyone is talking about it again (mostly women, from my experience).

Sadism is now glorified in the western culture. Where have we failed?

I guess people don't remember back in the 1970s when the big thing was Nancy Friday's stuff.


Some of the stuff in her books, holy crap. Not just stuff like that, there was things like bestiality and pedophilia in her book Women on Top

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